Owh rajin pulak makcik ni update blog.
Anyway, I've been making breakfast for C*** to bring to the office these days. Nothing fancy, so far it has been nothing but sandwiches. Egg sandwich, tuna sandwich, cheese sandwich, another variation of egg sandwich - repeat. LOL.
Can't bring myself to include cold cuts in his sandwich yet, konon rasa macam tak kesihatan. :P
Once or twice, I'd make some sandwich for myself, but more often than not, I'll settle with my cereal and cold milk which I have at the office. My current favourite is Great Grains Crunchy Pecans - tho at times rasa macam burung pulak due to its 'less processed' nature. Shall stick to that until I get bored or something.
The kids, Myra loves her usual cold milk and cereal breakfast with the occasional biskut cicah Milo whilst Shariq, it can be anything, depending on his mood - sometimes whatever Myra's having, else he'll chomp on the wholemeal bread or biscuits. On weekends, french toast is their favourite or cekodok pisang (I actually have frozen bananas in the freezer for that).
So yea, it's pretty easy to feed my little family. Not so hard to please which is why I strive to cook for them everyday (except on some Friday - cause ya know, it's Friyay. Tukang masak cuti ) - walaupon at times, after work penat macam nak get into the kitchen to start the dinner pon dah kena seret-seret kaki. Takpe lah, lillahi ta'ala kan?
Moving on, Shariq is currently in his active learning-and-talking phase. Few weeks ago, he suddenly started talking - exactly like how Myra started to talk. He surprises us at times, like where did you get that vocab from son? Tak pernah ajaq pon. It's getting easier to understand him and it has never been a problem for him to understand us either. Taking in instructions dah lama dah pandai, tho sometimes when he's not in the mood, buat dunno je. T__T
He loves cars and all sort of moving vehicles and he's capable of naming them too, from garbage truck to the (mobile) crane. Dia panggil all sort of lori tu truck. Lorry, lorry tak main.
He needs his day-nap else he'll get cranky - cause whenever he misses his nap at school sebab sibuk sangat main, bersiap sedia lah mummy untuk melayan raksaksa gorgon - on those days, usually before 9PM dah padam. He'd come to me and go "Nak dooooo dalam bilik,sleep sleep".
He's still a bf baby. I don't know when or even how to wean him off - tho most of the time he'll nurse for comfort instead of food but him wanting to nurse pon adelah an indicator that he's thirsty/hungry. Like, he'll be playing and running around and suddenly he'll come to me "Mummy, nak ne" T__T
I'd usually just ask him to take a sip from his water bottle and if he return back to me, I know that he's either hungry or tired so he wants to nurse to sleep. A mum is a mind reader okay?
Myra on the other hand, is as talkactive as ever, tho she's a bit reserved with strangers. My clever little girl is great in helping out around the house too - when in good mood la, bila bad mood terus jadi ratu ayaq mata. She can be quite dramatic sometimes, dapat pulak adik yang asyik dok memberi cobaan je. I guess that's how I felt about my little brother when we were little. Having a little brother can be pretty annoying at times ya know? So I don't blame her. :P
Well, she loves drawing and her love for drawing is never-ending, so much so that we bought her a hard-cover sketch book during our recent date-day-out. I told C*** bout how funny it is to actually go out on a date with your spouse but instead of spending the day shopping and whatnot for ourselves, we ended up buying things for the kids. Once a parent, always a parent. Mak bapak syndrome sangat.
Well, happy weekend.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Good Food,
Mom's dilemma.,
Mother of Three Boys?6 years ago
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