I've been wanting to write for the longest time - but I've been so busy at work and more so at home that I couldn't muster enough kerajinan to write.
What's new with that?
Well, things are changing at work. What with umpteenth reorganization, recent MSS - some colleagues took up the offer and some just resigned - and when people come up to our place with the customary "You're still here?". You bet I am.
Honestly, I have no reason to leave. Sure, there's the inevitable management's favoritism over something - which I rather not mention. When you're the minority in the big team (minority is one thing, but being a female in the development team is another) - it's almost certain that fairness is rare - the truth is blinding. It's sickening at times - but I'm not oppressed in any way (not much anyway, even if I do, it's not like it's something that I cannot brush off), the money is good and I (still) love what I am doing.
Moving on, we got a new boss. A good one I hafta add, for now at least. Now that we hafta do the system support - besides the usual development work since all the support guys just quit and still pending on replacements - I'm just thankful for the hands on guy. I mean, he had no background whatsoever in JAVA but gigih nak tolong debug. Such a fast learner too, sat je dah pandai. ha ha. Now, this is the type of person that we should look up too, not those yang simply sit on their hands doing nothing.
I hope that he'll be as good in rewarding us too. :P
Owh, I accidentally deleted my Camera folder in my phone, shit happens - so yea, I lost most of the photos that were taken few months ago (including those from the Tokyo trip, nasib la banyak gambaq in our digicam, so takde lah meroyan sangat) - as I only managed to recover some of it. Tak sempat nak grab some of it for our photobook. Yea, procrastinate sangat kan, ambik ubat. I should probably need to setup the dropbox to auto-sync from now on.
The kids are doing great. Myra is doing awesome at school and Shariq is getting pretty expressive. Like yea, my 18 mth old can actually look and sound angry tho he's yet to talk - tho he knows how to say;
d (for daddy),
maow (for cat),
champs(Myra's vitamin of all thing),
nene (hmpp..his source of milk, ha ha),
I should get it immortalized on video later. Owh he's currently in an active teething phase, 4 molars are peeking out (to add up to the 6 existing gigi), all at the same time! No wonder he gets pretty moody these days, it must have hurt.
Talks about kids, I just need to rant on how hard it is to get Shariq to eat. Yea, this too shall pass, tapi dok tunggu nak pass tu, sakit jiwa okay?
He's not into pasta unlike Myra at this age.
Those days, I could just whip up pasta-anything and she'd be happy. This little man however, prefer his rice but the moment that he feels like something is off during his first meal of the day, terus satu hari tu susah nak makan. I cannot be too adventurous due to his limited amount of gigi - tho some people might go "so yea, puree it".
Well, I hate to admit this, but some food is pretty yucky when it's pureed and I've stop pureeing for a while now. I just slow cook his rice, veges, meat so that it could be easily mashed up whilst feeding him. I even made a batch of chicken stock - that I freeze up in tiny food storage cups to cook his rice with. Haih, things that I'll do for the little one.
On a lighter note, the kids love fruits so I've been giving em exactly that for snacks. Papaya, apple, black seedless grapes (Shariq's favourite,when he asks for buah = black grapes. he he), honey dew (Myra's favourite) and rock melon (Myra's favourite too) and oranges.
On another lighter note, I turned 31 few weeks ago, on September 16. We went out for the high tea buffet at the Doubletree to celebrate. We ate a lot. The kids? Myra had fun stuffing her face with fruits, desserts and ice cream. Shariq had fun eating (read:smashing - as I already fed him his homemade food that I brought along with us) the papadom (from the Indian food section) into pieces and yea, let me tell you how terrified I am the moment I realized what he's been doing - penuh bersepah papadom bawah meja. *cue a mother trying to restyle her shawl into a purdah*
My bad, I was in my semi-selfish mood that I didn't bother much bout what he was doing as long as he didn't act up. It's not often that I get to eat in peace ya know? I was enjoying the roasted duck you see? Tender tender roasted duck with owh-so-crispy skin.
To console ourselves, the other half went "Nevermind, this justify the price that we paid for. Dah include tu dalam service charges" *cough cough* ayat cover rasa bersalah *cough cough*
So yea, will write more later. Tata.
Thursday, October 01, 2015
Mom's dilemma.,
Mother of Three Boys?6 years ago
Sesat!9 years ago
Wordless Wednesday – Photography10 years ago
battle royale...15 years ago
nyummm16 years ago
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