there's a million things i can do..n do alone

most of everythin in the world comes in a whole.

eg.peaches comes in an ovul-like shape(read:whutever shape u wanna call it). and we, being the homosapiens with superb creativities turned it into halves,cubes n all those stuff that we desire.(duh~whut a good eg. hahah)

i wish that i could do that to human too.but ppl comes in a complete package that consist of the dark n the bright side.n in order to be able to accept her/him.we just have to bear with the dark side as much as we like the other side of her/him.

conclusion:we just have to accept ppl as a whole. :P~

so..the goes another crap from dd the queen of crap*clap2* hahah...

(note:forgive my crappy-ness)

i can be a mystery...
cover up my heart....
Never show my emotion always keep you in the dark...
i could find funny line impress you for a while....
Hide the way that I'm feeling behind the smile....

guy sebastian - just as i am

well..feelin hungry and partly tired.i have another class tonite.replacement class to be exact.n my throat feels like theres somethin stucked in the mid of my throat.urgh~

to whom it may concern..this song is for u :P~

I haven't felt the way I feel today
In so long it's hard for me to specify.
I'm beginning to notice how much this
feels like a waking limb... pins and needles,
nice to know you,
Good-bye, Nice to Know You
To know..You

(incubus - nice to know u)

owh la la..time to mamam!care to join me mencomelkan diri?


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