
Jan 13

I'm feeling pretty demotivated at work these days. Long story and let's not go there.

Anyway, my 2016 started off with a week long training, for Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) in Java SE7 Programming - yea mouthful. Another week of training coming during the 1st week of February and I have 2 exams to pass (hopefully,with flying colors).

What is the odd of being a JAVA developer (for 7 long years) tapi fail on the exams on Java fundamentals? ha ha.

This reminded me on why I'm yet to further my studies (if ever). I detest classes. I detest the long winded theory and those definitions for everything thingy magicy.

There's a huge gap between theories and actually doing em on a daily basis. I don't actually go "Owh, this error can be fixed with polymorphism". Sungguh WTF. Honestly, I can't remember the Java fancy terms for every single stuff that I'm doing, I just do it. If I need to create the getter and setter, I just do it, I don't go "I think I need to do the encapsulation here". Geddit? :P

Enough of geek talk.

Moving on. The wee one is doing good in day care. He refused to eat the breakfast porridge that I made for him, so I stopped making any (tho I still cook em for his dinner) - since the nannies insisted that he prefers to eat what others are eating. Baik lah nak. Apekah baru umur nak masuk 2 tahun dah malu nak makan bekal mak masak? :P

He was down with fever last week - as he was in his active teething phase. 4 molars are peeking out all at the same time, ouch! Come Saturday, since he's all better, we brought him to our favourite pediatrician for his long-overdue 18 mth jab. Yea, the vaccine was OOS like everywhere, we finally got a call from the clinic telling us that it's in stock last week, so laju-laju lah pergi cucuk.

So yea, no more jab for him for now. :)

He's very expressive these days - walaupon he's yet to talk. If he wants to have orange for breakfast at 7AM in the morning tapi mak kata No, he'd pout his lips and make the sniff sniff sounds - as if crying. Mana belajaq entah?

If you scolded him over something, he'll lower his gaze and pout. Pouting is absolutely his thing and he's also very the manja this one. He'll come for a hug or kisses without being asked.

Myra on the other hand is doing great in school. Eager when it comes to homework. Yup, 5 years old pon ada homework. She's been writing and whatnot and her handwriting is pretty good for someone at her age. She loves drawing on the portable magnetic board and she's sorta good in it too (probably a left-handed thingy, lukis cantik unlike the parents) and when she's not drawing, she'd be singing (her heart out), kejap in Malay, kejap in English. Whatever her heart pleases. We sometimes had to tell her to slow down a little, sebab bising sangat, we couldn't even watch the news on tv. T__T

Parents, bila anak kecik, tak sabaq suruh cakap, nyanyi segala, when they are at the unstoppable age like these, suruh diam pulak. Yea, I don't understand parents sometimes. :P

Well, since she's turning 5 in April, C*** is starting to teach her how to load the washer and separate the clothes. She's currently in her helpful phase, so she somewhat enjoys it. I think it's great to teach em basic chores like these - as long as it's harmless and age-appropriate. Takkan at 5 y/o nak ajar iron baju pulak? Way too dangerous.

Nanti adik dah besaq sikit, ajar dia pulak - coz I also think that both genders need to learn how to do house chores. No such thing as a boy couldn't be bothered to do the dishes or load the washer or lipat baju.  

Kot nanti kawin dapat wife yang tak suka lipat baju (like me), then how lah? :P


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