
I'm finally back to work after 11 days of butt-plumping, calories-rising, laziness-growing EID break.

At least apart from the fact that my legs turned to jelly & the I'm so going to faint now feeling on the 2nd day of EID due to the so called open house/bbq/ steamboat session at home(I loathe the clean-up. God,please gimmeh more moneh so I could hire like 10 bibiks for mum thankyouverymuch), my long break is totally hassle free.

Those days of lazing around at home whilst figuring out what to have for lunch/dinner and later out and about with mum for umpteenth sessions of foot spa are blissful beyond words. I cannot ask for more,like seriously.

Owh yes, on a lighter note, who would have thought that I would be able to score myself a handful of birthday gift(thankyouverymuch mum) & duit raya, RM265 is ain't that bad for 25 years old, no? I could get myself a pair of nice sandal with that. :P

Talking about work, I'm literally back today tho technically half of my mind was already back at work yesterday, thanks to the ever so wonderful users,they sure do miss me when I'm not around. Howw overwhelming. Not.

Well, I'm off, hafta be prepared for a UAT.

Hmpp..I miss hectoring C***.

Tata now.


mar!ahaf!z said...

.. dulu masa belum kawen sis pun slalu dpt duit raya lagik.. :)
skrg dah jadik mak org, tlg kutip duit raya utk anak je la.

btw, my son's duit raya collection is less than urs, sbb thn ni me tak ke mana.. duk rumah je, cian dia..

MsAnak said...

Wuu...kutip duit raya utk anak sounds interesting jugak,

ehem, budak2 mane tau guna duit raya banyak2,baek mak dia yg guna kan kan? hehehe

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