
It has been 2 freaking days since my iftar started to be sorta disorganized. Thanks to the piling workload, I only managed to leave work merely 15 minutes before 7.

On Tuesday,thanks to the traffic and whatnot, I reached home with only few minutes to spare before Maghrib & being me, the one who hates would prefer not to mingle with bazaar's crowd(especially with the pandemic still on the loose tapi still jugak pegi shopping mall).

So yea,I ended up coming home with nothing but 2 pack of Ribena Mobile - which I intuitively bought when I stopped for gas, blindly picked the one with the singing lemon and blackcurrant which happened to be the one I detest. Kerana mempunyai iklan yang sungguh annoying even more so now since the latest advert comes with real singing complete with lyric. Haih.

I digress.

Yes, the moment I reached home with nothing but 2 packs of Ribena Mobile, the ever so caring C*** texted me to ask what I'll be having for iftar and when I told him bout my iftar's menu, he insisted we should go and get something proper to eat which is great except for the fact that I only managed to get my proper meal when it's already 30 minutes before 10pm. So yeah, way to go. Perut yang lapar pon dah jadi separa kenyang.

Yesterday was more or less the same. At 5pm, when I'm officially allowed to pack up and leave. I'm still stuck in the middle of a system walk-through. Thanks to the user who thought that starting a meeting at 4.30pm would be a great idea,(tho she did asked whether I mind or not, tapi macam mana nak cakap tanaaakkk when you repeatedly stated that you're free during the eve and I'm just, well..desperate. Nak kena jugak settlekan the demo.)

Long story short, my iftar's menu consisted of a Big N Tasty meal from McD's drive thru.Sangat menyedihkan. I don't mind fast food, but McD for iftar is just, I don't know,wrong?

Hoping for a better luck today, or maybe not. Sob.


This song caught my attention weeks back as it was played on the radio. I somehow managed to forget about it until last week when Mun sent it over thru YM.

So yea, I'm hooked like I truly loves the raspy-ness of his voice.

I've been roaming around always lookin down at all I see.
Painted faces fill the places I can't reach.
You know that I could use somebody
You know that I could use somebody
Someone like you

And all you know and how you speak
Countless lovers undercover of the street
You know that I could use somebody
You know that I could use somebody
Someone like you

Off in the night while you live it up I'm off to sleep
Waging wars to shake the poet and the beat
I hope it's gonna make you notice
I hope it's gonna make you notice
Someone like me

Yea, you know that I could use somebody. Someone like you. Hiks. :P


How's your fasting going on so far? Mine is A-okay minus the fact that I would feel like I'd die of thirst when the clock strike 5pm. Perhaps the body is still adjusting, perhaps the aircon in the office is way too cold that it sucked all the moisture out of me. I dunno.

Anyway, as I returned to work(yesterday) after spending the 1st 2 days of Ramadhan at the cousin's place, I felt so hmpp...malas, mellow and somewhat demotivated.

Well, I blame it to fabulous good home-cooked meals, those endless lazing around (whilst being bullied by a 2 years old nephew who called me Manana instead of Mama Anak, so kakna bebeh, your Manana is a general term now? hehe. Semua pon Manana.Aiseh. Must teach him to say my name correctly next time).

Moving on, I'm still working my ass off for the new project. Approximately 2 weeks and half more to go before the UAT. It would be super great if I would be able to deploy everything to UAT a week ahead. It would be good for my peace of mind, no it would be fantastic since I'll get to be off from work earlier and the EID break would be longer, since I don't have to rush back to work for the project. he he. See the connection?

Talking about EID,I've got everything planned out, the travel plan(owh Kakna bebeh, bestnya tahun ni balik together2) and whatnot minus the baju raya since I haven't got any, well at least not yet. Gee..terasa evil sebab lum ape2 dah fikir pasal raya, owh well.

Hmpp..on a lighter note, I'll be spending the loooong weekend(mine is 2 days longer than the usual) at home, back in Kedah. Thinking about home is enough to make me drool. I want Mum's cucur udang. Slurp.

Okie, enough drooling,I'm off now. Happy fasting.



One thing about working and gaining your own dough is the fact that you could spend it on whatever your heart desires.

As I'm blessed with a petit ami who loves food as much as I do - it's fun to indulge in a big meal every weekend tho it comes with a downside as it gets a wee bit hard to lose whatever amount of weight that I've been dreading to lose since forever, but well, let's not worry bout pesky stuff shall we?

Anyway, this might(with 0.7 possibility) be the last weekend foodie post before we step into Ramadan, since we won't be eating out as much as we usually do during the upcoming fasting month(which gonna start like..well,tomorrow) plus it would be rather great to lose some of those accumulated fats and whatnot. :P

So without further ado, lets get it over with(else terliur pulak kalau nak post gambar makanan bila dah puasa nanti)

Well, we revisited BumbuBali last weekend and thanks to greed, we ordered way too much food for the two of us, okay fine, it was not him, it's me. I just couldn't resist anything with squid so I thought it would be nice to have cumi-cumi goreng aka sotong goreng tepung (yang agak ngelat coz it comes with chips,I want more SOTONG not chips).

Anyway, my initial thought that I would be denied my right to have a big portion of squid was somehow rescued with a generous portion of grill squids in my Nasi Campur BumbuBali & C***'s nasi kambing tasted good(tho there was too much onions compared to the sliced lamb).

I opted for my fav honey dew + mint + honey blend whilst C*** had the mango shake or something the sort which was waay tooo thick and creamy,terseksa org tu nak abiskan. hehe. The whole meal costed me a lil under 100 which is great coz both of us were bloated all day. Burp.

Soon after the BumbuBali, the next big meal was at TGIF, it was on C***. I hafta say that I prefer Chili's, for the foods are better and I'm big on the bottomless juice thingy(well,what a cheapskate to do).

Since there's nothing new or interesting in TGIF, I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Well, that's about it.

On a lighter note, I'll be spending the weekend with the cousins, it would be nice to welcome the Ramadan together with families, there's nothing better than spending times with loved ones aight?

So yea, happy puasa. Have a blessed Ramadan aight?

Owh, happy weekend.


I'm currently working at full speed on my current project with the ultimate goal that I would be able to finish everything at least one week before EID - which would bring the tears of happiness to my eyes since I would be able to take days off within the last week of Ramadhan which also equals to happiness coz I'll get to spend more time at home. Owh bliss.

I know I know,puasa pon belum start,last week of puasa lagi la lambat lagi,

but we must plan ahead and not give up on hope aight?

Well,since the project seems to drain me out of my creative juices, it's only logical that I ain't got much to blabber about and whaddaya know? My mind tend to wander off into the geek world these days, I would unintentionally think of the codes, the system flow and whatnot. Like gosh, this is sick. Kat office dah tak sabar-sabar nak balik sebab penat tapi boleh pulak teringat-ingat pasal codes whilst driving home. Like yea,"I should do that for the access checking & maybe I should re-write the code for the reporting". Sungguh unbelievable.

Hmpp..on the lighter note, I finally found enough rajin-ness to transfer a bunch of pics that were supposed to accompany the museum

Yea, I'm not a big fan of myself, I love taking pictures of others(& in this case C***) instead.

and the magical posts.

Those pics just couldn't express how I felt throughout the trip, it was both terrifying and a huge relief all at the same time. Again, no pic of me. he he. Eh ade sikit,nampak lutut. :P

Well, not to forget the pic during the Floral Festival, I'm not the girlish flowery type, but a change is sorta good sometimes.

Please don't mind the various images of moi hands and yes, that is a candid picture & I look sorta hmpp..weird. Well, who cares. Someday, I would like to have a reminder of how I used to look like when I was young and well,weird.

Back to work now.



Kakna bebeh!!!!!!! When are you coming back? Lets lepak-lepak together this weekend. Dah balik lum weekend ni? hehehe. :P

Moving on, well I had a fattening weekend, like yea, what's new with that? - & I still couldn't get myself to write bout last weekend, perhaps it's a sign I should stop rambling bout my weekends for a bit, ey?

Anyway, how could you stop being so irritated by someone who clearly loves you? Like I know he meant well and all but why? Why can't you just be persistent for a bit?Would it be so hard to tell me of your wishes instead of following mine?

Sometimes it gets a bit wee tiring to be the one to decide & I'm one of those people who couldn't stop considering others tho I don't have to at the 1st place, sungguh annoying perasaan itu like he would go "tak kisah lah awak nak makan ape,boleh jer" and I would be like "betul ke ni? ke terpaksa?" Haih.

I hafta admit it's pretty great to have the freedom to choose. Like "dear, I feel like having this" - okay, "and yeah, I wanna watch this too"-okay & lets all be clear that he's just being his normal non-fussy self & none of those mengikut cakap sebab nak ambil hati crap coz if it is, he might be out of his mind by now due to my fickle-minded nature.he he.

I know this gonna make me sound sorta strange, someone gonna go "tu pon nak complaint? Bersyukur je lah". Like yea, I'm thankful, it's not like I'm not but I don't know, I'm just being my complicated-self I guess, but no, I don't like to be dominated(inside joke :P).

Owh well, have a great weekend.



I noticed that I rambled endlessly on my pet peeves these days. Well, blame it on the workload coz whenever I'm tense, I tend to rant a little, okay fine, a lot.

Talking about pet peeves(here we go again.See? I just can't refrain myself), I particularly hate those people who would blindly add someone on FB, especially me - coz ya know, turning my FB into Friendster(where everyone would just add anybody for God knows what sake) is the last thing I wanna do.

The hell with those I have more friend than you do losers , I would be content knowing that I actually know those 157 people in my FB rather than those 300 ppl in Friendster that I hardly know - tho I hafta digest the fact that I might be one of those kesian people without much friend to brag about.

After all its the quality and not the quantity that matters,no?

Err..I digress. Where was I?

Yes, I hate those people because once they sent their Add Request, I would be sending them a message asking whether I actually know them and just yesterday a guy sent me a request & instead of approving him, I sent him a short message asking whether we actually know each other(since some of my friends refused to use their real/usual name and some were like hiding behind those weird fictional names),so harus lah kita bertanya dengan bersopan mana lah tau kot-kot kenal,kang terus reject kena cop sombong pulak. Haih.

Anyway, instead of replying my message with a simple

"No, we don't know each other but I just thought we could be friend"

This awesome guy decided to write

"hanya seorang hamba yg fana,jika tak sudi berteman... silahkan abaikan"
(yer saya copy bulat-bulat replynya)

With that equally great answer, the lucky guy just won himself a WTF Award from me. Congratulation dude. This world would be such a better place with people like you.


Like seriously, I hate those hanya seorang hamba yang fana sort of answer, like cmon I know all of us memang seorang hamba yang fana, but that's not what I wanna hear. At least jawab la "I'm a friend of your friend" ke, ape ke.

Is that too much to ask?

Moving on,

Hmpp..well, on a lighter note. I have a new song addiction. This time round it's Te Amo - popularized by Rihanna tho I actually prefer the male version by James Fauntleroy coz if you listen to the lyric rather carefully, you would realize that it sounds kinda gay if it comes from a woman, plus I always luv guys with such voice. Google it to appreciate it. he he.

What? Malas? Okay fine, here it is.

I'm off now.



I dreamt of my childhood friends last night which reminded me of an endless trail of memories.

It specifically reminded me of

  • Nuris(short for Nurissufia, the spelling might be off). A playmate which happened to live few doors away whom I went to school and Iqra' class with. A real joy to be friend with I should say. We would play together after school along with her equally cute little sister, Hanis and lil bro, Fizi(which happened to be my lil bro's classmate, both of em are already 21 now,not so lil anymore ey?)

    We grew apart when I moved to a new place and the last thing I heard of her was the news that she got herself into a boarding school which is like ageees ago. If has been forever since the last time we met that I reckon we wouldn't notice each other tho we're like 3 steps away.

    Somewhere at the back of my mind, I wish we could meet again.

  • Siti Sarah @ Siti Hajar(yup, both of em are her name alright). She's my next door neighbor. She would come to my home often bearing food from her mum. he he. Her parents supposed to be living in Kulim now.

  • Annur. A classmate and a bubbly friend to begin with. If I remember correctly, she's an army brat or police,either one.

  • Amy Maisarah. Another classmate and her mum made one of the best nasi lemak sambal kerang ever(well, it was one of the best then, to my 7-10 years old tongue). I still keep a pic of her(with her curly hair) and Annur somewhere.

  • Sakhiyatul Naim. One word to describe us is different. I'm like..well, like what I am today whilst she's the ahli usrah type. We were such an odd looking pair but she was so sisterly to me that all those differences didn't matter.

  • Maizatul Akmal. We went to the same school for 3 years during high school before I moved to another school(did I tell you my family moved a lot? Macam nomad). We shared a lot of stuff. We even had our own secret code. We wrote to each other regularly for the first 2 years then we just,hmpp..drifted apart. I bet all those undergrad stuff and the distance took its toll on our friendship. When will I see you again?

Besides the listed ones, I also got a chain of blurry images of others - of the ones that came in and out of my life for the past 24 years and yea, regardless of the existent of FB and whatnot, I failed to hunt em down. Like, didn't I get the spelling right or are they not into FB and the sort? Haih.

Takkan nak masuk jejak kasih kot? Ade lagi ke jejak kasih?

Well, I'm off.


p/s: I want carrot cake for iftar.Nyum.


I had an eventful weekend & I shall write about it pictorially - but that hafta wait until I got the pic from C*** or until I've gained enough rajin-ness and whatnot.

Till then, I shall ramble bout my anal-ness, coz ya know, I'm sorta fussy and could be rather anal bout certain stuff and I wholeheartedly admit it.

  1. I could not stand absurd or nasty looking set of teeth, it reflects a poor hygiene to me tho it's rather unfair to judge since some of them are not hygienically nasty, it's the gene - more or less the same with the nails, some of us are blessed with the owh so long and beautiful nails whilst some of just stubby.

    Anyway,this teeth thing reminded me of an ex(should I even call him that? It was like the most uneventful few months of my life,okay lets not go there) that happened to own such teeth and I'm almost thankful when we broke up. Okay that's sorta evil, but seriously if we were going to end up together, how to be all lovey dovey like that?Agak kurang menyelerakan.Hmppp...I'm sorry,our future is rather bleak.

  2. It's kinda hard to explain,but I like my closet to be well organized. Sorted by colors and group - formal clothes, baju rumah, baju tido, baju untuk golek2 dalam bilik, tudung etc. The same goes to the stuff in my room. When I fixed something to a certain place, I'd like it to be there,all the time(unless I'm using it) coz it irritates me to locate misplaced stuff.

  3. Okay, this gonna make me sound pretty weird, but I could tell if someone's been drinking from my box of milk or orange juice because I unintentionally remember how I put it in the fridge(the positioning I mean) & how heavy or light the box is compared to the last time I held it. Okay, I'm not stingy(no matter if I sound like a cheapskate most of the time) but returning home whilst looking forward to a nice cold glass of juice only to find that the box is already as light as feather adelah mendatangkan marah. Suku glass pon tak cukup,apekahh??? This is more likely when my lil brother is around. Tsk.

  4. I'm a nose person, therefore, something or someone that smells less intriguing gives me headache and 0.9 possibility of puking. Seriously. I couldn't stand harsh foul smelling perfumes(air freshener for cars included), the intoxicating and overpowering smell of food in closed air-conditioned room & cars (no matter how yummy the food is) & bad BO.

Hoh.Lets put a stop to that now coz it would be a never ending list.

On a lighter note, I'm thankful to be blessed with C*** who knows how to come up with a simple act of thoughtfulness when I didn't expect him to be. Thankyouverymuch.

& yes, I'm loving the new shampoo walaupon membuatkan rambut jadi too smooth sampai nak ikat pon asyik tertanggal-tanggal dan menyebabkan kerugian kerana kehilangan getah rambut yang fancy schmancy - mungkin patut ikat dengan getah sayur jer untuk langkah penjimatan berganda.Hmpp...

Have a great week now.



It's just Thursday but I cannot help from planning - of what to do, where(& what) to eat, what to buy during the upcoming weekend, I'm very futuristic and well-planned just like that.(2nd thought, not really. My hectic life did that to me.)

Well,I hate not to have anything to do and somehow stuck at home with pretty much nothing.

We have the cable tv, sure yes but too much tv is boring.

I have the laundry to do, yes but since I have been doing the laundry twice per week on average, I have nothing much to wash after all - except when the mari membasuh all the towels and bed sheet weekend which comes once every 2 weeks.(Yer, tidak rajin nak menukar everyday or every week you see? Tu pon ngelat gi hantar dobi.he he.)

I hate being home alone(yea, most of the housemates will be MIA).Therefore,weekends for me are the perfect time to spend with the loved ones(yer la, weekdays tak sempat. Especially for 9 to 7 person like me.hehe).

However having good friends who are mostly attached to someone or something - well,I'm not complaining(not much anyway), I know how occupied they are during the weekdays, it only logical they wanna spend it with their loved one kan? Plus everybody is busy getting married these days. So yea, more often that not, I would be spending my weekend with beloved cousins and C*** or back home with the parents.

Sooo..for this coming weekend. I'm booked for a lunch date(& a wee bit of jalan-jalan included) and a get-together dinner with the cousins on Saturday. Sunday on the other hand would be spent on satisfying an undying crave for black pepper beef pasta, a quick shopping spree and the usual weekly groceries shopping with C***.

Having those stuff planned out = as happy as a clam me.

*sighs in contentment*

Till then, back to work. :P

Esok baru kita start Friday blues okay?



and in case you're wondering, I don't really walk around with a parrot sitting on my hand everyday coz if I do, you might as well call me MsAnak the pirate, arr arrr - tho I would like to believe that I'm looking hot pretty much everyday.(Okay,you may puke now :P)

Anyway, sorry for the lack of update. No no, I have no loyal readers to be sorry for. I'm actually apologizing to myself since when I'm all wrinkly and old like a raisin(that would be like 30-40 years from now, God willing), I would be wondering to myself what I've been doing during those particular days, whether there's anything eventful or whatnot, coz ya know? I'm old, forgetful and all that, so yeah, what I've been doing for the past few days again?


Lets see what I could recall, shall we?

  • I spent the weekend at home, helping mum with the curtains. No, not making em,but washing em. Why are they sooo up high and how on earth did I not realize that there were like 3 layers of curtains for each window frame? Beauty is truly menyusahkan indeed, and they are so blardy heavy, tsk tsk.

  • All those hard work were exhausting, so it's only logical for me to stuff my face like an oink oink, coz there's nothing better than home-cooked food, even the usual honey lemon tea tasted sweeter(padahal terlebih honey).

  • Lil bro's freshly modified car sounds like a motorboat, like I love the newly added bodykit and the pearly white and black paint-work and all, but the deafening sound of it make me sick, a merely 10 minutes ride would make me feel like puking twice. Haih. Thank God C***'s ride is not as loud.

  • Owh, yea, just a thought. Konsortiu* Bus sucks. I would suggest them to fix their ticketing system, it sucks big time. How's it even possible to reserve and print out a ticket for a specific time and date that are long overdue then the stupid no return/change policy? Nak untung cepat kah?
That's about it,lelain dah tak ingat.

On a lighter note, there would be a Valiram Group warehouse sale at one of the bank's offices for the staff(yea,exactly in the office building,like how convenient is that?) - the one that I used to frequently visit during my deployment and whatnot. So my dear users, sapa nak ajak saya meeting di sana esok? or lusa? hehe.

I'm off now,have a great week.


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