of.sense of direction.&.me.

Someone told me that he ain't getting me any new ride(walaupon duit tetiba turun dari langit) unless I start to fix my awesome sense of direction - which I'm not proud of.

I can't help it, I don't give much thought about the directions or the roads or landmarks since I got myself a human-gprs( he he), like whaddaheck aight? Ape? Jalan pegi Maluri? Lemme badger C*** for the directions first(much to his amusement and annoyance). he he.

Truth is, I am not that hopeless lah(no, I'm not being defensive over here) as I could name at least 5 person with super-hopeless-sense-of-directions. Betul saya tak tipu, ade yang siap puji saya terer baca map. ha ha. So should I take that as a compliment? :P(Who would have ever thought a nerd could be this vain?)

Anyway, the root to my problem is, I don't like to drive alone unless my life depends on it, the best example hafta be the long drive to work, I'm doing it coz my life is somewhat depends on it, ya see? I'm not the I'm-driving-alone-senselessly-kerana-hati-lara-dan-kecewa type,

nor the one who would leisurely venture out into the city to find a hidden shortcuts or the sort for the fun of it,unless I'm stuck in the middle of no where, dying for the way out, then only I would be more adventurous to explore the unknown.

Kot tak, saya adelah malas, tak kuasa nak jalan-jalan cari pasal tak bersebab. Yea, pemalas.

So yes, when I'm driving alone I would go for the familiar roads, the one that I've been through for n-th(geek-note: n represent an unknown number) time, the same goes when I'm out with friends, yer la, takkan bawak orang nak test-test jalan pulak kan, sesat nanti camne? Not good.(Unless lah dedua memang hopeless, that would be another story).

Annnddd when I'm not driving at all, specifically when I'm out with C***, I couldn't be bothered bout the directions at all. he he. A wrong attitude, I know.

Tapii.. I just can't help it, going out and about with a pacar who happen to be a great driver with an equally great sense of directions, I need not worry bout the pesky stuff.

I feel safe, tup tup dah sampai. :D

I don't know why I had the sudden urge to ramble bout this,but I just did.

So yea, that's it. :P

Have a great weekend.


An ex-classmate from high school texted me through YM just now,the one that would usually annoy me with his impractical questions, ya know those stuff like "dah menikah belum?". Like whaddaaaa? Menikah? Boleh tak rephrase sikit? You don't even bother to ask how I am doing and out of middle of no where you have the guts to ask me that? Could you at least ask how I'm doing first? Bleh.

& as if it's not bad enough that he's not the one with common courtesy, he recently picked up a new habit, the I-can't-spell-like-a-normal-human-does habit. He would go "buat pew skunk?" instead of the normal "buat ape sekarang?", like c'mmon, skunk= sekarang? Grow up. You're blardy 26 not 6 or even 16. It's not cool even if you're still 16, so go figure lah.

I'm not trying to be sombong or blardy stuck-up but you hafta learn some manners. You don't simply ask someone something personal as if you're their freaking bff when you're not.

It's like how we don't simply go over to our neighbor's house, go through everything in their kitchen, rummage up their fridge's content as if it's ours and senang-senang ambik ape2 yang berkenan and makan.The same concept applies.


There, I said it.


Source : Stoodle

I'm in Stoodle! How cool is that? Tho obviously the real picture of me and a runny nose won't be as cool( or pretty or even acceptable), tapi ini adelah cool. Terima kasih daun keladi yer.he he :D.

So how's my productive weekend? Owh well, it's still sorta productive and all that,tetapiii...we didn't managed to catch the kursus kawen as the location was switched to somewhere far(& tak best) and yours truly adelah no likey when she didn't get what she wants.

I want it to be in Damansara so that's where it should be and tak boleh ade orang sesuka hati inform a day before "Cik, kursus esok tukar venue" and expect me to be happy about it, thankyouverymuch.(Yea yea, I'm a control freak just like that).

So yea, we are going for it this weekend. Hopefully they gonna stick with it this time.

Anyway, the kursus asides, the good news is we managed to do a serious ring and watch hunting. It's so fruitful that we managed to book two matching watches. Good for us as we'll get it to be poyo over wearing those matching watches later(the idea is lame tapi saya sokaa :D), good for me as I'll get more watch to wear and good for C*** as he'll get to add up to his ever-growing collection. It's a win-win situation,so all good. :)

What about the ring? Well,tell you what? I never thought ring-hunting could be so exhilarating. When you found the one that you like, the price is waay off(obviously but it's not like I want something as big as a door knob), or the right pattern with the wrong size or cut of diamond, or the right pattern and the right diamond with the wrong type of material.

Apekah? Tsk tsk.

No, I'm not talking bout mine(and don't let me start), am talking about the one that I'm getting for C***. Now I could safely say that ring hunting for guys is a huge pain in the ass, and feet. Seriously.

But..behind every cloud there's a silver lining, as we managed to submit a quotation request for a custom-made ring at Hab*b which gonna take ages(read:min 1 week and anticipation adelah tinggi tapi saya rasa ianya akan jadi mahal) and we found a backup shop with an array of of nice platinum rings(cuma price jer tak nice sangat. he he *cheapskate alert*).

*scratch head*

Well, as materialistic as it sounds,it's all about the money(tidak syak lagi,but this is what happened when my kawin-bawah-pokok idea kena reject & tho it's not like money could buy us happiness or someone to love and love us back but it's rather useful :P ), and I believe with the right other half, the right timing, the right intention, the rezeki would come, insyaAllah.

Fret not(yea,I'm telling myself this over and over again).

Can we do it? Yes we can!

Have a great week.



I'm not going turn this blog into a bridezilla's blog, but more often than not, I would be rambling about the big day - whether others like it or not. It's mine after all,remember?

So yea, as friends and family would sometimes drop me a message or call up to ask about the preparation, I would stutter, lost for words and would come up with "tah,takde buat ape2 pon lagi" answer and some of them would scare me with " hah? your time is running out" feedback - which left me cringing in terror, thankyouverymuch.

But yea, no kidding. I've done pretty much nothing so far. Except for that one particular stuff which we got for hantaran, the lovely fabric that we got for the solemnization & the kursus that we are going to this weekend - others are still floating in mid air, surveys and impian yang bukan-bukan don't count.

If you ask me, I would prefer to skip all the hassles and just get it over with- since it's not like I have anybody to impress with all those fancy wedding stuff pun( as everything that I'll do or get for the wedding is solely for my satisfaction). I just wanna tie the knots, that's it.

Tapi reality bites, obviously lah tak boleh buat macam tu. Mau kena tampar nanti. he he. Apa? Cek nak kawen simple-simple ja bawah pokok? Pang!

So since my kawen bawah pokok wedding is not going to be materialized, so yea, more reason for the control-freak in me to go crazy over the tedious preparations.

Saya nak baju chantek,

nak kasut chantek,

nak wedding invitation chantek,

nak dais chantek,

nak bling-bling chantek,

C***, boleh? he he.

Knowing my C***, his answer going to be "boleh" or the worst case scenario - he would simply gives me the you-gotta-be-kidding-me look, (yes I'm unbelievable sometimes) but more often than not he wouldn't mind a bit.

Provided I made the efforts lah, bukan main order jer as he would go, "Aper? Nak baju ade lip lap lip lap? Jom cari, dia takde kaki nak datang sendiri". He's cool just like that. :P

I hope we could finalized the to-do list by tomorrow and start our engines for the whole wedding thing by next month.


Have a great weekend. Woot!

I would be enjoying mine.


of.rock star.&.me.

As much as I love designer handbags, I detest the hassles it gives me. I hate the fact that not only it would break your bank when you bought it(tapi takper,you hafta reward yourself after all those hard works sometimes), but it would also demands for a rock star treatment as long as it lives.

Like, tak boleh ke kalau cuci dengan sabun cap kapak jer? Nak kena pakai special cleanser bagai,duh.

Owh well, unless I don't mind ruining it (sebab duit dah terlebih banyak macam daun) and it wouldn't be such a big deal to spend half of the paycheque for another bag.

At this point of my life(when I'm supposed to save as much as possible for the big day), those are not my options.

So there goes my dough, I hafta spend hundreds on those ridiculous leather cleaner and conditioner - when I would prefer spending it on a pretty pair of shoes. he he. Err..in the spirit of the wedding, so yea,wedding shoes I mean. :P


I still pretty much sound like a frog, Fran( from the Nanny) and sometimes more of someone in a deep sleep aka suara pemalas budak baru bangun tido, so much so that C*** was like "Are you still in bed?" when he called this morning(apparently untuk bertanya khabar, since when does he do that? :P He's more of what-are-you-doing-dah-makan-ke-belum guy, nampaknya sudah upgrade) .

Lihat lah jari saya, chantek tak?(Okay this is scary)

On a lighter note, I have another production deployment tonite, or should I say re-deployment as I deployed it 2 weeks back but for some unavoidable firewall issues and whatnot(read: big company's various red tapes),we hafta roll back, so yeah, I'm praying for tonite's success with every fiber of my being(like apekah asyik dok buat keja sama 2-3 kali,sungguh tak productive and it's just one freaking file, apekah sungguh menyusahkan hiduppp).

So yea,wish me luck,will ya?



I'm down with these sickly tickling sore throat and flu. I detest the latter the most as there's nothing more annoying than a blocked but runny nose along with those urges to sneeze in 5 minutes interval. Tsk tsk.

Not a pretty sight.

Anyway, my weekend was great. Good food as usual. he he. Mum even whipped up a special dish for me on Sunday due to the sore throat. Sore throat or not, the food was yummo!

Owh yes, regardless the sore throat. Managed to visit a bunch of those bridal shops. I hafta say that so far, only one of them fits me. Taste-wise I mean, as I'm not big at the idea of turning myself into a xmas tree during the wedding - walaupon akak dan 'akak' kedai tu mengeleng2 sambil berkata "baju pengantin memang la berkilat2 dik, baru la chantek".

I beg to differ.

Beading is good, elaborate beading is great but heavy beading with blinding sparkles don't amuse me. Like seriously, did I tell ya I don't wanna look like a xmas tree?

I want something simple with moderate amount of white crystal and pearls. Yea pearls. he he.

& believe it or not, we're yet to come up with the theme color, like seriously I have no idea. Hmppp..

Anyway I hafta thank C*** for being wonderful these days.

Me down with sore throat + flu = C*** shall come with food + mineral water(kerana air yang dimasak kat rumah tak sedap,blueh) + 100 plus + panadol.

Isn't he nice? He's sure is ♥. :P

On another note, work is great & I have loads of shopping to do.

Have a great week.


♥of.hiatus stories.&.me.♥

I'm back from my 6 days hiatus. No, I didn't fly off to any of those exotic islands with the super white sandy beaches and the clear, crystal clear water neither.

I just got caught up with work.

Tonnes of them.

It's the same old story,

the users from hell trying to make my life miserable by being dramatic over the most stupid stuff I've ever heard,

and me getting sick of their stupidness(so yea it's true how the boss said that we should always assume that they are stupid coz apparently they are),

they bugging me all day over their critical problems,

I had to go over to fix em(which is when I realized that I'm stuck with a bunch of stupid),

and the rest is history.

Yea, that surely sounds fun.

So fun that I felt like vomiting blood from the sheer excitement of it. Not.

Anyway, let's talk about something really fun for a bit.

Hmpp..well, my Sunday was fun.

C*** came over to pick me up at 11am bearing breakfast courtesy of FMIL, yea, she actually packed a bunch of piping hot cekodok udang for me along with its homemade dips and oranges. Sungguh terharu(yer la, tetiba dapat home-delivary breakfast) and memalukan(I blame C*** for this as he had the guts to tell his mum that I was starving hence the freshly made cekodok) all at the same time.

So after the I'm having my breakfast in the car whilst C***'s watching session, we headed straight to the Gardens to spend the cash vouchers that we got from our last purchase, and we ended up getting a bunch of stuff for C*** and err..a cute water bottle for me(as if I need another one but well,it's cute and overpriced but it's free :P).

Owh yes, we skipped lunch as both of us were not terribly hungry so we decided to have tea after Asar instead as C*** was craving for cakes(which is very rare as I'm the one with all the weird cravings. :P)

So yea, we happily sat down for tea, with three choices of lovely fattening cakes and smoothies. Nyum. I wish we could have more but we have to limit ourselves you see?, an expanding waistline during the big day is fatal,no? :P

Talking about the big day, I'm pretty much no where toward the end of the preparation phase yet. There are loads of stuff to be bought, kursus kawen to attend, cards to design, baju for the solemnization to be tailored and other 1001 stuff.

Like really, the list is endless but I'm going to really start working on it this weekend as I would be back in Kedah to solve the rumah or dewan dilemma(I had already stroke off the hotel as I hate the formality and the hassle) and to decide on the dais and whatnot. Owh we'll see.

Okie, that's about it.



I'm office-alone(aka I hafta stay back since I have a deployment to test and verify tonite) since everyone already gone back home 100 light years ago.

I'm hungry(due to various foodwishes video on youtube) and bored(tho it's not like I have nothing to do, but ya know,petang-petang memang kurang productive), sooo..I just need to let off some steam.

Do you know that the last movie that I watched(at the movie theater not the one that was innocently downloaded or ehem.. bought) was...hmpp..errr..I don't know, it has been soo long(approximately 300 years ago) since the last movie that I honestly couldn't recall which's the last.

Anyway, the fact above is not to prove that I'm lame. he he.

It just a reminder for someone that I wanna catch a movie.(which of coz lah he wouldn't get since he doesn't stalk me anymore, but well..) :P

So yea, moving on. Lets talk about something happy.

Hmpp...owh yea,

  • I finally got my hands on the 1st stuff for hantaran. :D 1 down!(Must catch up on the shopping as the buy 1 stuff/month won't work as I'm running out of time.)

  • I'm going back home next weekend, well next next weekend. Woot!(but yet to decide on the mode of transportation.)

  • I'm done paying for the last mishap that I bumped into = More money for shopping..err..spend on the wedding I mean.Alhamdulillah.

  • Confirmed a date for the big day. Woowee..
So yea that's about it.

Now I hafta get back to work.



C*** came over to ask me out for dinner last night(with buah tangan from his mom, thankyousoverymuch :D) whilst shivering with hunger as he was on leave yesterday and was too malas to go out for food. Kemalasan apekah ini?(Eh wait a sec, how could you go on such diet without me? Saya pon nak kurus jugak.) T_T

Anyway, we went for pizza(so much of a diet), wiped everything clean within an hour and lepak. The 1st real lepak after the whole engagement thing and boy, we had like 100 gazillions of stuff to talk about.

As our lepak was adjourned to a next unknown date(which probably comes this weekend or earlier) when he sent me back home, I was already equipped with a handful of stuff to do for the big day.

First thing first, I need to dig up our almost forgotten to-do-list which we made like 100 years ago and put in some new crucial things, the kursus perkahwinan thingy and a serious series of shopping sprees to name a few, hmpp..well darling,I seriously don't mind the shopping. Esok boleh start? he he.

Anyway, just when I thought we're done with the talking,C*** called and we blabbered away until the clock strike 3a.m.(When will we ever learn? Hari keja sila tido awal,tsk tsk).

So please don't mind me if I look like a walking zombie today, well, mental-state wise not physically mind you. :P

Off for a meeting now. Tata

of.the 1st.&.me.

I haven't venture into the whole freaking out over petty stuff world in the longest time.

Not to say that I have nothing to be insecure about nor that I'm blissfully happy sitting on the top of the world or something, creeps still come and go sometimes, knocking at my door when I least expected.

But well, I've learned a lesson not to go berserk( just yet) coz once I do, it gonna be ugly. Real ugly as I'm never the pretentious kind and wouldn't be the one blowing kisses when all I wanna do is throw a Molotov cocktail to someone's face.

Yea, I'm just plain obvious like that.


the 1st weekend of the year was a blissful one. I did nothing but hang out with the cousins, watched gruesome movies(he he,movie genre kegemaran Kakna :P), went out for a rare family outing(he he, kakna bebeh,ya know what I mean) and ate a blardy lot(yer,it defies my new year resolution).

So yea, that's about it.

Have a great week aight?


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