of.son's milestones.&.me.

I should probably stop procrastinating and start writing about Shariq's milestones.

My little one is already 16 month old. Yup, the wee one yang sangat suka makan albeit the 6 little gigi - yup, no addition to the existing ones so far. He'd like to sample everyone's food. If we're eating out, the moment the food was put on the table, he'd go "Nak nak!". Same goes if I just whipped up a plate of egg fried rice for Myra, he'd be the first one to come over to me for food. Semangat sangat anak mak. He totally inherited our love for food this one.

He understands us pretty well these day. He can take simple instructions, like suruh pickup the toys and put em back into the box, or put his dirty pjs in the laundry basket. When you say "Shariq, mummy nak kiss!", he'll come over and offer his cheek to be kissed.

He can fetch stuff too. Sometimes when he's being cheeky, masa orang lain tengah kusyuk tengok tv, he'd gingerly walk over to the tv and turn it off.


Taktau la tu saja nak menyakat ke dengki? Tsk tsk. Tho if you ask him to turn it on again, he'd do it pretty gladly, like it's some sort of game or something. he he.

It also gets pretty easy to understand him now. Whenever he wants something, he'll point at it saying "Nak nak", and if you picked up the wrong thing, he'll shake his head no.

When it's about bedtime, kalau tanya, "Shariq you wanna sleep?", if he feels like it, he'll quickly grab your hand and drag you to the bedroom else buat dunno jer. ha ha.

Well, Shariq is still an early riser - even during the weekend. :P

So yea, whenever I try to sleep in for a bit during the weekend and when he finds it hard to wake me up (as I'll pretend to be asleep even if I'm awake, just because it feels good just to stay in bed sometimes), he'll just get down from the bed himself, open the bedroom's door and play the toys by himself or with Myra if she's awake - tho obviously I'd get pretty restless knowing that my kids are up and doing God knows what outside, so not long after, mak dia pon kena lah bangun to check on the kids.

Just like his sister, the son of mine loves going out. When the weekend comes - tho not like he knows the different - but I guess he knows that on a day that both the parents and his sister are still around when he wakes up, and when Myra is nicely dressed in her going-out clothes and not her playschool uniform, mesti lah hari untuk berjalan-jalan sudah tiba. So much so that he'd put on his little sneakers - yup, he knows how to put em on - hari-hari berlatih pakai kasut kat rumah. Effort yang sungguh amazing di situ.

He still loves to ransack his little wardrobe and the kitchen cabinet. Taking out everything insight and putting them back when being asked to. He particularly loves my 'food pantry' cabinet. He'd play with sugar and flour jar, the canned food - taking them out to the living hall, rolling em on the floor. Sampai ada yang kemek-kemek - tho I don't bother the kemek bit, mak selalu risau the canned food terjatuh atas his little toes je. Haih. The careless mind of a lil one kan? Mana dia nak pikiaq semua tu.

He's still a breastfeed baby, tho I've supplemented him with FM whenever needed since a month or so ago (heart-breaking but it's only fortunate that he's fine with the one that Myra's currently consuming). I underestimated his demand so my stash depleted pretty quickly and I just couldn't cope - what with work and all that - so yeah, I'm still pumping to provide him as much BM as possible and at this age, he knows how to ask to be nursed too. He'd come to me, pats me on the chest and goes "Naakkkk".with his cheeky smile and all.

Can't you not be so obvious son?

So yea, here's a photo of him, looking all grown up. Jangan besaq cepat sangat boleh? (Nanti people gonna start asking me when the next is coming. :P)

Not too soon people, not too soon.


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