fakin it...
erk?naah..im not fakin bout anythin, at least not rite now..hehe*wink*
well.i came across this show on discovery channel a nice unique tv program, faking it!
Ever wonder what it would be like to have another profession? Well, you're certainly not alone. Our Faking It participants, for one reason or another, have decided to turn their worlds upside down. With much guidance from professional mentors, our fakers attempt to prove that they're the real deal. Can they fool the real pros? Or will they be called out as imposters? Watch the show to see if they can fake it and make it or flake out and fail.
its a reality show where u have to go for an audition n then they gonna give u a month of a complete trainin so that u'll be able to do somethin extremely diff than ur current job n ur life.nice~
it gonna be quite interestin to join this kinda stuff.dont u think??*grins*
heh..at least its much more interestin than watchin the akademi fantasia
thingy.duh~ some of those ppl r more suitable kalau amik berlakon utk drama minggu ini.huhu... its not like im denyin the fact that they might be a bunch of talented ppl but sometimes they r just plain ....err??(figure it our urself) :P~
to the AF die hard fans,no offence eh? its not like im not supportin the local programs.but some of em can be really annoyin n stoopid..oh yeah..some r vice versa.2 thumbs up! :D
back to the topic.faking it reminded me of another tv series,the pretender.its so damn nice if u r such a genius n then its gonna be an ease for u to get into other ppl's shoes n be just as good as them in doin things that they do..wah..beshnyer.duh~in ur dreams :P~
monster: y r u so into this kinda stuff dd?
martian:maybe its a sign that ur a daydreamer or somethin dd??
dd:erm...*eyerollin*naah..dunt think so.*geleng2*
i rather take it as a sign that that im fully aware of how life is full of possibilities.(ayat skema)things happen rite?expect the unexpected eh? ;)
well..its time to..err.cook? :P~
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