
Jan 19


I hate Mondays especially if it's loaded with the whadda heck am I supposed to do today feelings only to find out that you have another indigestible project to work on and later shoved into a long, inconclusive talk with the petit ami.

Well dear,I hate to sound illogical but that's like the fact okie. I'm not making it up you see? I know it made me sound like someone living in the '70s or something but that's how it goes for me. Heck, I think that's how things are for the entire family, therefore I'm not planning to risk it.

So bear with me,will ya darling?

On a lighter note, I'm going to have my umpteenth production deployment tonite. Which is like sangat mengundang rasa malas yang melampau, but since I'm the breadwinner for hmm... myself untuk memboros. Ok nevermind.

Well, will right more later, or maybe not(this phrase irritatingly reminded me of something).



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