smileeeee...heeee :D
the hectic sunday of mine finally over!!yey...i think i need to get a face massage.hahah..ive been smilin n talkin almost non-stop durin the campus tour.penat dah nak senyum.i think that theres gonna be another deformation of my face muscles after nih...ish ish..
well..woke up this ready semua.5 mins b4 to campus tour waitin area.amik our food coupons n lepak.yes..we have to wait for the visitors to come.kot tak nak free campus tour kat saper right?at dah mule 1st duty.just tunjukkan this uncle n his kids to the seminar.then followed by my 1st campus took about 40 mins kot.then..on the way back to the waitin area,when i was about to finish the campus tour with my 1st group of visitors.bro kecik called.haha..dtg jugak this budak kecik.went to meet him.dragged him to the MPH.lepak2 for awhile then curik tulang!pegi lunch punye la lamer :P~
neway...bro kecik didnt stay that long.dia nak balik tak sempat la banjer ice cream ek?hihi..some other time eh bro?at least dpt ler door gift yg comel tu right?hahah..esok dpt lagi!thx to u :P~yey...
then ade la few rounds of campus tour lagi.n ade this trip,we took about an hour n 15 mins kot.duh~macik n pacik tu mmg nak investigate habis2an lah.way to go to my beloved database system lecturer Mr.CCHO for the superb explaination.*clap2*he was waitin at 1 of the software animation n game design labs when kitaorg gi visit the FIT building.hee..nice2, i always like him.he knows how to make the explanation sounds least interestin enough to attract the visitors.
well..we r supposed to be off duty at 2pm since i was in the mornin group.but then again,sebab the last group punye la excited sgt nak tau serba serbi.i went off duty at 3.20pm.uhuks..i was all tired of walkin n smilin.dah le kena investigate habis2an dek macik pacik tu..tinggal mane,duduk mane,umor baper.ishish..macam pegi interview lak..ey!im the tour guide remember?im not a criminal or somethin!!nooooooooo....
got some new friends..seniors.heee..nice2.then pegi round2 kejap.n lepak tgk students another new friend.he used to be studyin in utm.another international student.n mase ade dikir barat.he asked me ape diorg tgh nyanyi tu.erk?dikir barat n their unique should i know?me pon tak paham la... :P~ then borak2 for awhile then off to the hostel.
doze off for an hour.woke up..mandi2 semua.then gi tapau for dinner.n now..crappin like usual :P~
well..a whole new week is comin.i surely hope that it gonna be a great week.i pledge myself not to mess up with anybody this week n hopefully nobody gonna come n mess up with me more gaduh2,majuk2 or more so called pms.hahaha :P
hope that the test gonna be okie still lum habis study for the test.n i need to get myself a ticket!im goin home on 20th if i manage to get the ticket.maybe flight tgh hari ke..ptg ke..depends.hee..okies.
time to rest!!!
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