
Moi babies, kiss kiss :x

After being tied to each other for the past 1 year and 3 months, I could safely say that my other half is still not much of the romantic kind. ha ha.

So yea, do not expect romantic notes on the dressing table or whatnot lah, but credit where credit is due, he's a caring one, at its best.

Sometime not so long ago, he stuffed a small tab of paracetamol into my Elmo's mouth (yer, stuffed toy yang tidak bersalah itu ade ubat dalam mulutnya) and brought me a bottle of water in his attempt to cajole me into taking the medicine as I was already in bed and malas giler la nak bangun makan ubat, tapi sebab C*** dah bersusah payah, makan jugak lah. You'll do anything to please your loved ones, walaupon mata macam dah kena gam and your body aches with every move.

I found it rather cute and sweet, if ya know my other half, he doesn't do cute very often, funny yes, cute? Hmpphh..not so much.

I know it's nothing much, it's not like coming home to find a VW Golf GTI (idaman hati) tied with red ribbons, but some stuff are just meant to be appreciated. It's just something that you have to be grateful for.

Moving on, the spa session that I had last week was sorta..hmmpp..okay I guess. I love the sauna,foot bath and body scrubbing (owh kulit jadi as soft as baby's butt) but the massage was a wee bit on the hard side. I felt like a slab of sour dough, kena uli dengan dasyat. ha ha. I told the masseuse to slow down a little tatapiii..few minutes later tetap la kena urut dengan kuat that I couldn't be bothered to remind her to slow down anymore. Tahan je la. ha ha.

So yea, I got back home with a sore back sebab terlebih urut, and guess who hafta be my next masseur? Tentu lah C*** terchenta. he he. He was pretty evil I tell ya, he pressed hard on the sore spots and he went " Dah pergi spa, balik rumah, spa ni jugak yang awak cari." Owh well darling, what to do lah kan? Please remind me to get a better masseuse next time - which I dunno when lah.

Owh, we'll be in Malacca tomorrow and I'm so going to badger C*** to get me the mille crepe cakes. Owh.. *salivates*

That's about it. Tata.


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