

Owh,I'm feeling all whiny again. Tsk tsk.

Well, update 1st,whine later.


Saturday turned out to be great tho someone didn't get to bersuka ria at the water park during his company's family day. I'm so sorry dearest, but there were like thousands of people in there,the running, crying kids and whatnot. It defied the true meaning of bersuka ria plus it was hot,stuffy and we were getting a wee bit uncomfortable too.Boy, I was glad when mon petit ami decided that we should go shopping instead of drowning ourselves in the sea of people. So yea, I managed to get myself a new bunch of tops, 2 pair of cute sandals and he even got himself another pair of shoes - tho the one that we bought last week is yet to be touched. Yea, such an improvement. He's turning more and more like me, in the shopping department that is. Tehee..

Then the Sunday is a different story all together. I ended up with I don't know where we are supposed to go but I totally ran out of things to do at home and I'm blardy bored dilemma. Therefore, the ever so understanding but you are testing my patience C*** came to the rescue after Asar only to be irritated by me. We ended up in silence, sickening deathly silence - mostly because of me. Owh well, I do that sometimes.I cannot help it, like seriously.

So we went through few hours of saya sakit hati dan benggang tapi buat-buat okie moments and I assumed that he went home that night feeling absolutely bitter and I did absolutely nothing to ease it up. Yea, I'm stubborn just like that.


I don't understand myself sometimes. *shrugs*

Well,me heart you anyway :P


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