everythin so blurry..

im gettin weird...n weirder everyday.i dunt know whut has got into me but ive been feelin a lil bit awful for the past 2 days.rejectin calls,ignoring msges and maybe a lil bit more inscrutable than b4.and to whom it may concern.im so sorry.

n no..im not having a fight with my bf or ade the so called "masalah rumah tangga"..hell no,i dunt even have a bf..haha..maybe its the time of the month?nope..its not that either. its just than once in a while i feel like im not being myself.and maybe i should thx the particular person for ruinin my good mood 2 days back.

ive been wonderin...y on earth everytime u r not feelin good or tend to be a lil moody,ppl will start to assume that u r havin a fight with someone n to be a lil specific, ur bf/gf???.as if there's no other reason?.heee..get a life.y cant it be kucin mati ke?my pet hamster mati ke?

but then again,when im out there,i tend to smile though i dunt feel like smilin.it just dunt feel right to frown.n i dunt want my muscles to work twice harder just bcoz i need to frown.infact..it doesnt hurt to smile though im feelin horrible.
*sigh*inscrutable me.

tiela:thx for the call.somehow u always pop up whenever i feel like talkin to someone.gracias me amiga :D


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