♥of.more random thoughts.&.me.♥

Miss meh? Guess not.

BTW, I've been bitten by the lazy bug(& love bug, more often now since the big day is just around the corner, he he) tho there are like 1001 things on my mind but they somehow refused to come out, like owh lepas ni nak tulis kat blog lah, tapi bila nak tulis, macam..hmppp..err..God, what am I going to write about again?

So yea, let's be random for a bit.

o1. I spent the loong weekend in Malacca. Again, I hafta be thankful for the awesome future parents in law. I mean, by knowing that I'm having parents in law like em, I have one less thing to worry about when it comes to marriage. Yer lah, I hafta admit I watched too much Malay drama( with my previous housemates), especially those with mak/bapak mertua yang kejam and equally keji. he he.

o2. I had a sneak preview on how my wedding in Malacca gonna be like. The kompang yang bersemangat, the berarak at night with the elaborate costumes, the fireworks, the tukar-tukar baju 8 kali thingy and whatever not. It's a whole different kind of meriah compared to what we have in Kedah. I hafta say I'm a bit embarrassed bila memikirkan we hafta parade around like that, but well, whaddaheck? :P

o3. Today, we( C*** & me, obviously) decided to rent the place that we went to last week. It undoubtedly small but the the house is clean with a good paint job, the hall is spacey and C***'s is wonderful when it comes to DIY stuff and the arranging part(he already planned out the floor plan,yes he's that efficient and semangat) so we gonna trust our guts on this one(sebenarnya gelabah takot takde rumah lepas kawen ha ha), berusahalah!

o4. I'm yet to mail the invitations cards. I left em at home tho I'm supposed to mail em today. *smacks head*.

o5. Mum detest the jar stickers, just because they didn't come in gold (what's up with mums and gold? Apekah semua mesti in gold baru nampak chantek?) & the chandelier artwork seems nontraditional(that she wanna cut off the artwork,tinggalkan name dengan date jer). I'm sorta pissed(as those stickers are not cheap, those tiny bits of papers cost me hundreds) but I'm too jaded to be bothered by those sorta stuff.

I mean, I'm pissed alright but jumping into an argument about those blardy stickers are the last thing on my to-do list. Nak potong ke, nak ape ke, nak buat lain ke, silakan. I couldn't be bothered. Not anymore.

o6. Thanks to darling Zue, I managed to bag 400 lollipops on Friday. We met up for a quick McD breakfast together in Maluri with her hubby and 2 of us later went to the tidbits wholesaler in Pudu. I'm overwhelmed that despite her condition(mak buyong yang penat nak berjalan2), she was all excited and willing to help with the lollies hunt. Thanks macik, saya sayang kamu banyak-banyak(walaupon kamu lorat nak membully saya).

Owh, talking about lollies, I'm planning to buy those heart-shaped lollies for the VIP tables, but we'll see how lah. If I have extra money to spend later hoh? Ade ka extra money nih. he he.

o7.I'm freaking out over the amount of money that I hafta fork out next month. The house deposit + money to be spent on the electrical appliances and whatnot. The remaining balances for all the vendors - solemnization & reception tudung, OP, dais, reception dress, wedding cakes, makeups, doorgifts, fresh flowers, decos and whatnot. I'm sorta expecting that my account balance gonna be zero by the end of the wedding, tho I hope not - kerana saya nak pegi berjalan2. :P

o8. I'm praying with every fiber of my being for a good news about my Kedah reception dress. I mean, I only have 25 freaking days more to go and bayang-bayang baju pon belum nampak. ha ha. I must be insane to be able to stay calm but I dunno lah, I'm yet to freak out. Tu pasal saya masih bersabar.

o9. I need to hunt for a nice cake stand for the hantaran cake. Hmpp..mane mau carik.

1o. It's funny bout how comfy you could be around a friend(let's call him Pacik W) yang baru 3 kali jumpa(tho dah kenal 7 tahun). he he. Sangat at ease macam tiap-tiap hari jumpa & it's funny to think of how he's the one who introduced C*** to me. We (Pacik W, C*** & me) had a fun dinner on Saturday night whilst reminiscing about the good old days - especially on how he thought that C*** & me adelah giler sebab boleh borak with each other each and every single day for hours. Crazy? Crazy in love kot. ha ha.

11. 21 days more to go before my 2 weeks off from work. I'm planning to drag C*** somewhere for a quick jalan-jalan during our breaks.

That's about it lah, banyak pulak random thoughtnya. he he.

Have a good week.



Tora datang lagi...dengan kereta ajaib.

Owh, please excuse my crappy-ness. I blame it to my short visit to the tidbit wholesaler on Monday. It's a sweet tooth haven(I would go nuts if I'm 15 years younger) and I found the lollipops I was lemming for. Huraah!

Those lollipops are amazingly cheap so Mum decided we should give 2 lollipops for each kid(yea, this idea datangnya from seorang mummy yang tak setuju kasi lollipops for kids at the 1st place, tak elok kasi budak-budak too much sugar katanyer, now nak bagi dua? he he).

So yea, we bought half of the lollipops yesterday as I was being fussy and thought that some of the lollipops weren't cute enough(& some adelah quite fishy as I couldn't see any Halal logo on the packaging) so nak cari tempat lain pulak. :P

Moving on,

well, I'm done with the hantaran trays. Bought the final 3 on Saturday, along with the remaining 700 pieces organza bags for the glass jars.

Terima kasih, merci, thank you Maksu kerana tolong carikan and beli(tanpa dibayar balik = free. he he) the first 500 pieces of organza bags. Terharu owh. Sob sob.

I hafta admit that I love the door gift.

The glass jar(yang susah nak mati saya mencari, sila appreciate) + mystery content(mum's idea) + customized sticker(yang corny tapi saya suka) + organza bag = cuteness.

Yer, sila puji door gift sendiri.
It's a result of our blood, sweat and tears - so we deserved a pat on the shoulder la kan? he he.

Talking about door gift, I'm on the lookout for another bunch of door gift for backup, say 300 pieces more. I still gonna go for the same mystery content but I'd like to have a different packaging for it as si tukang beli glass jar(aka yours truly) adelah sudah malas nak order glass jars lagi, therefore I wanna go for something that I could directly purchase in bulk.

Perhaps something like these would do,

Now I just hafta hunt for em, saya nak yang chantek and wallet-friendly, boleh? Saya kan cheapskate. he he.

Hmppp...on a lighter note, I'm in the midst of compiling the wedding songs - ini adelah untuk avoid the possibility of having unwanted surprise during my big day.

I've come to realize that if you didn't get to provide the wedding song during the reception, you might ended up having dangdut, rock kapak (especially lagu chenta yang keciwa, ape relevan lagu chenta keciwa during reception pon saya tatau, mungkin dedicated to the stalkers or the ex), pop ye yeh & if you're having a reception up north, maybe akan ade lagu hindustan jugak. Sungguh tidak gembira.

On another lighter note, saya dah boleh kawen. ha ha. Dad called to inform that all the documents have been submitted daaannn dah dapat kebenaran kawen. Yer, lagi 30 hari dah nak kawen, sila lah panic kerana

o1. Belum jumpa rumah
to live in - but fret not as we are going for serious house hunt by this week. Berusahalah!

o2. My Kedah's reception dress is still somewhat non-existent. Yea, saya adelah orang yang yakin kepada janji-janji manis just like that.

o3. Tudung for both reception & solemnization adelah masih angan-angan semata - but since the tudung-maker is a friend of my BFF, so saya tak lah risau sangat, or should I?

o4. Saya masih belum kurus, I'm not losing or gaining anything. Yea, I only have 30 days more to go and I still look like a donut. Owh takpe lah, C*** love donut..err..I think.

That's about it, can't wait for the long weekend to come as I'm going to have a quick lepak-lepak with Zue darling on Friday(whilst bershopping dgn mak buyung) and off to Malacca for another fitting session & a kenduri.

So yea, have a great week.


of.wedding updates.&.me.

It has been a while since my last proper wedding-update post.

Well, what can I say? I'm still as calm and relax as ever but reading other B2Bs blogs and their wedding progress,DIY stuff and whatnot make me feel like jumping off a cliff.

Yea, mula la tetiba panic macam ayam, running around like a headless chicken. Freaking out over some imaginary wedding faux pas.

Owh well, let's proceed with the progress, shall we? *bridezilla ranting ahead*

o1. My SP's reception dress is still non-existent tho my reception is coming within 36 freaking days. No thanks to the red-shirt blardy fiesta in Tha*land , my dress is stuck somewhere in Bangkok tak dapat nak bawak balik lagi. Tsk tsk. So yea, need to press the boutique for a firm dateline - dia cakap hujung bulan,tapi skrang dah nak hujung pon and the whole red-shirt thing in Tha*land is getting worse. Planning to drop by this weekend (since I'm going back to Kedah to work on the documents) and choose a backup dress. *sighs*

o2. Whyyy? Why is it so hard for MUA in Kedah nak datang rumah for the makeup session? like cmmon lah, I'll pay you double. Sila lah datang ke rumah,boleh makan kenduri sekali. It's weird on how my MUA in Malacca is willing to cater to our needs the whole fricking day tapi MUA kat Kedah adelah sungguh banyak alasan. Tsk tsk. Makeup dekat bridal boutique adelah sungguh tidak feeling pengantin, rasa macam runaway bride adelah kot. Haih. Must remind myself to go for a test makeup supaya kejadian lama tidak berulang.

o3. The solemnization & reception tudung are still in progress and I'm in no rush. I'm yet to tell the tudung-maker that I'm going for something simple especially for the solemnization since the dress and veil are already in the meriah side. We should not look like a xmas tree on our wedding day, no?

o4. I'm yet to mail & distribute the wedding invitations. he he. Sungguh pemalas. Hafta do it asap.

o5. Mum bought extra bunga pahar, for backup in case we run out of the official door gift. he he. Memang ade perasaan macam tak cukup jer.Owh well, we'll see how lah nanti.

o6. The stickers for the spice jars and VIP boxes are on its way.WOOT! Hope it gonna turn out good - kerana saya dengan kalutnya buat the logo design and I'm not much of a designer(that's why I'm a programmer instead). he he.

A love story yo! ha ha.
I know it's corny but there's ain't a better time to be corny.

It's a love story indeed.

o7. I'm done with hantaran-hunting, ya know, for the big stuff. The chocolates & whatnot hafta wait. Planning to send all the hantaran trays, flowers and deco to the decorator this weekend. Lagi cepat lagi bagus. Tak serabut otak saya nanti.

o8. Yet to find the lollipops for the kids. Lemming for medium-sized colorful lollies. Owh, dimanakah mau ku cari? Thought of buying it in KL but C*** said I should try to find a wholesaler in SP instead, tak payah nak susah-susah angkut. Hmpp..hafta scout for it this weekend then.

o9.Lo and behold, the most important thing of all, the borang nikah. Yea, I'm yet to work on it kerana 1- Borang nikah in Kedah hafta be submitted a month before the actual date, 2- saya sendiri belum penah tengok the borang. :P Anyhow, I already gathered everything and made copies of everything along with C***'s form(his sudah siap sejuta tahun lampau). Moga-moga settle lah weekend ni. Berusahalah!

1o. Yet to decide on the henna, something simple would do. Less is more, no? he he.

11. Going to the florist this weekend to scout for the hand bouquet and corsage. I'd like to have something like this

I heart the color scheme.
Hope it gonna stand out against my off-white dress. :D

That's about it, hafta get back to my prototyping, else I wouldn't be able to balik kampung this weekend.

So yea, wish me luck in...well, everything.


of.yet another Monday.&.me.

Another Monday,another week passed by and we're yet to find a place for us to live. *sighs*

Well, we went to view a house yesterday, a studio unit located merely few steps away from my cousin's place( otherwise known as block sebelah jerr).

I hafta admit that I like the fact that it's well-maintained, equipped with a good looking kitchen, air-conditioned rooms and whatnot tapiiiii.. the bathroom is a major letdown, it's like going to a fancy restaurant tapi tengok-tengok the washroom adelah macam kat kedai mamak. Sungguh kecewa. Tsk tsk. What's up with you people? Boleh tak sewakan rumah yang chantek dengan equally nice bathroom? Haih.

I initially thought that I'm just being too fussy but later found out that C*** shares the same sentiment when it comes to bathroom so we decided to let it pass - plus it's a studio unit with two rooms which are interconnected which subtlety radiates the "it's a small house so you can come but you can't stay" aura. Macam tak kasi orang datang rumah jer. he he.

Owh well, fret not. 39 days tu kan lamaaaaa lagi. he he. *nervous chuckles*

Anyway, after we were done with the house, I pestered C*** for Ikea's meatballs. I've been craving for em since forever. Being the nice pacar he is, of coz lah dia bawak. So we had late lunch, jalan-jalan for a bit, had Baskin Robin ice cream for tea, lepak-lepak some more and later had dinner on the way back.

It was a fun spontaneous day(which is sorta rare lately) as we're no longer coped in our hantaran-hunt sessions and I hafta thank C*** for paying for anything and everything that I craved for yesterday. he he.

No, it's not because I'm such a cheapskate nor the fact that I'm a firm believer of "guys should pay for everything" ideology. I *cough cough* accidentally left my wallet at home, so yea, I brought 1001 stuff in my handbag yesterday minus the wallet. I was as good as the illegal immigrant yang baru sampai naik tongkang, void of any personal identification. :P

Owh owh(tetiba teringat lupa cerita pasal Saturday, terus skip pegi Sunday), we (Kakna bebeh & me) went to Shah Alam for our latest nephew's akikah. The weather was freaking hot but the food adelah yummo. I had tonnes of roasted lamb(laden with mint sauce of coz) and had a hard time to sleep kerana rasa panas nak mati.

That's about it(tetiba cerita dah abis), I have a prototype to work on, so yeah, later.

Owh, have a great week okay?

p/s: Wish me luck in house-hunting.


Every morning, C*** would text me at exactly 30 minutes before 9am. To wish me good morning, tanya dah pegi keje ke belum, ya know the usual stuff.

I don't know about you, but I'm sorta clingy when it comes to relationship(note: Bukan nak-berkepit-24/7 kinda clingy, it's a different kind).

Ya see, I would get pretty agitated when he doesn't text(or return my texts) or call or answer my calls(which is super rare,so when he doesn't adelah risau dan annoyed. Like, dimanakah dikauuuuu? T_T ).

So yea, I won't illustrate my level of clingy-ness any further as it's not what I'm trying to ramble about right now.

I'm here to ramble on how I've unconsciously helped C*** to develop his clingy-ness toward me. he he.

Yea, unconsciously, seriously.

Here how it all started.

Ya see, I've started working approximately 3 years ago and throughout those years, I've been living in 3 different places.

The 1st place that I lived in was shared between 3 working ladies(including me lah). They're much older as they're already in the 30s when I moved in. I felt sorta out of place as I was the youngest and they're single workaholics yang keluar pagi balik malam and we didn't share the same common ground. Like seriously, we have little to nothing to talk about so I'm bored outta my mind and that's when C*** came to my rescue.

I would pester him for dinner(padahal bukan rasa nak makan pon) during weekdays and no point in guessing that I would drag C*** out for jalan-jalan cari pasal during the weekends(bukan la sebab bosan semata tapi sebab I love having him around). I would be contented just to hang out and borak-borak with him whilst doing nothing.

He's my escapism from my boring rented places when none of the BFFs is within reach. He's my happy-pill. He would humor me like nobody's business (& he loves me so that's a major bonus. hehe).

To cut the story short, after 3 years and 3 rented places. He's still my all that throughout all those years until lah I moved in with my cousin approximately 2 weeks back.

So yea, this morning. Along with his usual text, he dropped a bitter remark, saying I've forgotten all about him, that it doesn't matter anymore if he's around or not during the weekdays (sebab dulu saya meroyan if he's not around during the weekdays as I would be bored as hell,takde geng nak ajak lepak kalau tetiba bosan after balik keja). he he.

Now, does it means that he misses our usual lepak sessions during weekdays? - as we haven't hang out during weekdays for the past 2 weeks.

Maybe sekarang dia pulak bosan sebab dah biasa dok keluar dengan sorang budak yang sikit-sikit asyik mengadu bosan itu, tetapi tiba-tiba budak bosan tu dah stop mengadu bosan. he he.

Tho at the end of our morning texts session, he was like "owh I'm just kidding", tapiiii..sebenarnya kidding kah darling? :P

Takpe lah,nanti kita lepak, saya nak koewteaw goreng kerang pucuk paku plissss? :D

of.sireh junjung.&.me.

The last time I went to C***'s house in Malacca, I managed to spot the sireh junjung from my December's engagement. I was sorta stunned, like owh wow, future MIL still simpan lagi? Tho of coz the flowers looked all dull and obviously dead tapii the little pinang flowers and the cengkih, kapur, gambir etc are still intact and I began to appreciate the effort given in making em.

I hafta admit that I was not paying much attention to the sireh junjung, I don't know how, I don't know where, I don't know when, tup tup dah ada depan mata. he he.

Like seriously, who am I kidding? I wouldn't be able to make em myself, not in the next 1 million years, so yea, I hafta thank my Tok(kerana tolong carikan resource utk sireh junjung) and Tok Lang(for making em) for that. They are wonderful.

Honestly, I didn't know that Tok Lang's that artsy either tho I know she's into sewing and all that. How I hoped I wasn't that ignorance bout the sireh thing, else I'd get her nicer flowers to put on together with the sireh, but takpe lah, for me it still looked blardy cute. he he.

Mental note : must remind myself to provide the flowers for big day's sireh junjung.

Clockwise :
My sireh junjung( made by Tok Lang, notice the pinang flowers?).

The future big day sireh junjung?(he he, I love the color scheme but it's a tad too crowded, the sireh pinang and all that almost nonexistent.)

C***'s sireh junjung( made by FMIL,sungguh lah rajin siap potong the sireh dengan art scissors bagai).

That's about it, saje-saje jer nak ramble pasal sireh. :P


of.brief update.&.me.

Hi I'm Ms.Anak and I'm blardy BUSY.
Yea, you got it right.

I've been busy, so busy with my monstrous pile of work that I couldn't be bothered to update.

Yea, if blogging is a work, I should be fired but no, it's not. Thankkk God. he he.

So yea, hellow people. *waves*

I have loads to ramble about but saya malas and I have a bunch of codes to debug, so this gonna be quick and random(what's new with that ey?).

We started our house-hunt last weekend and I could safely say that I detest it to the bones - no thanks to the facts that our workplaces is like 1000 lightyears away from one another and all the rumah idaman kalbu are frickin expensive(saya bukan memilih but I like decent places and not one of those condos yang kelihatan seperti berpuaka ). There's no way on earth we're going to spend quarter of the paycheque for the rental.Forking out a huge sum of moolah each month for a house that ain't gonna be ours is a big NO NO. What a cheapskate to do? Haih.

I found my wedding shoes at Charles & Keith. A simple off-white peep-toe (unfortunately no slingback, tsk tsk hello blisters!) but fortunately it didn't come with a killer heels else I would risk killing myself from the free-falling. he he. Maybe patut beli kasut lagi satu,ya know for backup.

Found the watch-organizer for C***(like finally!!). The leather shop was having its anniversary sale so the organizer cost me just a lil under 200 buck. Which is sungguh menggembirakan. Nothing beats a good bargain.(Yea, she's a total cheapskate).

C*** brought me to whaddahell-is-the-name-again park to watch people flying kites( after both of us were sick of house-hunting).Well, looking at C***, you wouldn't expect he's the kind of pacar who would bring his other half to watch people flying kites but that's exactly what I love about him, spontaneous and somewhat unexpected.(Ini ikhlas bukan bodek :P)

So yea,we just sat there(in the car, apekah anda ingat saya akan bergolek di atas rumput?) whilst eating a packet of mysterious pickled fruit. I hafta admit that the windy day along with those cute colorful kites looming above was somewhat therapeutic. Perhaps we should try to fly a kite sometimes, the old-fashioned surat khabar lama kite that C*** claimed he could make. *cough cough*

That's about it.(Told ya it's random but err..not so brief).

Have a great week.


of.3 words.&.me.

Miss me? :P

I'm still pretty much alive ya see?

Let's start whining, okay that doesn't sounds right. Let's start..hmppp.. rambling about my weekend.

Well, if I could sum it all up in 3 words, they hafta be

tiring, fat and serabut.

Tiring since the whole moving and shifting to Kakna place started by Friday night and continued the next day as I have a blardy load of stuff so yea, it called for an extra trip to move all those stuff from one point to another, but luckily no aching hands or feet this time. he he. Saya sudah fit kah sekarang? :P

So yea Kakna bebeh, maybe I don't need the gym sessions after all, ha ha. Dasar lazy bum. Kidding, marilah berusaha! I wanna lose 10 pounds, but lemme find my sneakers first. Hmpp..

Moving on,

the fat came in a form of nasi kenduri from C***'s cousin wedding(the daging dendeng is to die for). The future MIL even packed some of those fatty stuff for me to take home. She's the only one(besides my mum) who still think that I still don't have enough to eat, mothers are like that. he he. I ate until my tummy ached - hence my MC on Monday - maybe perot saya terkejut sebab dah lama dia tak jumpa nasi.

Last but not least, the serabut-ness comes from the facts that I have tonnes of stuff and I hardly know how to minimize them(tho I swear I've chucked out half of it before the move) and currently trying to live with my most-of-my-stuff-are-in-the-luggage-so-it's-a-pain-in-the-ass-to-manage-them state and I'm now contributing to Kakna's room serabut-ness. Very the sorry lah cousin dearest. I swear 51 days of my messy-ness won't be that long, then everything gonna turn back into its serene state, I promise. he he.

Owh yea, credit where credit is due, I hafta thank Kakna bebeh for helping me with the moving(activity bersenam yang agak dasyat kan?) and for having me. Sob sob. Saya takde rumah.(I blame errr..C***(?) for that he he).

The appreciation also goes to C*** & future FIL for helping with the bed frame and closet(rasa agak uneasy since the future FIL pon was dragged into my messy moving fiesta).

Merci, mucho gracias, terima kasih for the help.

On a lighter note, the invitation cards reached home yesterday and I reckon the parents gonna start the distributing and whatnot early next month and again, I hafta thank C*** for being such a sweetheart as he's the one who helped out on the sorting, putting the invitation cards into its card sleeves and whatnot - for 2000 cards altogether, that's a lot of work. You're the sweetest dan unbelievably rajin(for a guy) , weekend nanti saya belanja pavlova okay?

Owh sedap, okay fine, saya yang nak makan. he he

That's about it, I gotta run. I have a troublesome user to strangle err... handle.

So yea tata for now.


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