

Well,I'm more or less over with the he's leaving me for a hella long time phase, now I'm more into the lets make use of the time left phase - so that's why he was forced was willing to drive for 90 minutes (and burn a hole in his pocket) so that I'll be able to kick off my shoes, soak my feet and play with weird looking crawly creatures (whilst he looked over me and held on to my shoes) while watching the sunset at the beach.

Besides the fun seaside activities(ayat macam dalam brochure hotel lak),we even had a dose of the cholesterol-laden seafood. Yummy! - well,the truth is, we were there for the food since I had a serious craving for squids and whatnot, not much for the seaside or the romantic sunset thingy but it's fun nevertheless, I felt like I'm 10 again. ha ha.

Dearest,you are like the sweetest. Do you know how I appreciate you for that? Of coz you don't. Tres merci :P Nanti pegi jalan-jalan lagi okies?

Back to work. ;)


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