of.random Monday.&.me.

Shariq turned 13 mth old 2 days ago and when I thought that he'll grow out of the baby koala phase when he's at this age, nampaknya tidak.

He just wouldn't leave me alone when I'm around, so much so that C*** or MIL hafta pry him off me. Yea, it's that bad.

He's been such a good eater for the past week (3 full serving of meal + 5 bottles of EBM whilst I was at work), but came Saturday, he was down with a mild fever and refused to eat much. Yea, mom's world problem over here = kids not eating = much worse than planning for a world domination.

On a lighter note, I have to reconfirm my order for Myra's birthday cake by this week, to finalize on the color and whatnot. I still need to hunt for the raisins in those tiny boxes for her party pack. Also need to finalized the design for the custom stickers. It has been ages since the last time I did any editing work, demi anak ku gagahkan jua, tho I hafta admit that I'm not much a designer to begin with.

Anyway, I'm still in the middle of arranging our itinerary for our week-long getaway. Tho we just gonna stick to one particular city, still lah rasa macam so little time so much to do - since we're traveling with kids, so I think it's wise not to tire them up so much. We hafta put a limit to our activities, kot bujangan boleh la keluar pagi balik malam, with kids, more like keluar pagi and balik before they get too cranky. :P

C*** on the other hand, is still hunting for our accommodation (which doesn't come cheap *lap peluh* ) as I'd prefer for us to rent an apartment - so that I can whip up easy meals for the kids. Jalan-jalan bawak bekal so that I'd be able to stuff them up whenever they are hungry. It would be so much easier on my conscience too, knowing that my kids are not being neglected just because the parents are too eager to travel. he he. Mak bapak dia macam-macam boleh makan, so I don't worry much about us.

Moving on, sometimes last week, during one of the phone calls, I told my mum on how Myra has been wanting to own a play-doh set. Sure, it's not really a grand request, but Shariq is just one and he's not really over the I-put-everything-in-my-mouth phase. Play-doh is the exact kinda toy that I'm trying to avoid - like seriously, play-doh looks pretty yummy to me, if I'm one, I'd probably eat it - I think that I used to have a go at it when I was a kid, I had like tonnes of play-doh set when I was younger, best okeh? Except when you accidentally mixed all the colors together and they turn ugly like shit. :P

So yea, few days after that, mum sent me a picture through whatsApp - a picture of a huge box of play-doh, coz ya know because she 'happened' to be at Parkson and 'accidentally' saw a good play-doh set. Right, as if she hangs out at the toy section often la kan? :P

Pbbff...grandparents, they spoil the kids rotten.


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