of.called in sick.&.me.

I called in sick yesterday as I was having a mean headache with multiple trips to the bathroom to puke my guts out(but nothing came out,so it was torture).

Slept the morning away, woke up to C***'s phone call sometime during midday. Took a shower, had biscuits and bottles of Vitagen.

Tried to do some ironing but my head failed me so I stayed in bed whilst watching a lame drama.

Yea, how's that for an awesome day off? :P

Anyway, am feeling much better now since I don't do morning sickness that often, mine is more of night sickness as I'd feel like throwing out each time after dinner and my back will aches(but thank God for a wonderful masseur but he's sorta ganas at times so I hafta ask him to be lemah lembut a bit and he would go "Dear, you want me to urut ke buat geli-geli?" Haih).

Well, let's be random bout the weekend for a bit.

o1. We went to Ikea for a shopping spree. Yea, we bought a sofa, a matching carpet, a floor lamp and an el-chepo wall-clock. he he. We didn't even need a delivery for that as everything was stuffed into C***'s big car and C*** solely carried em in and out of the car himself whilst I did pretty much nothing - except dragging those as light as a feather stuff, saya bukan malas, he won't let me. Katanya "awak tak payah tunjuk kuat". So who am I to say anything? Isteri mithali jangan derhaka. Yes?

o2. C*** managed to assemble everything within an hour whilst I did..err..still pretty much nothing but read out the instructions and handed over the screws and whatnot to him. he he.

o3. We had visitors that night. he he. The cousins together with their cute kids. Owh, kenapakah sudah hilang rambut helmet itu? he he. Their eldest kid was jumping up and down the sofa(sib baek mama anak dah beli sofa, kot tak naufal nak lompat ataih apa? ehehhe), all hyped up after a jar of M&M.

o4. We went to visit Zue darling on Saturday. She looked good, happy and all that. Her daughter is sooo tiny that I had to pass from taking my turn to hold her. Sangat lah keciknya, adelah takot untuk dukong. I'll wait for another month or two lah macik, later I'll come back to dukong2. :P

o5. We also went to scout for the potential hospital to do the checkup. So far I'm torn between Ampang Puteri and Pusrawi. We'll see how lah.

That's about it. We're having another cycle of SIT at work today.


Have a great week okie?



Unknown said...


Welcome to motherhood!
ginger biskut works like a charms some said...

MsAnak said...


Hehe. Thanks sis.

Ginger biscuit as in ginger-man biscuit tu ke? he he.

Ape lagi yang best selain biskut?

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