

Last week was the 1st week of the ever so wonderful final sem. Everything went well since everythin's just gettin started and I'm feeling dead homesick again last weekend, and I actually got on the phone with my mum til I ran out of credits.Normally,catchin up with all the stuff that happened at home contented me but sometimes it just makes me feel otherwise.

Well,am goin to write about this sem,whuts up with it? Besides being the last sem in my undergrad years(InsyaAllah),I finally came to realize that it's goin to be the longest too.I assumed that you are wondering why - all those hectic life and piles of work that are waitin ahead seems to stretch everythin up,thus makin it feels way longer than usual perhaps? Or maybe I'm gettin into one of those sehari tapi rasa macam setahun thingy?

Yes and no - because the real reason for it hafta be the fact that there is NO,nada,non midterm break for this sem and I might NOT be able to get back home for the next 3-4 months unless there's a lil space for me to escape.

How's that for the long awaited last sem?

p/s:Hold on tight darlins,we're up for a hella loong ride.


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