of.another randomness.&.me.

How does one measure love?

I have no idea.

When a husband gave in to your you-are-over-your-head idea. It's a sign of love kah?

It surely sounds like love to me. :P

Will ramble about that later.

Two of the cousins are getting married this year - which is awesome.

MIL is going for another umrah this year, about the same time as last year, probably just a wee bit later - I have to make some arrangement for Shariq's daycare.

I need a new Fitflop. Decided that my 9th pair should be a Skinny croc in Bronze, a simple one for the win - too bad that the last time that I went to Bratpack, they didn't have it in my size.

I need a new wallet. I hope there's something extra in March's paycheque *cough* bonus *cough* to accommodate this need.

I'm currently scouting for party pack ideas for Myra's 4th birthday - playschool edition, 35 kids altogether, which includes the kindy, play school and day care. Kalau her group, baru 8 orang. :P
I'm thinking of toxic-free crayons( gonna buy them in bulks) and probably some air kotak/choc milk, Oreos, small bars of milk choc (maybe? A wee bit of chocolate wouldn't hurt. Kot? My Myra loves dark choc, but I don't think other kids would appreciate that), little box of raisins, Twiggies (maybe? Keji tak bagi cake/roti? ha ha.) and the sort,but nope, no jajan.

I hate to admit that I've..hmppp..thrown away some of the stuff in the party packs that Myra brought back home - almost weekly. I mean, some of those looks soo...inedible. Eg. Colorful jelly/candy made in China - especially those with all-wrritten-in-Chinese packaging.

I don't know bout you but I have a thing about food made in China. Rasa sungguh, unsafe, but I'm anal just like that.

I feel bad - the thought of the money spent on those jajan, but I'd feel worse if I were to feed those to my kid.

I'm not much of a kiasu mummy, I have my kiasu moments for sure, but what I deem unfit for my kids, the same goes to others. Takkan nak kumpul pehtu bagi kat anak orang lain pulak?

Moving on.

We found a place to satisfy our craze for mee tarik. The noodles are awesome, so is the cumin lamb chop. My ultimate favourite. If I couldn't be bothered of what those fatty juicy lamb gonna do to my arteries, I'd go there weekly. :P

Anyway, we went back up North last week, C*** had to work in Penang on Friday, so we tagged along. After 2 long weeks, baru lah dapat jumpa the little nephew (Hello Muhammad Adam Rayyan!). He's so small and smells owh-so-heavenly. I'm yet to get him anything big - except for a set of cute bandana bibs.

Haih. I love newborn, they are so easy to please, bagi susu, tukar diaper, tido, settle - everything is dandy, except for the bangun-200-kali-malam-malam-for-milk that is.

Dah anak dua, boleh la cakap. :P

Don't mind me whilst I gloat in my mak-anak-dua glory.

Back to work then. Tata.


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