♥of.quick random update.&.me.♥
Well hello, I'm still alive and kicking - just a tad busy at work and at home - so this is gonna be a quick one, kot.
We had fun during our Perth getaway few months ago - yea, couldn't be bothered to write about the trip. Malas berkadar langsung dengan pertambahan usia. Anyway, it's a trip which I organized myself - sebab C*** claimed that it's my turn. Everything from the visa, car rental, apartments, itinerary segala and I think that I aced it - sebab there's no language barrier so takde lah mak mengagau. So yea, what's next? Osaka? :P
Anyway, I think that I went crazy on the groceries, chocolate, fruits (so fresh soooo cheap) and kids' clothes. I only splurged on the drugstores stuff for myself. Makeup, facial cleanser, tons of lip balm/butter and makeup brushes. They are so cheap - yes, even after the conversion that I wanna cry - especially the kids' clothes lah. No wonder anak mat salleh selalu berbaju comel. :P
Moving on, managed to try out a local Air BNB in Penang. I hafta say that it's a good one. I found a pretty luxurious condo that comes with its own personal elevator, salt-water pool (ada stingrays!), nice pools, awesome playground and whatnot. Money well spent.
Well, I hafta say that I'm at my heaviest weight right now, so much so that I decided to go for morning run with C*** whenever possible (especially when we're back in kampung - so there's someone to look after the kids when we're out running) and we'd usually bring the kids to the park during the weekend so that they'll be able to play and I'll be able to walk/run. Haih, hafta do something about this before I turn into a dugong. T_T
The eldest is going to the big school next year and I'm all serabut just thinking about it. Yet to figure out about the transportation and transit and whatnot.
The wee one is so talkative these days that he talks non-stop if you let him. Pot pet pot pet and his vocabulary is pretty impressive too for someone his age. He absolutely knows how to win your heart that little one. Kalau kena marah je, he'll go "Mummy, adik nak peluk" and just like that I'll melt into a puddle tho sometimes I'd refrain from giving in.
So yea, fast forward, we're supposed to go back to Kedah for EID Adha but mum decided to come over to KL instead - since Tok's here. Need to think of where to bring them jalan-jalan then and probably bring them out for a good satay hunt.
Well, Selamat Hari Merdeka & Happy EID Adha!
Friday, August 25, 2017
Event and Incident,
Mom's dilemma.,
Random thoughts,
Yours Truly
Mother of Three Boys?6 years ago
Sesat!9 years ago
Wordless Wednesday – Photography10 years ago
battle royale...15 years ago
nyummm16 years ago
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