of.2 cents.&.me.

C***'s on his way to KK right now(sob! but he promised to bring me packs of kuih cicin) and here I am, with a sizzling brain.

I'm mentally tired from the prototyping phase, meetings and excessive complaints from the users(saya rasa my paycheque should be doubled as saya pon selalu double up as helpdesk sebab ade problem jer cari saya,apekah? Boleh goyang kaki lah orang helpdesk kalau macam ni. Tsk tsk).

Sizzling brain aside.

Well..my solemnization dress's ready! Went for the final fitting session yesterday and everything seems to be good including the matching veil. Owh..I can't help it, tetiba rasa excited. ha ha. Bukan excited nak kawen(okay lah fine,excited la jugak) but I'm more excited to have all those pretty fancy dresses as I'm not much of a gurly gurl lah - tho I love good bags and shoes.

Looking at how the solemnization dress turned out. I hafta admit that it serves as a good justification to myself on why I didn't opt for one in white.

I mean, what's the fuss on making something so beautiful if you're just going to wear it once? I know the putih itu suci and you gonna look more pengantin in white cliche but I don't know,I'm a cheapskate and I'm planning to have something worthy, buat ape beli kain and upah mahal-mahal setakat nak pakai sekali? Alang-alang dah mahal biar pakai sampai lunyai, no? Just my 2 cents.

Yea yea,I feel like I'm contradicting myself sometimes. he he. Bila membazir tak ingat,tapi sekarang konon berjimat la pulak. :P

Owh well, it's my moolah and I'll do what I want with it. Dah takde duit nanti,duduk diam-diam. he he.

Talking about the dress, it reminded me that I should book an appointment with the tudung-maker as I promised her that we'll meet up once my dress is ready. Hmpp..

On a lighter note, the invitation cards sudah siap! Woot! Gonna pick em up tomorrow and I would send em out latest by mid June as I'm still compiling the addresses and whatnot. :)

On another lighter note, I'm half way done with the packing. It's hard to decide on which to keep and which to chuck out. Susah woh. Last night I managed to filter through my rack of shoes and successfully sorted out a bunch of shoes untuk disedekahkan kepada tong sampah, reasons being, they are too big(beli silap size and couldn't find any reason to wear em dan sudah buruk collecting dust) and worn out(sebab terlalu best la katakan, sampai dah seasoned so it's time to say goodbye).

Haih.Let's hope I'm rajin enough to continue packing tonight. Berusahalah!

That's about it.



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