
I'm office-alone(aka I hafta stay back since I have a deployment to test and verify tonite) since everyone already gone back home 100 light years ago.

I'm hungry(due to various foodwishes video on youtube) and bored(tho it's not like I have nothing to do, but ya know,petang-petang memang kurang productive), sooo..I just need to let off some steam.

Do you know that the last movie that I watched(at the movie theater not the one that was innocently downloaded or ehem.. bought) was...hmpp..errr..I don't know, it has been soo long(approximately 300 years ago) since the last movie that I honestly couldn't recall which's the last.

Anyway, the fact above is not to prove that I'm lame. he he.

It just a reminder for someone that I wanna catch a movie.(which of coz lah he wouldn't get since he doesn't stalk me anymore, but well..) :P

So yea, moving on. Lets talk about something happy.

Hmpp...owh yea,

  • I finally got my hands on the 1st stuff for hantaran. :D 1 down!(Must catch up on the shopping as the buy 1 stuff/month won't work as I'm running out of time.)

  • I'm going back home next weekend, well next next weekend. Woot!(but yet to decide on the mode of transportation.)

  • I'm done paying for the last mishap that I bumped into = More money for shopping..err..spend on the wedding I mean.Alhamdulillah.

  • Confirmed a date for the big day. Woowee..
So yea that's about it.

Now I hafta get back to work.



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