

It's been 5 days since I got my latest paycheque and I'm halfway done spending it.

o1.House rent + utilities = RM250

o2.C***'s monthly installment = RM200
Which I tried to ngelat from paying since he doesn't bother much about it but failed miserably sebab rasa tak sampai hati.

o3.PTPTipu = RM100
I'm supposed to pay RM80 tapi biar bayar lebih sikit,kot tak jenuh bayar bunga pulak.

o4.Lil bro's pocket money = RM100
Thinking of giving him more since he's away from home and saya sudah berduit sekarang but tanak kasi dia hidup secara lavish,biar rasa susah sket - tapi susah apenye duit, keta semua ayah dah kasi,cey.

o5.Parents monthly gift = RM200-400
Somehow I don't actually give my parents any money since I started working and it's not like they want/need it and my dad used to jokingly came up with "Kalau nak kasi,bagi banyak sikit,seratus dua tu duit rokok ayah pon tak lepas". So it's always been a dilemma for me to figure out what I should get them every month, it's hard to give something to someone who has everything,yer kecuali helicopter dan benda yang bukan-bukan yang Donald Trump je mampu beli. I mean all the basic and not so basic stuff lah,you get the drift. The same dilemma goes when getting a gift for the pacar.Gosh!

o6.Transportation = RM150
Did I tell you that saya seorang pengguna public transports yang berjaya sekarang?Yey me!More money for shopping and whatnot,yerrrright!(I miss my bloodsucking 4wd,sob!)

o7.Cellphone = RM100
I'm not using the line,the postpaid or whatsoever,I'm still using the tacky budak-budak je selalu guna prepaid,yes you got it right sister, the self-proclaimed well paid kuli programmer is still using the prepaid.Owh,gumbira.


putting all the listed amount aside, now I hafta survive on what's left of my paycheque on food(it's more than enough dough for this), necessities (assumed to be sufficient fund as long as I don't go crazy and get myself another body lotion that cost me as much as the transportation does.Owh yea,body lotion adelah necessity kalau tanak kulit anda kasar seperti kerbau especially if you work in a 'fridge'. ) & lo and behold, the SHOPPING spree - which I afraid, is not much. (read:Sekarang adelah musim mega sale, semua duit yang ada pon mmg takkan cukup bila hendak berboros).


I'm going to shop anyway.Who's gonna stop me?

Back to work.



If you were falling, then I would catch you.
You need a light, I'd find a match.

Cuz I love the way you say good morning.
And you take me the way I am.

If you are chilly, here take my sweater.
Your head is aching, I'll make it better.

Cuz I love the way you call me baby.
And you take me the way I am.

I'd buy you Rogaine if you start losing all your hair.
Sew on patches to all you tear.

Cuz I love you more than I could ever promise.
And you take me the way I am.
You take me the way I am.

I actually found another owh it's sooo the right song for you C*** song. Note the 2nd line in bold, see darling - it was written with you(& the other guys who seems to have the same problem) in mind. He he. Fret not, you are good in hiding it these days and when the trick finally stop working, we'll figure something out,owkay?

Owh,happy weekend!

Someone is getting engaged tomorrow.Woowweee!

p/s:C***,I really hope you are not reading this(at least not within the near future), unless you are secretly stalking me :P



Owh,I'm feeling all whiny again. Tsk tsk.

Well, update 1st,whine later.


Saturday turned out to be great tho someone didn't get to bersuka ria at the water park during his company's family day. I'm so sorry dearest, but there were like thousands of people in there,the running, crying kids and whatnot. It defied the true meaning of bersuka ria plus it was hot,stuffy and we were getting a wee bit uncomfortable too.Boy, I was glad when mon petit ami decided that we should go shopping instead of drowning ourselves in the sea of people. So yea, I managed to get myself a new bunch of tops, 2 pair of cute sandals and he even got himself another pair of shoes - tho the one that we bought last week is yet to be touched. Yea, such an improvement. He's turning more and more like me, in the shopping department that is. Tehee..

Then the Sunday is a different story all together. I ended up with I don't know where we are supposed to go but I totally ran out of things to do at home and I'm blardy bored dilemma. Therefore, the ever so understanding but you are testing my patience C*** came to the rescue after Asar only to be irritated by me. We ended up in silence, sickening deathly silence - mostly because of me. Owh well, I do that sometimes.I cannot help it, like seriously.

So we went through few hours of saya sakit hati dan benggang tapi buat-buat okie moments and I assumed that he went home that night feeling absolutely bitter and I did absolutely nothing to ease it up. Yea, I'm stubborn just like that.


I don't understand myself sometimes. *shrugs*

Well,me heart you anyway :P



Everything went well last nite. All good. What a relief, I swear I was starting to tremble at the thought of a miserable deployment - when I was having my Spicy Chix Wrap with C*** at the McD(there goes my diet).

Well,there's nothing much to ramble about the deployment, I don't wanna get all geeky technical over here but one thing for sure, I'm blessed. An easy, hassle-free deployment and a mithali C*** that's willing to wait for me whilst I was doing my job.Sangat terharu & sedikit guilty. He he. I thought he gonna wait for me whilst trying to catch some sleep in the car (cause he said he would) but when I'm done with my work at few minutes past 1 a.m, my darling C*** was waiting for me at the ground floor playing games on his cellphone. He must be bored outta his mind, so bertambah-tambah lah perasaan guilty saya itu. Bila tanya nak kena belanja ape to repay him. He came up with "You don't have to belanja lah sayang, I only need your trust and honesty". Aicey. Keluar dah ayat drama dia.

Anyway,anyhow C***, you've been good to me. Tres merci mon cher. :D

Nanti-nanti temankan lagi okie? :P



I'm going to have my theoretically 2nd but practically 1st production deployment tomorrow night. I'll get to (hopefully) leave the office earlier than usual and get back to the office later that night at 11.30pm to witness my system comes to live. Hopefully everything gonna go well and I don't have to do much tuning, debugging and I won't be bugged by the annoyed, irritated, angry and whatnot bank users on the next morning - complaining about their access being blocked or whatsoever. Me no likey.

Well, since I'm transport-less now and totally dependent on the ever so wonderful public transportations. Calling a cab for my midnite task is not really an option. It's scary - not to say that the cab is not reliable but better be safe than sorry aight? So the concerned and mithali C*** decided that he should come over after work so that he'll be able to drive me to the office and later pick me up - when ideally he should be in bed dreaming away after a rough day at work & not waiting for me to finish up my deployment.(He lives 45 mins away,so I'm sorta guilty at the thought of making him going back and forth just because of my obligation).

So, it's going to be the lets bring the bf to work so that you'll be feeling all secure and safe night.

Me likey.

Hmpp..I'll make it up to you dearest. We'll hunt for more good food this weekend eh?. My treat. ;)



Well,I'm more or less over with the he's leaving me for a hella long time phase, now I'm more into the lets make use of the time left phase - so that's why he was forced was willing to drive for 90 minutes (and burn a hole in his pocket) so that I'll be able to kick off my shoes, soak my feet and play with weird looking crawly creatures (whilst he looked over me and held on to my shoes) while watching the sunset at the beach.

Besides the fun seaside activities(ayat macam dalam brochure hotel lak),we even had a dose of the cholesterol-laden seafood. Yummy! - well,the truth is, we were there for the food since I had a serious craving for squids and whatnot, not much for the seaside or the romantic sunset thingy but it's fun nevertheless, I felt like I'm 10 again. ha ha.

Dearest,you are like the sweetest. Do you know how I appreciate you for that? Of coz you don't. Tres merci :P Nanti pegi jalan-jalan lagi okies?

Back to work. ;)



It's a perfect day, the cooling downfall, the romantic gloomy atmosphere, the hassle-free UAT deployment and whatnot.It's been great, until C*** told me that his 5 months training might be turned into 18 months instead. Greeeeeat!

So okie, my perfect day is ruined, like 89% ruined. All this while, I'm truly happy for his progress at work. I don't really mind about 5 months training and whatnot - but seriously, 18 months? It's more like being told that everything gonna be back to square one.


I would be lying if I tell him that I don't mind, because yea I do mind and it sucks. A part of me truly want him to go ahead with the training and later gain his scores at work. I do want him to do whatever it takes for his blooming career, but another half of me is like "You might be away for 18 blardy months? We'll be world apart and what the heck is going to happen to me, I'll ended up being totally bitter or worse find someone new, 18 months are THAT long.Anything can happen and I don't wanna risk it" - to cut it short, I am simply not happy.

Yes, I could be that paranoid and insecure. I cannot help it.

Yes, do add the selfishness too. I cannot help it either.

So how now brown cow?

p/s:Don't try to pull the "kalau jodoh tak kemana" crap on me. Not now. Not ever.

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