
I'm currently trying to finish up my latest read, Stephen King's From a Buick 8 - it's a slow read - for me at least. I'm always slow when it comes to Stephen King's. I like how he described things and would tend to go slow as I'd be busy reading and imagining all at the same time. he he.

Absolutely a different read compared to my usual non-fiction and BBW 2015 is coming in December!

Yea, I need to stock up for the kids. My kids are a bunch of book-eaters, like literally and whilst I'm at it, might as well grab some for myself - tho I still have a handful of books - untouched. Talks about getting way out of my reading-plan. Nak habiskan a book monthly is such a chore these days and to think that I only got myself like 15 books to read from BBW last year, tu pon tak boleh habis. It's already October and I think I have > 5 more to go. Haih, I don't know myself anymore.

My favourite leave-on hair conditioner is on SALE (again!). The one that I've been using since forever on Myra, but I still have another huge bottle at home from my last haul - but there's no harm in stocking up when it's on Sale right? It's not like it's going to wilt or something, righttt? Haih, mom's dilemma.

Contrary to the last post. Shariq now eats like a champ (and he loves oranges!). It's such a joy to watch him eat. Suap, telan, suap, telan. Macam bagi makan ulaq sawa. ha ha. I must be imagining things, but I swear he is a lot heavier now - tho it's impossible to wish for the return of pipi-kuih-pau but looking at his yummy buncit tummy is a definition of happiness to me, I'm so easy to please.

I've stopped pumping at work, yup, no more EBM for Shariq. I guess that I just got too busy and too tired of pumping but he stills stick to me like a baby koala when I'm home (and there's no way for him to take the bottle when I'm around), like the first thing that he'll ask for when I'm back from work is to be fed. Bila mak dia balik, macam eureka moment sangat. ha ha. So yea, for the record, there's no more EBM when Shariq's 18mth old, but the direct feeding will go on as long as Allah permits. Next baby, mummy will strive harder okay? InsyaAllah.

We've been trying to go somewhere (not abroad) for a quick getaway. Ya know, stay at a good hotel, pool time whilst eating good food. That sorta thing, but the haze is yet to go away, so we're second-guessing our decision - must not expose the kids to the unhealthy outdoor, so how la?

I'm trying to lose weight. There I said it. I think ever since I've stopped pumping, the weight spiked up a little, so yea, in the spirit of maintaining the weight that I've lost effortlessly , thanks to child-birth and breastfeeding, mari lah hmppp...try to eat clean for a bit.

I'm back to my milk + bird food(read:cereal, the less processed the better) or salad with homemade dressing or anything-healthy-that-I-can-grab-from-home breakfast routine.

Last weekend, whilst the kids were asleep, I almost died of boredom (C*** was away on a work trip on Sunday - which explains the boredom) so I made myself a batch of pesto - mixture of walnut, almond, cashew, olive oil, garlic and thai basil. I skipped the cheese. The nuts combo are creamy enough for me to forgo the cheese. Lagipun kan nak ehem..kurus, we must cut off the calories whenever possible. This is my logic, I'm no Kevin Z@hri.

Back to the pesto, it tastes divine. I had it with pasta - seasoned with salt, pepper and dry chili flakes - topped with grilled chicken breast (which I dry-rub with black pepper, paprika and salt) for dinner. Mak memang suka jadi chef syok sendiri dekat rumah. My ig is flooded with #mycookingadventure photos. I'm not a great cook, but I hafta admit that cooking is pretty calming.

Whatever floats your boat lah kan?


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