of.too fast for my liking.&.me.

Kids, they grow up, so fast. Too fast for my liking sometimes.

Shariq, at 1 year old. Is calling almost everyone in the house mama. ha ha. Tho the most amusing thing about this is, when he wakes up in the middle of the night for nursing, instead of crying, he'll try to reach out for me from his cot whilst panggil " Maaa..maaaa". I guess that's baby's language for "I'm hungry now mom. Please wake up and feed me".

He also knows how to ask for something by pointing to the object of his desires - and if you picked up the wrong item, he'll shake his head. You can even ask him a simple yes or no question and tho he doesn't nod in approval, he'd surely geleng if he disagrees. Kids these days ey? Bak kata my MIL, budak baru menetas dah pandai macam-macam. :P

This little boy of mine is pretty clever too (don't mind me, mothers think that their kids are genius), the other day, when I was about to give him a bath, I stripped him off his clothes and suddenly he went running into the room, I called out for him, but no respond and when I was about to look after him, he came back with his pjs that he took from his little closet. Amazeballs sangat. Tak lama lagi dah bleh tolong fetch barang ni.

He's doing great in getting down from the bed. Few times that I left him to sleep on our bed and went out to the kitchen to sort on things, the next thing you know, dia dah terkedek-kedek jalan out of the bedroom as if nothing happen. Like yea, don't mind me mom, I just got up and now nak jalan pi main toys sat. The first time it happened I was dumbstruck, like how on earth did you manage to get down? Our bed is pretty high compared to the normal standard. Normally, he'd cry out for me whenever he's awake and nobody's around, ni senyap-senyap dah turun sendiri. Amazing but scary if you ask me.

Owh, I missed out on the he-finally-walks-now update, yea, he started his first few steps probably a week before his first birthday. These days, he doesn't walk anymore, he runs. Not sprinting run, but run all the same. Kita tengok pulak takot that he'll fall flat on his face or something.

He's a good eater this days, bagi lah makan apa pon, habis - tho he's not as chubby as he used to be - but as long as I know that he's eating well. Good enough for me.

Owh, he's now a toddler with 6 little gigi, no sign of others coming out yet.

He's done with his pneumococcal shots which is great.

Moving on.

What's new with Myra? She's as talkactive as ever. She's good in asking for things. She made us bought her a kid's size apron. She'll negotiate her way into getting her little hands on my depleting stock of matcha kitkats.

She'll go

"Mummy, all friends kakak dah pegi Legoland, Myra jer not yet"
"Yer ke? Saper dah pegi?"
"Sofea dengan adik."
"Two jer? Kata all"


Exaggerate sangat kau nak, nanti la kita pi Disneyland, Legoland hafta wait for a bit, sekarang ni panas sangat, nanti mak emosi sebab as much as I like to jalan-jalan, I don't do jalan-jalan tengah panas (don't mind me, I'm not much of an outdoor person to begin with). Legoland is panas (or so I heard. he he).

Yea, besides that, dah pandai jugak ajak duduk hotel.


Kids these days, but I guess it's a normal phase. I love hotels when I was younger too, I still do now. Hotels = good food + unlimited pool time.

My dad used to travel a lot for work, so whenever possible, we tagged along. Even when he's not working pon, he loves to splurge on good hotels. There was a time when we'd stay in a hotel on weekend like twice in a month, walaupon setakat duduk kat Shangri-la Penang tho rumah just dekat Kedah which is like sekangkang kera away.

The good old days. :)

Ni update pasal mak ke anak? I digress.

She's a pretty good eater too these days, tho you hafta make sure that it suits her taste buds, kalau rasa tak ngam, terus pangkah, pedas la, apa la - padahal setitik cili pon tak letak. Kalau sedap to her tongue, she'd ask for a second, sometimes a third - which is quite amusing since she's still owh-so-skinny. hi hi.

Well, I was skinny too when I was at her age, so yeah, sekarang tidak lagi. :P

Gonna get our new stroller today, great - you know you're such a makcik when buying a stroller makes ya happy.

Owh well?


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