of.everything into one.&.me.

I like being random these days, let's get it on, shall we?

It's funny bout how I'll whine about me dying to lose weight to C***( & my mum & the BFF) tapiiii when C*** came over for a quick visit on Wednesday night( on his way back from the airport) he handed me a little souvenir from his work trip.What is it? Well, he bought me 2 huge bars of my favorite chocs at the airport.

How sweet tapii darling kenapakah beli chocolates when I'm trying to lose weight and when I only have 77 days left? ha ha. *panic attack* Kalau C*** tau saya complained mesti dia tamau beli dah nih.

We're done with the HIV test! Woot! It was sorta breezy but I sorta detest the doc, she's like owh so kerek and I think the gov should do something with their clinic, I mean, I know that they provides free meds and whatnot but could you please do some appropriate upgrades on the clinic? It seems like there's nothing new about the clinic since 1980s, perhaps except for the meds and some stuff lah.

Like apekah guna kipas yang antik dan memang tak sejuk langsung and the waiting area is so freaking crowded and sempit (that you hafta duduk dengan sopan and don't ever think of stretching your legs else you'll trip someone down sebab tersadung). To top that the atmosphere macam sungguh lah tak sihat, like owh sungguh gembira to be confined together with sick people in a space with a bad ventilation.

Thank God we're done with it so we don't need to be there again and even if we're down with something later, we could always go to a better clinic for meds, but still, it's kinda sad for the less fortunate people without options, macam nenek tua semalam yang hafta wait for nearly an hour in discomfort for her checkup.

The baby brother got into an accident last night,on his way back home from campus. The car skidded and crashed into the highway divider. Fortunately, he escaped without a scratch, Alhamdulillah.

He claimed that he was not speeding(since it's raining), and when I heard of that, I was like, yeaaaaa right. It's his 2nd mishap since he got his license(The 1st one took its toll on my 4wd,kereta itu tergolek masuk a big ass longkang but got stuck half way down, thank God the car is sorta big and tinggi, if it was a kancil or the like, memang selamat masuk ke dasar. Itu pasal la dok ngok ngek sikit keta tu, that's why I need a new ride ya see?).

So yea, I'm soo going to give him a piece of my mind later, bak kata my mum last night "let's basuh dia bersama-sama". he he.

The whole office is going for a celebratory dinner right after the office hour. I plan to eat up, borak-borak, head to the carrefour or cold storage for some condiment for my weekend sandwich(lum ape2 dah fikir pasal esok dah ;p) and perhaps lepak with C*** for a bit to discuss on my never ending dilemma.

Owh yea, I'm dropping off the lil 4wd for a fix tomorrow. It has been so good to me and I just couldn't neglect it by not giving it a proper care walaupon dalam hati dah berbunga-bunga nak grab a new ride & it was surprising to have C*** saying,"kesian pulak tak kasi awk beli keta baru" as he was not keen on the idea at first, saying that I should save the money for something else(read: a house) since he already have two of em(tapii they are yours darling, I want a new one to call my own.he he)

Well, whatever it is, I think that hafta wait until I'm done with the big day stuff as I'm trying not to rely on the parents for everything tho obviously they don't mind, tapi I think it's gonna be more self-satisfactory to contribute as much as I could, after all, it is my wedding,no?

That's about it.

Have a great weekend.



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