
How's your fasting going on so far? Mine is A-okay minus the fact that I would feel like I'd die of thirst when the clock strike 5pm. Perhaps the body is still adjusting, perhaps the aircon in the office is way too cold that it sucked all the moisture out of me. I dunno.

Anyway, as I returned to work(yesterday) after spending the 1st 2 days of Ramadhan at the cousin's place, I felt so hmpp...malas, mellow and somewhat demotivated.

Well, I blame it to fabulous good home-cooked meals, those endless lazing around (whilst being bullied by a 2 years old nephew who called me Manana instead of Mama Anak, so kakna bebeh, your Manana is a general term now? hehe. Semua pon Manana.Aiseh. Must teach him to say my name correctly next time).

Moving on, I'm still working my ass off for the new project. Approximately 2 weeks and half more to go before the UAT. It would be super great if I would be able to deploy everything to UAT a week ahead. It would be good for my peace of mind, no it would be fantastic since I'll get to be off from work earlier and the EID break would be longer, since I don't have to rush back to work for the project. he he. See the connection?

Talking about EID,I've got everything planned out, the travel plan(owh Kakna bebeh, bestnya tahun ni balik together2) and whatnot minus the baju raya since I haven't got any, well at least not yet. Gee..terasa evil sebab lum ape2 dah fikir pasal raya, owh well.

Hmpp..on a lighter note, I'll be spending the loooong weekend(mine is 2 days longer than the usual) at home, back in Kedah. Thinking about home is enough to make me drool. I want Mum's cucur udang. Slurp.

Okie, enough drooling,I'm off now. Happy fasting.



mar!ahaf!z said...

takde bj raya lagik?
samala kita..

tot sume org before ramadhan dah settle tempah sume kan? beli siap?

MsAnak said...

Sob sob..terlalu busy sampai xsempat nak pikir pasal baju raya. Dah start puasa baru nak panic.hehe.

Beli lah kot,cari yg shiny2 macam mak datin :P

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