♥of.raya update.&.me.♥
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin.
Raya kan sebulan? :P
Okay, this is probably quite basi already, but I'm going to write a bit on my Raya anyway.
Well, we had a long break for raya,took 5 days of annual leaves out of the 12 days break - which was sooo good, we even managed to nudge the festive traffic, our trip from KL -> Malacca(15th) -> Kedah(19th) -> KL(24th) was pretty much hassle free. We even managed to have a quick pitstop in Ipoh for Nasi Ganja. Nasi Ganja is awesome after all those raya food.
Raya in Malacca is okay. Nothing beats raya in your own kampung, but since other half's kampung is my kampung too (since the past 5 years at least) - so okay jugak lah - tho you know, I sorta missed the usual fares back home - the ketupat palas, Tok's version of kuah kacang - it comes with tonnes of beef, mom's nasi daging and whatever not.
We went to the usual houses for raya, even went back to Rembau (FIL's hometown) on the 2nd day - tho we didn't get to see much of the rumah kampung, since it is well..sorta abandoned (long story), so we went to visit the nearby relatives instead. Had a field time picking rambutan. Fat yellow juicy rambutan.
Once we're back in Kedah. Mom made her yummy nasi daging on the day that we arrived, so yea, tho we got there sometime before 10PM, nasi daging at 10PM lah jawabnya. Diet what?
The next day we went back to visit Tok, glad to see her looking well (she was dehydrated due to puasa and was not eating well days before).
So yea, at Tok's place - instead of ketupat palas and rendang, we had ketupat palas with durian instead - which was awesome. Probably the next best combo after ketupat and susu pekat. I'm weird like that. :P
The day after we went for the usual rounds - the must visit every year houses- got updated on the current news and whatnot. Had another round of rambutan picking at an aunt's place.
The rest of our stay in Kedah revolved around spending time with the family and eating good food and making good food - and mom would be asking me what to eat every single day. Terasa disayangi sungguh.
Even drove mum to the fresh market and hyper market to stock up on food. I feel so grown up tho mum even wanted to pay for the groceries, like gosh mum, I'm 30 (going 31), let me pay with my plastic money okay? he he. :P
Yea, unlike my dad, I'm not the one who likes to bring around tonnes of cash. More often then not, I'd resort to the plastic money - tho when it comes to plastic money you hafta be careful to spend wisely - kot tak the next day after the paycheque came in, kena makan roti or megi - you get the drift :P
Back to work in full swing due to the on going UAT and some pending production issues and another round of graveyard shift - accompanied by C*** obviously - told him that I'd drive myself to work, but he's not having any of that. So yea, when we're done with the deployment at 2am, I even made him drive us to the uptown.
Saja nak feeling-feeling muda mudi. We ended up strolling around, bored(we're probably too old for this) and pretty upset - because we bumped into parents with wee kids (those that are still in swaddle and all), like wth are you doing here with little kids at this hour? Balik rumah boleh?
We're not parents contoh by all means, but c'mon, this is no place for kids. People smoking, vaping, the loud crowds. Tak rugi apa pon kalau tak pi situ - that's how my mum would put it. When Myra was born, we even stopped going to the mamak for our weekend roti canai breakfast and all those super crowded places during the first year. Tunggu la anak besaq sikit kan?
Okay lah, enough ranting. Later.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
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