

The price of petrol and diesel will go up by 30 sen per litre tomorrow - the highest-ever single hike in the price of fuel.

Now there's a real good reason for me to go on with my diet.




Urgh,was tagged by Pacik Kulat.Yes,you can tag me but you can't shot me.

Am quite bored at the mo, lets crap away, shall we?

A.8 different points of a perfect lover.

Yes,honesty - is that too much to ask?Am not askin for a bimmer.Owh,did I mention that I loathe liars like hell? They should be thrown into a dungeon for life or be served to Dr.Hannibal Lecter for dinner. :P

o2.Ability to speak English
Ability to speak English - with a high degree of fluency is a bonus. Someone with "I want to knowing you better" is my major turn off. Thx you.

Am not keen of talkin to the wall, a dead tree or myself. I need someone who enjoys arguing talking as much as I do.

Living in the wild twisted world nowadays,how could you ignore this? (note:minus the smart-a$$).Period.

I don't wanna date a garbage truck or a guy who forgot how to use his toothbrush.Enuf said.

Since I'm a lil bit whiny,spontaneous & weird at times,he hafta be able to tolerate me.A must.

The word is self-explanatory. :P

Such person?

B. Sex of Target

A straight guy without any sordid Brokeback Mountain thingy in his past.

C. Tagged 8 Victims

o1.Mun - you hafta do this.Plz pretty plz. ;;)
o2.Ibah - hows the new sem?
o3.Pacik Yusran - MIA?
o4.Affai - :P keep on postin bro.haha!

Owh,only 4 utterly lucky victims? Enough for now.I don't wanna be that mean.hihi.

I'm off for a bite,will write more later.



(defrule w_miller
(exist (wentworth_miller ?x)
(cute ?x)
(assert (abduct_him)))

If only the rule can be applied.I'd be very tres,sangat,mucho happy. o_0

That is ain't enough isn't it? Now I need more than that, to be THAT happy - which is rather scary since it seems so uncertain to think of what on earth will be able to make me feel content & dead happy with my life.

Well,it's not like I'm not happy. Je suis tres heureux,but being human you just can't stop wanting for more,or can you?

p/s: Creatin my own rules during Expert System classes - it surely keeps me happy.C'est chouette!



49 FACTS about me

1. Are u photogenic?

2. What time do you go to bed?
Depends, 1 - 2 am?

3. What was the last thing you did before this ?
Havin my usual dose of fear factor.

4. Who's the one you always meet the most ?
My housemates,especially Munie Wunie :P

5. Who's the person you'll call if you need help?

6. What's on your mind right now ?
Am goin to start workin on the FYP again. *sighs*

7. What do you prefer?american idol/malaysian idol?
Urgh,american?More drama. :P

8. With whom do you wanna be with to have fun ?
My beloved couz and darlings of coz. They are the best.

9. What movie do u wanna watch now?
Ice age 2.haha.Am so kiddish.

10. When was the last time you went out ?
Last Sunday.

11. What do you hate the most for now ?
Waitin,I just can't wait for everythin to be over n done.

12. What do you do everyday besides eat & sleep?
Tryin hard to be a nerd? while lookin for someone to be bullied.

13. Colors that make you happy ?
This vary from time to time.

14. Most fave thing in your room ?
My owh you make me feel so sleepy bed. :P

15. Miss someone?
My parents.

16. Plan to buy something?

17. Are you satisfied with your life now?
Owh well,yes and no.

18.Do you like seafood?
Love squid.Nyum!

19.Breakfast or dinner?
Brunch :P

20. Do you recycle?

21.Do you have a laptop?

22. What's your favorite fast food?
McD.Am lovin it.

23. Cats or dogs?
Cute chubby cats!

24. Salty or sweet?

25. City or country?

26. Is kissing normal for your age?
Yea,for some.

27. Are you athletic?

28.Would you want to be treated equally?
Now,who doesnt?

29. Do you have your own cell phone?

30. What do you wear to bed?
Anythin comfy will do.

31. Ever had a crush on a teacher in high school?

32. Coke or pepsi?

33. sugar or spice?

33. Can you use chopsticks?

34. Do you like to read for pleasure?
Surely do.

35. Do you care about getting good grades?
Hell yea.Who doesn't?

36. Have you ever fallen asleep in class?
Not yet.

37. Get a job or ask your parents for money?
At the mo,parents.

38. Is your dad strict?

39. Do your parents give you enough privacy?

41. Would you ever wanna lose your best friends?
Gain some,lose some.Normal.

42. Does your best friend get on your nerves?

43. Do you make friends quickly?

44. Do you tell your mom everything?

45. What do you & your parents fight about most?
Couldn't recall.It has been ages since the last fight.

46. If u love someone & she/he rejected u wut will u do to her/him?
Nothin,I'll simply move on.

47. Can u sing or rap?
I can sing,I guess.

48. If u have one wish , who would u make ur
wife/husband for the wish?

Wentworth Miller! :P

49. Wut do u think of this survey??
It's okie.



Last week was the 1st week of the ever so wonderful final sem. Everything went well since everythin's just gettin started and I'm feeling dead homesick again last weekend, and I actually got on the phone with my mum til I ran out of credits.Normally,catchin up with all the stuff that happened at home contented me but sometimes it just makes me feel otherwise.

Well,am goin to write about this sem,whuts up with it? Besides being the last sem in my undergrad years(InsyaAllah),I finally came to realize that it's goin to be the longest too.I assumed that you are wondering why - all those hectic life and piles of work that are waitin ahead seems to stretch everythin up,thus makin it feels way longer than usual perhaps? Or maybe I'm gettin into one of those sehari tapi rasa macam setahun thingy?

Yes and no - because the real reason for it hafta be the fact that there is NO,nada,non midterm break for this sem and I might NOT be able to get back home for the next 3-4 months unless there's a lil space for me to escape.

How's that for the long awaited last sem?

p/s:Hold on tight darlins,we're up for a hella loong ride.


Just had one of the weirdest dreams ever last nite. It left me with this shivery absurd feelin,til now.

I wonder what is it all about.

Life in Jurassic Park's starting to heat up & am feeling tre malade just by thinking of it. Need another major escapism, getaway or something - and it would be a major bless if I'm able to cry out loud,whine or be dead pathetic right now because it just won't come out - hidden, bottled up somewhere.

On the other hand,

I N e e d t o s t u d y p e r l.

H A V E T O - D E S P E R A T E L Y.

But then again,the the weekend had been spent in such a way that it turned out to be so mundane,unproductive.

How wonderful.Yey!

Your Brain is 73.33% Female, 26.67% Male

Your brain leans female

You think with your heart, not your head

Sweet and considerate, you are a giver

But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!



I've promised to write bout my couz's wedding,so here it goes.

Well, the long-awaited wedding reception was held on Jan 28 2005 - besides being the happiest day of my couz's life,the receptions also turned out to be a family-gatherin day thingy. Cute Close and extended relatives could be seen everywhere.Some of the guests looked vaguely familiar and few of em actually remembered my name.Weird.

Owh,I even met the doc that welcomed me to the world 21++ yrs back - she was like "Wah,dah besaq dia sekarang,rasanya,the next wedding that I'm goin to attend going to be yours.Dah tak lama lah ni".Yeah sure,pls don't count on it,my 'the one' is still missing,remember?.

Neway,lets continue with the wedding, shall we?

How the wedding?1 word - GREAT. Kak Long's officially declared as Mrs.Nan Mahadir with a single lafaz during the akad nikah.The reception on the bride's side's good.The weather was fine (though it was too HOT and SUNNY for my liking - since I have to walk run around in my kebaya)because I'm in charged of some stuff during the event.The food was luvly - it made me high, high on sugar that is - due to the yummy ice cream that was served for the dessert. The music thingy was okie ( though I found that the DJs(?) were a lil bit too crappy with their weird jokes and lame pantun).The groom-couz looked cute while the bride-couz looked wonderful in their pink and brown attires. I truly love their we are so-happy-together aura, it just felt sooo right.

On the next day - some of us were off to Perak.Manjung to be exact.There were like 20 of us and we stayed at one of the resorts. It was fun except for the nite when I woke up at 3am only to find out that the penthouse that we were in was in an utter darkness - blackout! Duh!We had to wait for 30 mins before everythin got back to normal again.The next morn(Monday Jan 30th),some of the aunts decided to have a quick trip to Lumut and me,being the nosy one - tagged along. They had their fun buying all those ikan kering,sotong kering dan segala mende yang kering that were on sale. Me?I had my torture fun with the sickening smell.(No offence,some of those dried stuff are good to eat but when you have all of em together at one place.Its smell's dead sickening.)

Movin on,we got back from Lumut before noon.Freshen up (read:get rid of the fishy smell) before going to the groom's place for the next reception.Again,the weather was EXTREMELY sunny.I didn't manage to eat much due to the heat though their food were good and somewhat unique. That's the time when all that I want is a glass of cold icy sirap.*in sirap's heaven* Then there was another endless photo session and the rest is history.

We left Kak Long in Manjung to begin her new life for a while since she's goin back to KL neway.hihi. My uncle obviously had a hard time of lettin go - coz he kept on asking whether his precious daughter had everything that she needs when we were about to leave.

Then,me and my cousins drove straight back home after the reception while some of us actually went straight back to KL. Few days later, the newly wed couple was at my house back in Kedah - having lunch. We surely had our fun talkin bout the wedding - bout how nervous they felt during the akad nikah and how tired they were during the long receptions.

Owh well,they had their dream wedding and I've had my fun.Cheers!



Back in Jurassic Park (read:Cyberjaya).It feels kinda absurd to think of how time flies.Gosh,this sem gonna be my final sem,finally!

Neway,say hi to Artie - my pet horned beetle/kumbang tanduk.Perhaps it's still in its adolescence,kecik je tanduk dier.Hmm.. *shrugs*

Hope that sooner or later Artie gonna be like this lil fella.hihi!Grow Artie GROW!

I'm off,time to catch up with my fav series.Will write bout my couz's wedding later.

p/s::Horned beetle/kumbang tanduk makan ape yer?

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