
Someone, upon looking at my status in FB asked

"In a relationship? So is there a bf involved?"(Soalan apekah ini?)

I would like to say "No, I'm such a narcissist that I decided to be in a relationship with myself since nobody is good enough for me." but of coz I didn't. I told that someone that not only there's a bf involved but the bf has been upgraded to Fiance 1.1 too.

I thought some stuff are just plain obvious, but obviously not for everyone.

Yea talking about people and their inability to ask proper questions yang membuatkan saya rasa membara. Yup, I'm easily ticked off just like that.

I mean, I don't really mind(to an extend) if someone decided to interrogate me on the status and whatnot, asking the right question is the key ya know?


akutaktahu said...

engaged sudah ka? heheheh :P

sila belikan bro barang sebagai ganti rugi sudah langkah bendul...

alhamdulillah doa bro dimakbulkan supaya sis kawin dulu..heheh :P

MsAnak said...

Hah? You didn't know? Tsk tsk, lupa nak cakap. he he. :P

Err..barang? Barang ape?

Takpe, ur turn is coming asap,InsyaAllah :D

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