
Moi babies, kiss kiss :x

After being tied to each other for the past 1 year and 3 months, I could safely say that my other half is still not much of the romantic kind. ha ha.

So yea, do not expect romantic notes on the dressing table or whatnot lah, but credit where credit is due, he's a caring one, at its best.

Sometime not so long ago, he stuffed a small tab of paracetamol into my Elmo's mouth (yer, stuffed toy yang tidak bersalah itu ade ubat dalam mulutnya) and brought me a bottle of water in his attempt to cajole me into taking the medicine as I was already in bed and malas giler la nak bangun makan ubat, tapi sebab C*** dah bersusah payah, makan jugak lah. You'll do anything to please your loved ones, walaupon mata macam dah kena gam and your body aches with every move.

I found it rather cute and sweet, if ya know my other half, he doesn't do cute very often, funny yes, cute? Hmpphh..not so much.

I know it's nothing much, it's not like coming home to find a VW Golf GTI (idaman hati) tied with red ribbons, but some stuff are just meant to be appreciated. It's just something that you have to be grateful for.

Moving on, the spa session that I had last week was sorta..hmmpp..okay I guess. I love the sauna,foot bath and body scrubbing (owh kulit jadi as soft as baby's butt) but the massage was a wee bit on the hard side. I felt like a slab of sour dough, kena uli dengan dasyat. ha ha. I told the masseuse to slow down a little tatapiii..few minutes later tetap la kena urut dengan kuat that I couldn't be bothered to remind her to slow down anymore. Tahan je la. ha ha.

So yea, I got back home with a sore back sebab terlebih urut, and guess who hafta be my next masseur? Tentu lah C*** terchenta. he he. He was pretty evil I tell ya, he pressed hard on the sore spots and he went " Dah pergi spa, balik rumah, spa ni jugak yang awak cari." Owh well darling, what to do lah kan? Please remind me to get a better masseuse next time - which I dunno when lah.

Owh, we'll be in Malacca tomorrow and I'm so going to badger C*** to get me the mille crepe cakes. Owh.. *salivates*

That's about it. Tata.

of.another review.&.me.

I've been wanting to write bout our new favorite diaper for Myra. (Sungguh la mak mak skrang.)

Half of our diapers stock.

Well, to date, our little precious is still on Mamy Poko and Huggies Ultra/Dry Comfort and to add to the existing selections, we decided to try a Japanese made diaper - GOO.N. We were 1st introduced(introduced ke? More like dipaksa tengok by the salesperson) to it whilst grocery shopping at the nearby Jusco.

Simplicity at its best.

There's nothing fancy bout the packaging but the diaper adelah sungguh lembuuut, the quality is comparable to Mamy Poko (the salesperson insisted on its premium quality) but yea, I personally think it's softer and silkier to the touch and it comes in multiple designs in each pack. Owh, the sizing is a wee bit different too compared to Mamy Poko and Huggies as its S size is rather big macam size M dah. he he.

Price wise, it's a wee bit on a high side (kot), err..lupa pulak price berapa but it's not as cheap as Petpet lah for sure. he he. The diaper is treating Myra well so far, no diaper rash whatsoever but we're still on our 1st pack, so we'll decide later whether it's a keeper or not.

Owh yea, I googled and found out that there's another version of the diaper that actually comes with a wetness indicator. Too bad it's not available locally, kot tak teringin mak nak try nak, zaman mak dulu tadak. ha ha. :P

Yea, being a mum ni memang kiasu sikit - hence the emotional bit during the wedding that we went to previously (refer previous post). These days I just cannot tahan seeing the lil precious being uncomfortable semata-semata nak senangkan hati orang lain - like if I'm not there pon, the event is still on kan?. I mean, I'm the adult, I could surely survive the muka-gembira-tapi-hati-membara thing but babies mane lah reti kan? They cry to convey their feelings.

I'm not trying to spoil the baby (asyik nak kena duduk tempat ber-aircon segala), perhaps it's just the motherly instinct. Kang nanti budak kecik tu demam ke ape ke, sape yang tak tido malam? Sape yang rasa macam nak menangis? Yes, it's your truly.

It's true that people can't resist cute babies, tapi nak pecet-pecet ke, nak agah-agah ke,ape ke, please do mind your limit la kan? Babies are not public properties. Some parents probably won't tell it straight to your face tho they are not happy with your excessive level of 'friendliness', so yea, pepandai lah control diri sendiri. I'd usually refrain myself from being too excited toward others' babies. Walaupon rasa macam nak pecet-pecet pipi sampai leper, nak ruffle their soft black hair tapi ku tahan jebat - unless la they are close relatives, tu lain citer. Anak orang yang terjumpa dekat mall, jangan lah gatal-gatal yer. Tengok sudah.

Owh, let's leave it at that.

I'm going to drop by at the gyne's office tomorrow for a post-natal checkup and hopefully it won't be long as I'm going to drag myself into the next door spa.(Yea, like literally next door from the doc's office). Yea, the last time I went for a spa treatment is like a year ago, how time flies ey? If I'm a kuali, maybe sudah berkerak - luckily I'm not. Manusia boleh scrub diri sendiri tapi kekadang adelah malas. So let's get someone to do it for us instead. he he.

Okay, later.

of.the birthday.&.me.

I just got a year older over the weekend. Yup, I'm now 27 years young yo! :P


Well, I'm fine with the getting older thingy. I have nothing against getting old and whatnot - as I'm thankful for being able to live this long and blessed with good health, great families, awesome other half and a little precious whom I can't now live without.

Yes, I'm pretty much thankful for everything but the (birth) day itself was rather uneventful as I was dragged had to attend a stranger's wedding. Don't get me wrong, I love weddings, but to attend a solemnization of strangers adelah absurd on so many levels. Ya know how solemnization is, it's usually a family-affair thing and being stuck in the middle of unknown people adelah sungguh bleh. I bet they even wondered who on earth am I. This one particular Macik even asked me where the bathroom is and when I shrugged she went "Owh, ingatkan family tuan rumah". Like, see? Saya adelah the odd one di situ, I didn't belong to any side of the family, tatapiiii tetap tercongok di situ. Memang sungguh WTF.

On top of that, my baby was sleepy and cranky. It didn't help when being inside the house felt like being in an oven and pasar tani all at the same time. So when the baby's moody, so was the mummy lah. To add salt to the wound, there's this one particular macik - yang konon nak beramah mesra came over and squeezed my baby hard on her cheeks and my baby screamed her lugs out lah kan? Dah la mengantok, panas plak tu, dah tu manusia mane pulak datang pecet-pecet pipi. Dengan tidak bersalah, she went "Alaa,menangis pulak dia". Dahhhh tuuu, yang kau pegi pecet pipi dia kenapa? Ini anak orang okay, bukan anak beruang.Would ya like it if I were to pinch you hard on the cheeks tak bersebab? Tengok jer tak boleh? Tangan tu gatal kan?

Yes, I'm a control freak. I loathes strangers yang tetiba tah mana datang and raba/hold/squeeze my baby. It bothers me, like a lot.

Owh, we later ended up sitting in the car throughout the whole event as my baby could only be soothed with the existent of the air-con. We spent the next hour playing games on the celly (more like me playing, Myra watching), cam-whoring and nursing. It was so much fun, being with the baby never fails to amuse me.

Myra tengah membilang dah berapa kali kena kiss dengan mummy.

So yea, next time someone ajak pegi kenduri tah sapa-sapa, I'm going to fake a diarrhea or something. Hmpphhh..

Yea, so much of a happy birthday me.
Saya gembira la sangatt. *roll eyes*

of.the 4th month.&.me.

Our little 4 months old bubble-maker.

Noticed that I haven't write much bout our little precious lately, at 4 months she's able to

o1. Turn to sleep on either left or right side without any help. Every night I would nurse her on our bed before placing her on her crib and she would turn herself to face me depending on which side of the bed I'm on, if mummy baring belah kiri, pusing kiri, if baring belah kanan, pusing kanan. Very clever lah you.

o2. She's now an expert when it comes to rolling over from her back to her front - tho sometimes tangan dia tersangkut but she's so determined to keep her head and shoulder high sambil tersengih-sengih sampai penat.

o3. I think she's pretty selective of people these days as she would bolayan certain strangers - an aunt at our condo's management office assumed that "baby can't see clearly yet" hence the reason why Myra remain stoic even after she clapped and sang to her, dia bukan tak nampak lah aunty, she just don't favor you. She could basically see across the room now, you just don't tickle her fancy walaupon ade kat depan batang hidung. he he

Owh, she also refused to be with anyone but mummy during nite time (especially when she's getting sleepy) - that I usually need to squeeze my shower-solat-dinner-sterilizing bp into a very tight time frame as she usually gets pretty cranky when it comes to her tiduuu time, so yea, saya suka berbaring atas katil lepas makan untuk kecomelan yang sejati. Thankyouverymuch.

o4. Many commented that she's very 'keras'. haha. I mean, she could basically stand and melompat spring when ya hold her up, ini lah budak kecik yg selalu perasan besar. Sometimes she refused to sit and would insist on standing up and she'd do her walking-act (I should record this later). Merangkak pon belum,ade hati nak berjalan.

o5. Most of her sleep suits are getting a bit tight (sidetrack sekejap, not milestones related) - including the expensive ones that my mum bought overseas, ini lah padahnya, dulu macam sayang nak pakai, like seriously, baju tidoq keciiik yang harga ratus-ratus, takkan pakai hari-hari?(I'm a cheapskate, I won't spend more than 60 bucks for a sleep suit, buat ape baju tido mahal2 nih? My moneh don't grow on trees.) Sekarang dah mengecil pulak. Simpan untuk next adik kot? Ehem, okay lambat lagi. :P

Yes, since the budak kecik sedang membesar bagaikan johan, most of her baju dah nampak macam balut nangka dah (but still owh so cute, pardon my suka-puji-anak-sendiri-ness). Some of her 3-6 months clothes no longer fits. Owh, time for clothes sorting and shopping. Babies are indeed very expensive.

o6. It has been more than a month since I got back to work after 3 months of maternity leave and she still loathes bottle-feeding. If she could go on puasa sunat, I think she would as she would prefer to have nothing to do with bottles and such whilst I'm away, so much so that MIL hafta spoon-feed her these days - tu pon tanak sangat, max 9oz from 8am to 7pm. I initially thought it's the EBM, but it tastes fine (yer, I tasted it, I currently provided her with fresh chilled EBM, no frozen ones for her yet).

She used to be sorta okay with bottles during the last few weeks(she could finished 4-5 bottles of 3oz), sekarang terus tanda pangkah - hence the prolonged and multiple nursing sessions during the night. I read somewhere that it's fine for babies to do that (refuse feeding during the day, cover balik waktu malam), as she would eventually get the needed amount of the calories of the day. Haih, I'm still hoping that she'll take the bottle, else maybe it's time to experiment on the sippy cup.

o7. Our little precious is a little person with big needs. She particularly loves attentions. Try to leave her alone after a short goo goo ga gah session and she's go bonkers the seconds ya left her side. Owh sungguh drama, belajaq dengan sapa la ni? So yea, I'd still need to use the loo with the door opens sometimes - so we could 'talk'. :P

That's about it lah. Tata.

of.the unfortunate events.&.me.

I'm feeling sorta under the weather today. Sore throat, headache, aching body, ya name it, I got it. Was thinking of dropping by at the doc office for MC but work comes 1st. Had a meeting to attend which ended up with the so-no-fortunate event aka kena saman dgn DBKL (lagi! Okay bkn la byk kali sgt,baru 2 kali tho not like I want to have more of the saman.)

So yea, more parking please, seeing the Full Parking sign when you're already 5 minutes late is nothing to be merry about - all thanks to the unexpected morning traffic. Bila tahunnn laaaa takkan jam nih? Padahal construction dah bertahun-tahun,ubah sana sini, the outcome? Me = losing my hard-earned moolah. Ingat my moneh petik kt pokok ape?

Anyway, I was on half day off yesterday since the baby refused to be bottle-fed, so yea, whilst in the meeting, I was waiting for the inevitable call from MIL "Myra nangis tamau minum susu harini,nangis tak stop-stop. Balik la yer" - but it didn't happen.

I hope there's something that I can do to fix this. Tapi semua efforts adelah macam sia-sia as she's a very hesitant learner when it comes to bottle feeding, as if every day her memory is wiped clean pasal botol,macam "bottle whatt?". She's still 2 months too young for solid food, so yea, hope that she gonna hang in there and be a good girl.

Owh, bila la millions of moneh gonna fall out of the sky nih? If not in USD, RM pon okay lah, as long as its not Rupiah.


Okay, I'm a wee bit late, but raya sebulan kan?

So yea, Happy EID Mubarak, maaf zahir batin.

. We spent the 1st 2 days of raya in Malacca and the rest of the EID break in Kedah. Yup, it's C***'s turn this year.

o2. I didn't pull any Neng Yatimah's act tho I didn't get to spend the 1st day of EID with the family. I'm naturally stoic just like that, dalam hati,lain cerita.

o3. I missed out on Tok's awesome meaty kuah kacang. Sob sob. Balik Kedah sempat jumpa ketupat palas jer - which is not my favourite. Haih, mak kempunan.

o4.Didn't get to buy anything for the parents and lil brother for EID - since I didn't get to really shop for raya. Resorted to kasi-duit-raya-beli-lah-ape2-yang-suka method instead. Ampun maaf dipinta.

o5.Our little precious was showered with duit raya whilst the parents pulak adelah vice versa.

o6.Got myself a HP wedges for raya, courtesy of C***. Thanks love. Err..err..the diamond ring that I'm crave for,bila pulak?hehehehe :P

o7. We ended up wearing our nikah outfit during the 1st day of EID since we're a no-fuss couple just like that (plus Myra's too small to appreciate fancy baju sedondon and all that) . 2nd time pakai and maybe the last jugak lah adenya. Heavy beaded modern kurung = not so baby and nursing friendly, so much so that I was already in tops and long skirt when we went back to Rembau to visit C***'s grandpa.he he.

o8. Bought a pair of cute cotton baju kurung (in pink! hehe) for Myra which a tad too big at 50% off on the 2nd day of raya (Yer, beli baju raya after raya). ha ha. Ape nak buat nak, pasal baju kurung mummy mu adelah cheapskate sebab dia pon tak berapa minat berkurung segala. he he. I mean, no point of buying fancy expensive kurung for babies la kan? They grow up so fast, too fast. :P

o9. Tho the lack of shopping spree, I'm a wee bit broke this month due to my Medela FS and the visit to the gynae.

10. 4 months of exclusively bf yo! Alhamdulillah. I could practically bf with both of my eyes closed now. I'm praying for an endless rezeki for the baby for months to come. Tamau susu ibu lembu plis. :)

That's about it, happy weekend.

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