
| | |.of.peminat.&.me.| | |

At last,4 days of freedom!Ahh..bliss.

So now where's my wonderful date?haha!


Gie's birthday is comin tomorrow,but I already sent her a-day-early-coz-I-thought-its-already-April-10th birthday wish. *roll eyes*

Gie:"Ari ni 9th la dd.My bday is on d 10th."

*knocks head*

Better early than never aight dear?hee... (^_^)v

Well,a gurl msged me on my msn msger yesterday.Lookin at the fact that I was bored coz everybody was out-"beronggeng" or simply enjoyin their evenin nap - coz its rainin.Me actually decided to entertain her kiddish questions which range from the-color-that-I-like to what-I-wanna-be-when-I-grow-up.Duh~ (note:she's weirdly-16)

Later,she actually asked for my phone number and I was like,"dont waste ur money on phone calls,get urself some chocs instead dik"

and she was like "I hate chocs but I love you"


Wooo..I got myself a PEMINAT,at last!


How wonderful.You made my day.


Hee..Im off.



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