I've been wanting to write about our trip. Ya know, to have a written memory of our recent getaway, but I've been really busy. What's new with that kan?
These days I woke up at 4.30am to prepare sahur, then if I'm lucky (or just really really tired), I'll get a short 20 minutes nap after Subuh, else sila lah tunggu malam baru tidoq - which is when the kids are asleep or whilst putting the kids to sleep, dengan mak dia pon padam. Like I'd just black out and the next thing I know, it's time to wake up for sahur.
Yea, age is catching up. I know.
Moving on.
So yea, what about our trip? I had fun. We had fun. We walked a lot, like few kilometers daily, malam-malam rasa macam nak masak air panas rebus kaki. I've told C*** that I don't mind the walking as long as the weather is kind. Walking sambil melekit-lekit kepanasan is just not for me and since the weather was pretty awesome when we were there, so we walked a lot.
I should probably say that it felt safe to freely walk around their city, we even spotted a bunch of 6-7 years old kids walking home from school themselves, right smack in the middle of Tokyo like walking in a park.
Here in KL, I wouldn't think of letting my kids walk themselves home. The thought alone adelah scary. Haih.
Anyway, we went to the usual tourist spot, Sensoji Shrine, Asakusa (where I found my kuih bahulu with red beans), Euno Zoo - yang sungguh clean and awesome, we paid like RM16 kot to get in, FOC for kids under 12. I know I'm going to sound cheesy saying these, but the Japanese are so organized and bersopan-santun. Doesn't matter if the guy working at the 7E adelah seperti someone taken out of a Gothic movie, tapi sungguh la bersopan whilst at work.
We even covered the whole Shibuya, Shinjuku and even went to the Mitsui factory outlet. We went up the Tokyo Skytree too, I is lupa the ticket price, but I won't forget the fact that we experienced an earthquake (with 8.5 magnitude) while we're 350 floors off the ground. The tower swayed okay. I wouldn't mind a swinging tower if it's actually an attraction in an amusement park of something, but this one is none of that. It was scary then, it's still scary now. I'm just thankful that we're safe.
So yea, we even went to the Disneyland, probably one of the highlights of our trip - tho it would be better without the massive crowd tho we went on Monday. Rasa macam pegi fun fair. ha ha. The queue for most of the attractions were unbelievably long, so much so that we only queued for less than 10 times kot. Most of the time we were walking around, duduk-duduk makan ice cream, makan seafood calzone, tengok the endless parade, like eh ada parade and not so long after, eh..ade parade lagi, but it was a different one each time, so the kids loves em.
Owh yea, everything in Disneyland is super cute, even the water cooler pon comel. ha ha. Cuteness overload sangat. Walaupon dah mak budak, tetap la rasa giddy. Don't mind me. I'm still a kid at heart you see?
When it comes to food, I think we didn't have much problem, banyak sangat makanan untuk dimakan, unless you're the fussy type yang asyik nak makan nasi goreng kampung, then it cannot be helped. We didn't even bother to go for those usual kedai arab with nasi beriani/kebab.
I hafta admit that the choosing was breezy just because I always have my walking translator aka C*** with me. He'd read the labels or even ask the sellers if there's any bahan larangan added. So I got to sample quite a handful of desserts and a bunch of interesting looking food. Happy tummy, happy me sungguh.
Owh, it's also great to rent a place with a working kitchen - as we'd usually cook our own dinner. Beli fresh seafood from their (super clean) fresh market and most of the time I'd just pan-grilled the seafood with garlic butter. Nasi panas-panas (ready to eat rice in a pack, reheat jer), garlic butter pan-grilled seafood, scramble egg and salad = one happy family. Kenyang perut suka hati. he he.
Well, whilst we were there, some of the stores are having pre-summer sale. Like GAP was having 40% off everything. Like yea, everything, none of those off season stuff. Mak sungguh la gembira. We bought like tonnes of baju for the kids. Baju raya beli siap-siap. :P
I even managed to stock up on my LUSH stuff, decided to try a bunch of new stuff and replenish whatever that I've been using. Probably should write a review about it someday. :)
So yea, if you must know. I'm a cheapskate. A cheapskate like me loves Daiso. What not to love about em kan? Laden with cute practical and cheap stuff, so it goes without saying that I'd go to every single Daiso that we bumped into throughout our stay. Plus, if you were to convert 100yen, baru RM3 gitu + tax, depending on currency exchange, about RM2 cheaper than our local Daiso yes? What with the GST lagi. :P
Besides walking til I'm weak in the knees, we took the trains and a bus once. If you think that our train system is confusing, think again. It's only fortunate that C*** used to live there, so he sorta got the hang of it already - tho we did get lost, twice. he he. Sekali tu tersilap line (but the train master was kind enough to let us change to the right one without additional cost) and the other, we got off at a wrong station. The trains were super punctual - should I mention, unlike ours? :P
On a lighter note, I think I've sampled one of the best croissant in the world, ever - when we stopped at one of those train interchange, we bumped into this quaint little bakery which sells nothing but croissant - truth to be told we followed our noses to it - like the minute we got there we were like " Bau apa yang sedap ni?" - padahal it was still early in the morning and we're still quite full from our breakfast - tapi tetap la nak tau ape yang bau best sangat tu.
Long story short, we got ourselves two bagful of mini croissant - chocolate and the normal variety. It was being sold for I-couldn't-remember-how-much per 100g - which were fresh from the oven. It was awesome when it's hot and still pretty great when it's cold. The kids love it. Menyesal tak beli banyak-banyak. I even requested to revisit the bakery, but time was pretty tight so we didn't get to drop by on our way back to our apartment later that day.
This is getting too long, later lah.
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