
I'm still sick.

I would be restless in my sleep from the bad stuffy nose and the stinging sore throat annndd I sound like a frog, wibbit!

& C***'s catching the sickly bugs too. Poor C***, that's what you'll get from sleeping next to a bacteria silo.

Well, my first week at work after the looong break is somewhat unproductive. I'm terribly blurry as I was showering myself with all sort of senseless questions all week.

Like "How am I supposed to do this again? What's the password to that server again? Eh..how am I supposed to write this fricking batch? Owh..macam ni."

Sungguh blur ayam.

It's not helping when you have to learn something new whilst coding ( to catch a deadline) at the same time. Masa tu la nak tengok syntax dia macam mana, masa tu jugak la baru nak buat trial code bagai.


Enough of the depressing blurry feeling.

Let's ramble a bit about my domestic-goddess routines. he he.

Well, my morning is usually an easy one. C***'s not a breakfast-person so he requires nothing. Almost nothing but a cuppa coffee - itu pon selepas ade seorang wifey yang asyik dok tanya "are you sure you're good to go without breakfast?", so dia pon cakap lah perhaps he needs coffee, mungkin dia kesian.

So yea, I'll make him coffee each morning and he would have it before dashing off to work at 6.45am dan saya pon sambung tido before getting up again for work.

I hafta admit that I'm thankful to be blessed with a non-fussy C*** when it comes to food. Our dinner(so far) usually range from pasta, nasi(yang dimasak perlbagai gaya), kaya toasts to sandwiches and he wouldn't mind a bit.

Sangat senang menjaga ini laki
, which I'm determined not to take for granted. Kena lah jugak whip up something special when time permits - which is like soon(kot). he he.

Owh yea, when it comes to house chores, I would usually do it when I feel like it. Yer lah, I'm the all or nothing type of person. I would really do it or not at all. Takde case keja halfheartedly or separuh jalan segala. Kalau cincai-cincai stok menyakitkan hati, baik tak payah buat langsung. No?

So when I feel like it(which is usually after our dinner), I would iron his uniforms(yup, he works for an automotive company, therefore pakai uniforms) which is great, kerana there's no fancy shirts or pants but C*** is rather particular when it comes to ironing and whatnot, so I hafta make sure everything's sharply ironed or I'll an NG(not good) remarks from him.

Yea, being married to a QA engineer is just like that. Lorat tapi tak lorat.

Moving on,

when it comes to the laundry. We used to wash em like everyday, especially during the first few days after we got our hands on the washing machine - as both of us were excited about the fancy functions, turbo air dry and whatnot.

Now as the novelty begin to wear off, I'd usually do the laundry once or twice in a week, like how much laundry could two of us gather in a week pon kan? he he. Membazir air je basuh selalu(baru nak perasan?). he he.

The mopping, sweeping and whatever not would be done when I'm free and taking out the trash is currently being handled by C*** as the 'garbage room' adelah jauh(like the furthest end of our floor, so saya malas. So yey for a tough husband.Bodek sket.). :P

On a lighter note, I'm hoping to drag C*** out for jalan-jalan and perhaps a movie(after we're done with the unpacking).

Gotta run. The QA already checked-out my codes.

So yea, have a great weekend. I'll be enjoying mine.



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