♥of.11 months.&.me.♥

Our baby gonna turn 1 in less than a week! Time flies like ya wouldn't believe.

At 11 months & 23 days

Spot the gigi!

o1. She now has 2 gigi! TWO! Dua. :P The 1st one is the upper central incisor on the left, and the 2nd one is her right lower central incisor. I've been waiting for those gigi for like forever, but somehow I managed to forget to buy her those baby toothbrush thingy, ya know those little beginner toothbrush which looks more like a teeter stick rather than a toothbrush, so yeah, am so going to get me one of those ASAP. (Okay, I'm overreacting over a couple of teeth. So? )

o2. She loves HI5, and each time they are done with their songs and ya could see the little kids in the show jumping and clapping, she'll clap too.

o3. She can actually stand on her own now - tho just for a mere seconds- and she'd 'walk' eagerly if ya just hold on to her little hands and let her 'walk'.he he.

o4. She'll fake a cry whenever I raise my voice to stop her from doing something. Drama swasta betui.

o5. Still a breastfeed baby alright!Alhamdulillah.

o6. Her fine soft hair is getting curlier each day which is sorta funny since none of us berambut curly. I mean, when we're out people gonna think that she has my hair la kan? Since they could only see C***'s straight hair and they'll simply assume that she got the hair from me. Well, I think she took after her paksu aka my little brother as he used to have curly hair when he's little. Now his hair is no longer curly, just wavy (tu pasal sibuk nak straight kan rambut,ehem) :P

07. She'll raise her hand up if ya call out "Mana Myra angkat tangan?" tho sometimes she just couldn't be bothered, especially when she's busy watching the advertisements on tv. T_T

08. More often than not, she'll sleep throughout the night these days - only waking up sometime around subuh for morning feed, in fact she stopped waking up 2-3 times for milk since she's around 6-7 months which equals to more uninterrupted sleep for mummy!

09. She could be such a decent little eater aka sitting down on her chair during mealtime - whenever she feels like it else you hafta be prepared to feed her whilst she's cruising around the house and the usual 15 minutes gonna be elongated to 45 & you'll have a handful of clothes splattered with baby food to be hand washed. (On a lighter note, body wash works quite wonderfully to remove stubborn baby food stains before washing em thoroughly using baby friendly detergent.I tend to get bored of body washes, so using em to wash baby cloth helps to finish em up rather quickly.he he)

10. She'll demand to watch her nursery rhymes,Upin Ipin and Elmo on the tablet each time she sees it. So pantang nampak the parents holding the tablet, dia pon nak join sekaki & she actually knows how to pick the video and put em on play! Ok I lied, she probably doesn't know how, she might just trying to imitate our gestures whilst using the tablet, tapi most of the time, she's able to select the video from the list and play em which amuses her to no end. :)

11. If ya hold out ya hand to her whilst telling her "Tangan mummy sakit, urut urut", she'll either rub your hand with her palm or squeeze em or sometimes, pinch em. he he. Nenek ajar urut. he he.

12. Her separation anxiety is getting somewhat dramatic these days. I mean, she'll stick to me like glue during the weekend, refusing to let me off her sight else she'll scream her lugs out and the moment I pick her up, she'll hug me,sad face, resting her head on my shoulder, little hands around my neck and all,macam takot kena tinggal. Haih. It breaks my heart a little to think of how I can't spend much time with her during the week days, ya know,I'll usually leaves home sometime after 8am and got back home by 7pm and later sometime around 9pm, it's already her bedtime.So ya see, I have less than 3 hours to belek my baby. I sometimes wish money grows on tree.

13. She could wiggle herself down from her rocker-chair, the sofa and recently our bed - granted it's a bit on the high side and just yesterday, the bed at the my PIL place in Malacca. She'll simply shift into her reverse gear, get a good grasp at the bedsheets and wiggle herself down safely. As much as I cringed at the thought that she gonna fall, I'd like her to be able to explore as much as possible, so I'll  just bite my lips and let her be. Haih, the agony.

Well baby, I know how I can't wait for you to grow up and all, but could you just please do it sloooowly?

That's about it, I'm so going to get her a cake - tho it's not like I'll let her eat it anyway.he he.


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