wheres the rain??
it has been quite sometimes since the last downfalls..urgh...its so damn hot over here....*sigh*God!pls let it rains....
im startin to get this weird headache like i always do whenever the weather makes me feel like im livin in a desert..duh~ nak demam tak demam...nak pengsan tak pengsan...monster tak patut duduk kat desert rite?its suppose to be somewhere peaceful with wonderful breath-takin waterfalls,crystal clear water streamin down the rivers n last but not least...cold! haha.. :P
current wheather in jurassic park : hot...but windy n crazy! :P
but then again,the wind is kinda dry.its not soothin like its suppose to..ish ish..so it doesnt make any different whether its windy or not coz its still damn hot!
and 2 days back....cloudy...it seemed like its goin to rain cats n dogs,the wind started to blow like its goin to drag everythin that was on its way..but the next sec...mr.sunshine managed to conquer the day once again*sigh*.
n now...i can hear the thunder roaring...duh~ hope that its not another false alarm.
well..my parents called yesterday,asked bout the usual stuff like usual..just to make me feel like they r near*grin*it seems like everyone at home is catchin up with the technology. semua dah ade their own com.heh...my parents got their own laptops n pdas while my bro inherited a desktop from me :P n yeah im gettin myself a new desktop!heh...ive been livin with this laptop for almost 2 years..n i think i have to get a desktop just to keep me updated *wink*
guess whut???its rainin!!!!yey...kiss the rain!!muakss...alhamdulillah*grin*
me nak mamam!care to join me for tea?? :P
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