of.long weekend.&.me.

Going back to work after a long weekend adelah malas and I'm still sorta tired from the long trip - this whole pregnancy thing makes me feel like a nenek, belum apa-apa dah sakit pinggang. Owh well, anything for you precious.

So let's be random for a bit

o1. Thanks to moi lil bro, I got to eat mum's curry puff(Thank you mummy! I love youuu.Sedaappp, sampai makan sambil duduk dlm bilik.ha ha) together with kueh lopes. Yea, apparently the lil brother is one of my not-so-mysterious stalkers - so he told mum *gasp* bout my craving(I decided not to call mum and tell her bout my karipap craving, super mengada la nak order memacam) and my blog. So yea, nantikan tulisan-tulisan yang berbaur kesopanan dan kesusilan sahaja di masa hadapan(not!). :P

o2. Went for a round of steamboat dinner on Saturday with the family which came together with a fire show - as in the was a gas leakage on the portable stove lalu kebabom mengeluarkan fire. It was terrifying to see some of the staff in charge yang cuba melakukan aksi meniup api as if the fire adelah birthday candles. Yey them for such a 'smart' act. I hafta say that they are not well trained for such incident, gelabah ayam lebih tho eventually someone finally got some sense blown into him and was reminded of something called fire extinguisher. Like, yea, finally.

Tsk tsk. Owh, dad was sorta unhappy about it, knowing my dad, I could tell lah(walaupon externally adelah senyum-senyum and cracking jokes) - after all it happened in one of those hotels under his corp.

o3. Went to a wedding on Sunday and came back home only to be told that moi uncle was admitted to the hospital due to Leptospirosis so we headed to Alor Setar for a visit. As we went in to see him, he talked as he normally does tho his breathing seems sorta labored. Today, he's in a stable condition tho he still needs to be monitored and I wish him a speedy recovery - as looking at your close relatives yang sakit adelah kesedihan. Please pray for him okay?

o4. Got myself a haircut on Monday, went out around 11 together with C*** and he had to wait for an hour for me. he he. Previously the hair was too long for my liking and now it's a wee bit too short! Haih, never mind. Hair grows.

o5. Headed back to KL around 6pm yesterday after visiting moi grandparents. Yan is looking well and still as good humored as ever. Tok didn't let us leave before eating a plateful of kueh lompang and she even gave me a jarful of home-made instant kuah kacang which would be wonderful with cucur udang. Haih, terharu macam nak nangis jugak.

o6. Adik tagged along during our trip back to KL. He's going for a week long road trip together with his university buddies. I dropped him off to the nearest train station earlier this morning after a quick breakfast as he's heading to Seremban to his best friend's place before driving to Malacca and JB later. Jalan elok-elok nooo, jangan dok syok sangat.

o7. I feel like eating Subway's steak & cheese sandwich. Hmppp..

o8. Our next checkup gonna be on the 30th(which is like a week late due to our work constraints and whatnot). Honestly, I just can't wait to have another peek at our lil precious as I've been having the fluttery feeling(as if something is bouncing around and tugging at your tummy) for quite sometime now - which is rather subtle(so C*** can't see/feel it yet) but then again,powerful enough for me to notice. Cepat-cepat la besaq okay cek.

09. I'm tired, I need more sleeeep.

That's about it. Have a great week.


It has been 3 days since C*** left for his work trip. Sob sob.

It has been 3 days since I decided to turn on my workaholic-mode - hence the 9.30am -8pm office hour - the workload helped to ease the boredom and loneliness a bit. Takde lah balik rumah awal and meroyan sebab home alone. he he. Given my circumstances, benda kecik-kecik pon rasa macam nak buat aksi drama. :P

So yea, for the past few days, I would reach home feeling tired which equals to lesser time for me to mob around the house feeling sorry for myself before bedtime.

It's funny really, funny bout how I couldn't be bothered bout the whole being-home-alone thing before, sekarang, upon receiving the news that C*** gonna be off somewhere for a few days broke my heart a little. ha ha. Emosi yang tak tahan. Apekah tulis ni pon rasa nak nangis? Yea, I can't believe myself sometime.

Owh well, if you ask me, this whole sadness thing is just absurd. Macam la kena tinggai sebulan(if sebulan or berbulan-bulan, ikot please? he he), and it has been quite sometime that C*** managed to excuse himself from being away for such work trip(whilst using me as an excuse la kan?). Tho C***'s around pon, it's not like I'd cling to him like a baby monkey ke ape. It's just that having him around make me feel safe, happy even(kalau dah start rasa tak happy tu, it would be another story. he he).

Yea, the sort of happiness that only the other half could bring. Happiness of a different kind, but crucial for survival - my survival at least.

Enough of whining, he'll be back tonite, so yey! :D (Yea, there's a reason why I didn't whine about him not being around earlier, nanti bertambah sedih. ha ha)

Let's ramble bout my cravings for a bit.

Yea, tho my cravings are easy, tapi it won't be as easy when you're fussy.

I mean, I've been wanting to eat karipap for weeks now but most of those store-bought variety adelah bleh. The filling is either too mediocre for my liking, the pastry is either too thin, not crispy enough or the karipap itu too hollow or worse, dibuat menggunakan the curry puff mould - sungguh la tak authentic.

I want my mum's curry puff, the delicate handmade puff stuffed with tonnes of potatoes and beef(the more beef, the better). Owh..*salivates*

Better call up my mum and tell her to ditch the kueh lopes, nak karipap lah this weekend. (Yea, this craving baby told her mummy that she wants kueh lopes earlier, tetiba teringat her mum's karipap adelah lebih sedap. he he)

On a lighter note, a dear colleagues bought a pack of karipap pusing for me this morning. Sob sob. Terharu.

That's about it. I hafta go for another round of stress test later this afternoon. Hope I could make it home before C***.


of.weekend rendezvous.&.me.

How's the weekend? Mine was a lazy and blissful one. he he.

It started off with a fun sight-seeing on Friday's night.

We went for a kenduri on Friday's night and whilst we're on our way back home, C*** suddenly went

"I don't feel like going home yet."

"Me neither."

"Jom jalan-jalan!"

Well, the good thing about being married, you could just nod your agreement without thinking when the other half's about to drag you for a jalan-jalan when it's already 30 minutes before midnite. he he. The sweet freedom.

Where did we go? The Ampang look-out point! :P

It's my 1st time(tho it's just like few mins from our place) and I hafta say the road adelah sorta spooky - not exactly my kinda place to go for a date, dah kawin lain cerita, pi mana pon saya ikot.

It was drizzling when we were driving up to the look-out point so we didn't expect the place to be crowded, but boy, we're wrong.

It was crowded and I hafta say that looking at all those cars lined up along the street, adelah membuatkan seseorang itu merasa fishy. Since most of the hot spots along the street were taken, we decided to park our car on the other side of the road which still allows us to have a good view of the city (& thank God we brought my 4wd instead of C***'s lowered mpv, kot tak memang nampak keta sebelah je lah. he he).

Owh, something funny happened.

Since we parked our ride across the hot spots of look-out point, we're actually parked next to this one particular car lah(tho bukan lah sebelah menyebelah,as the car was on the other side of the road, but then again, still close enough for you to see the passengers) and in order to enjoy the scenery, it would look like we're staring at the car as the car was directly in front of us, geddit?

Well, there was this young couple in it and we reckoned that they were doing something fishy, kerana adelah few times the guy was looking at us dengan muka tak puas ati - as if a way of saying "Apehal kau park keta sebelah aku ni?", padahal we had no intention to spy on them pon.

Ya know how people always feel that they are being watched when they are guilty? Rasa macam everyone is looking at you, tapi sebenarnya perasaan semata-mata. I think the same goes for the couple kot. he he. Tu la, lain kali, get a room or get married. :P

Well,we stayed long enough to see KLCC turned off its lights and whatnot and later drove back home to watch tv.

The next day, I cooked for lunch(yea, curry again as requested by C***),changed the bedsheet and quilt cover, washed the laundry, watched a Hindi movie(with C***, sejak bila dia layan hindustan pon cek tak tau laaa) and later decided to go out for a movie after Maghrib.

Let me tell ya that it has been ages since the last movie, so we headed to the nearest TGV only to find out all the movies available adelah bosan. So we walked around for a bit and the mak buyung later dragged C*** to the Cold Storage and made him pay for tubs of Ben & Jerry's and later headed to Subway for dinner(kerana tergoda dengan the smell of the freshly baked bread).

So we had a foot-long sandwich and a tub of Ben & Jerry's for dinner at 10pm. Mana lah tak comel jadinya.

Our Sunday was more or less the same, it's just that we went out sometime after Asar to stock up on yogurt drinks, fruits and get ourselves a new jar rice cooker - since the one that we bought earlier was a tad too big for two of us(bila masak nasi adelah rasa kesian sebab macam sikit sangat, then kerak jer berlebih kerana luas permukaan yang besar :P), so we decided to get a smaller one.

That's about it. We are yet to go on a shopping spree kerana malas(beli periuk nasi adelah tidak dikira sebagai shopping). I sorta detest the idea of going out to crowded places these days(walaupon ade sedikit craving nak Ikea's meatballs, told ya my cravings are easy).

Can't wait for the weekend as we're heading up for a wedding in Taiping and later spend a long weekend in Kedah. Woot! Lamanya tak balik, homesick homesick.

Have a great week people.


of.being thankful.&.me.

Yea, I should be punished for not updating, or maybe not.

Well, I've been having a wee bit of stress-test induced stress.(Confuse much?)

He he. It's just that I'm having a hard time with the stress test. Too much monitoring, tuning and after-working-hours stuff to be done. It's very tiring, yes. But what choice do I have?

Owh well, let's not whine too much when you've been showered with good news. he he. Good news what?

o1. I'm getting the 90 days maternity leave which equals to more bonding time with the family. Yey to the beloved company. he he. Let's see if the semi-workaholic me could stand the 3 months off from programming. Mungkin boleh dilakukan dengan mudah. he he. I'm such a genius when it comes to sit around doing nothing sometimes.

o2. The Boss came in for our appraisals today and brought along a very very good news for moi. Insyaallah, I'll get my long-awaited promotion this year(2 years and a half adalah a long wait. I was considered 'new' last year), together with another handsome increment. Alhamdulillah. More rezeki for us and the lil precious. :D

Gosh.Does it mean that I'll finally get to own a new ride next year? he he. Cey, lum ape-ape, but yea, I've talked about it with C***, he's still sorta firm with his idea that I should get a compact car and nothing else - kerana now we already owned an mpv, a compact car and a small 4wd - so if I got myself a sedan or the sort, his big car gonna be neglected big time. Sekarang pon we only take it for a spin during the weekends and long trips back to our hometowns - most of the time kereta besaq itu adelah menjadi tukun di basement parking, kesian. he he.

Which car gonna be replaced? Not the mpv, and absolutely not the compact car(it's C***'s so called experimental car) - which left us with the 4wd. Yup, 4wd gonna be replaced. Replace ke? Since it's not really mine on papers to begin with.

The truth is,I never paid a dime for it(the loan I mean which I'm not proud of) except for the scheduled maintenance(sendiri pakai sendiri maintain okie?), the accident related stuff(yea yea, takkan nak suh ayah bayar jugak yer dak?) and road tax and insurance(itu pon sekali jer. Sungguh keji).

Well, the car's a gift from moi dad(which explains why I paid almost nothing for it) and we're planning to send it back to Kedah if I ever get myself a new ride. Nak jual sayang. It has been goood to me so far(except for minor stuff here and there lah dan aksi terjun masuk longkang yang dilakukan oleh adek terchenta).

So yea, what to buy? What to buy? I won't go for something extraordinarily lavish as it's just a car for me to drive myself to work and back(which is like 45km everyday,dekat ya amat) and perhaps run some errands but nothing more than that. Takkan Golf gti kot? ha ha. I wish. I'd absolutely get it bila dah terlebih duit, now that we're having a mini us, priority changes.(Terasa sungguh grown up, no kidding.I've stopped salivating over designer handbags since I'm pregnant, is that a good sign or what? he he)

Owh,on a lighter note. Please stop telling me to get a myvi. Tsk tsk. (Pesanan ini ditujukan kepada moi family terchenta). Yes, I know darling C*** works for the automotive company which produces that particular ride and it would be easy peasy(& cheap) to maintain it later since C***'s an expert. Tapi apekah? Sungguh lah tidak berkembang maju. he he.

Nevermind, we'll figure it out later, for now let's just be thankful for everything. :)

Owh yes, here are the images of the lil precious as promised(sorry la for the delay bebeh).

Mini us at 11 weeks & 2 days. Yea, hanya lah around 5cm during our very 1st checkup.

Our precious at 16 weeks, sungguh lah sopan dan terkepit-kepit = the doc didn't manage to determine the gender. How lah mummy want to go shopping like dat? Tsk tsk. (Uii..besaqnya kepala, please be smart like daddy okie? he he)

Owh well, as long as the baby is healthy, we're good. I'm endlessly praying for a smooth sailing pregnancy and birth. Do pray for me okies? he he.

Have a nice weekend.

Tata for now. :P


If there's one thing that I hafta admit is the fact that I (used) to be ignorance bout how to cook curry.

I mean, it's not something that you eat like everyday kan? UNLESS you're a big fan of nasi kandaq or the sort, then yea, that's another story.

Well, sometime during the weekend, I opened the door to moi freezer in search of stuff to cook for lunch. I noticed this huge head of ikan bawal staring longingly at me - whilst screaming (not literally else I'll run out of the kitchen and swear not to cook for a month, he he)

"Take me! Take me! Masak laaa saya, masakkk laa".

I stared back at it while mouthing

"Errr..nak masak apa? Goreng ka? You'll be good for a fish head curry, but I dunno how to make gulai you see?"

(Yes, I talked to the imaginary soul of the ikan bawal's head)

Not to disappoint the (head of) ikan bawal or moi-self(for being hopeless in the curry department), I called mummy for help. he he.

Mum, being my wonderful mum, was delighted to shed some light on the recipe, instructions and whatnot, BUT(yes, there's a but) not before giving me the usual tu-la-mama-selalu-dok-masak-dulu-but-you-never-bothered-to-watch-and-learn talk.

Aiseh, who would have thought that I'll marry someone who would actually bought a huge fish head kan? Alasan. he he.

So yea, there I was. In the kitchen at.9.30am, on the phone with moi mummy talking about how to masak gulai. he he.

Owh, what happened next? Well, with all the courage that I could muster I actually did it - much to C***'s amusement as he directly came to kitchen and went "I thought you don't do curry" upon looking at the dish on the top of the stove.

Yes, macam sodap but it's not mine I was too busy being happy sebab masak menjadi so I didn't bother to snap a pic.

Cey, don't be little me okie? Tho yes, It's my 1st time but I'm not that hopeless in cooking so masih la boleh execute the instructions and whatnot. he he. Yes, the curry turned out to be good (ini adelah kenyataan from C***, I took the compliment seriously kerana nak dapat puji adelah susah okay? Tho he'd eat most of everything.) Mummy, aren't you proud of me?

Still on the subject, apparently C***'s not the only one being amused by my sudden will to learn how to cook curry as dad called up last night and the 1st thing he asked

"Soo..mum told me baby masak gulai,jadi ka masak gulai? ha ha ha"

(Yes, apparently mum told the whole kampung about it. tsk tsk. Yes, my dad still calls me baby - walaupon dah tua bangka, but hey I'm his 1st baby. he he.)


"Nanti balik boleh masak untuk ayah pulak"

"Boleh-boleh, no problem. Dah terer skrang. he he"

"Baguih baguih....nanti boleh try recipe yada yada yada"

Yes, apart from the compliment, moi dad actually showered me with 1001 recipes. Yes, tho mum is the master chef of the house, dad's an awesome cook too. I always love his cooking, kerana tho most of it seems like a spontaneous recipes, tapi adelah sodap(but the spontaneous part makes it hard to copy his cooking, ish ish).

Yea, that's about it. My successful mission, which I'm sorta proud of since I'm not big in cooking when it involves coconut milk - since if you didn't do it right, it's just plain sucky.

Yea, go on, laugh at me.

At least sekarang dah terer masak kari. La la la la...


Yes. The blog is dying from lack of updates. So here's something brief(&random) to revive it a bit. he he. :P

o1. Apart from the occasional all-day-sickness, I'm pretty much energetic these days tho I still couldn't eat much else akan mengundang muntah. Teeheee..

o2. We just replenished our fridge with abundant stock of fishes and fruits. Perhaps it's a cue for me to cook more often(now that I'm feeling less nauseous). Owh, I'm crazy bout mango and cherry now. Thank God both of em are in season.

o3. Had a fattening lunch of Lamb Mandy & beef samosa at Al-Rawsha on Tuesday. The foods are good but then again I just took my share from C***'s as I'm not a big fan of lamb when it doesn't come with mint sauce. he he.

04. I reckon that someone in my condo block is pregnant as I could hear her puking her guts out everyday. Well, I could truly understand the puking part, tapi mengapakah bunyinya kedengaran begitu amplified dan menakotkan? Tsk tsk. The sound of her puking adelah membuatkan saya yang berada di dalam keadaan normal menjadi kembang tekak.

o5. Our next checkup gonna be in Ampang Puteri instead of Pusrawi. Our beloved gyne decided to berhijrah for some reasons and we're following her - which is not really a bad idea since Ampang Puteri is just like 7 mins away from our place.

o6.I need a haircut. The last time was like zillions years ago and the hair is way too long for my liking.

o7. C*** is extremely awesome these days(rasa macam dah sejuta kali ulang, annoyed much?). Last week he accompanied me to the office twice. He even drove me to my prod deployment on Friday's night and waited for 2 freaking hours for me to finish moi work. Thanks love. :D

o8. I'm still wearing my normal clothes since most of em still fit - tho some of the tops make me look boncit instead of pregnant.Hmpp..perhaps I should get one of those top with 'I'm not fat but pregnant' written on it.

o9. C*** bought pomegranates for me to stuff my face with but he doesn't fancy those lil juicy seeds. Good, more pomegranate goodness for me then. he he. Sungguh selfish.

10. Now that C*** is no longer forcing me to drink liters of milk each day(kerana the pregnancy just make it unbearable to drink fresh milk so we switched to yogurt/cheese/tofu), he's determined to make me take a spoonful of olive oil everyday. Sungguh menyelerakan. Not! Blurghhh!

11. I spent my lunch break on a shopping spree instead of stuffing my face with food(padahal perot dah berbunyi). I got myself 2 new tops without much deliberation since I'm dying to use the gift vouchers. Heh, I should have gotten myself a Dior eyeliner instead, tapi tadi otak adelah tidak dapat berfikir.

12. Gonna be out of the office again tomorrow for a stress test. Well, honestly I hate going out nowadays. Too much walking and driving around adelah penat.

That's about it. Gotta check on the newly configured UAT server.

p/s: Perhaps it's not too late to wish moi stalkers a Happy Maal Hijrah. :) Yea, I'm wishing for a better daughter, wife, sister, friend and muslimah in me.

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