of.post pregnancy.&.me.

Oct 16

My (once owh so glorious) hair is starting to shed these days - which is menakotkan, given the fact that I already cut it short (shoulder length is my definition of short) but luckily I'm still enjoying my good skin moment.

Ever since the pregnancy, I've been blessed with normal-blemish-free skin - like I'm a combination-hormonal-acne kinda girl (ya know, with the pesky spot that gonna keep popping on the chin every freaking month), tapi for the past 12 months, satu hormonal acne pon tadak but since my skin is no longer oily, I hafta tweak my skincare routine a little, as certain products are pretty drying on me now.

It's either the pregnancy or memang I'm finally getting there..due to hmpp...old age. T___T

On a lighter note, my baby girl still detest to be bottle-fed - like it doesn't matter how early I introduced the bottle, tetap la tak mau. I initially thought that I won't have to face this kinda issue again now that I'm a mother of 3. In my mind macam, okay, I got this, but nope, all of my kids hate the bottles.

The first two only tolerated the bottle when they started with their solids and when they weaned off the boobs and started on FM, they weaned off the bottles too - as they took their FM (at daycare) and fresh milk (at home) with sippy cups. The only consolation is, we don't have any issue to wean em off the bottles which apparently is an issue for some kids. So yea, you win some, you lose some.

On another lighter note, I got myself a new ride during my confinement and said bye-bye to my 4yo ride but it's nothing fancy - because first and foremost, I'm a cheapskate and the car is solely for me to get to work (which is only 50km back and forth). I also still couldn't be bothered about the scheduled maintenance (coz the other half gonna take care of it) and whatnot - hence why waste money on something fancy?

In my other half's words  
" Until you learn to take care of your car, pakai jer lah keta macam ni". By keta-macam-ni, he meant the car manufactured by his company (so that we'll get staff discount for most of everything and it's convenient to schedule and send the car for maintenance .lol #cheapskateunited) .

Owh well?

Oleh itu, as long as the other half works for that particular car manufacturer, forever after lah saya jadi maskotnya. After all, we made a pact to only go crazy on rides once we're in our 40s. Yea, after all, I still wanna get my hands on one of those Countryman - tho I'm not sure if I'm willing to part with so much money for a car. Designer bags, yes (tho almost 2 tahun mak tak beli bag, another feat). Car? I'm not sure - but girl can dream no?


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