
I'm tired.

I wished for a series of retail therapies & I got em.

It started off on Saturday. We reached The curve around noon & half an hour later, I managed to get myself two cute tops. What's better than finding something 'so you' at 40% off? So yea, both of em are of the same pattern but different colors.(Nothing new with that since I used to buy 3 same tops of different colors before.he he.)

Later we headed to Ikea. I was tempted to grab a blardy load of stuff & C*** (literally) dragged me away from it, so yea I only managed to get myself a pretty looking lantern so I could light my scented candle innit (which C*** thought looked like one of those stuff that people use at cemetery.Bleh!) and some cooking utensils(yea, I cook now :P).

We had meatballs(yey!) + vegetarian pasta + chicken wings + cinnamon rolls for lunch. It felt sorta awkward to have a table laden with food whilst this (cute) guy and his parents were like sharing a kiddy plate of meatballs(which consist of 5 meatballs whilst we had 15!),a slice of cheese cake & a plate of pasta. So yea, we ate a lot, thankyouverymuch. :P

After we're done with Ikea, we rushed of to Cineleisure for our solat & movie tickets(yey!). I hafta say Public Enemies is good tho it feels pretty weird to actually have empathy for those criminals in the movie, I blame Johnny Depp, he's just too calm & swift( & somewhat sweet) - like,owh sungguh cool merompak bank, rasa nak buat jugak so I'll get to swiftly jump over bank counters.he he.

The movie ended just in time for Maghrib & when I stepped out of the surau and C*** was nowhere to be found, I walked straight out hypnotized by the thought of my favourite Lecka-lecka's gelato.

Mari lah mari,bite meh!

Bought a scoop & waited nearby. People watching and gelato are great I tell ya. Anyhow, I was interrupted by a phone call

C***:"Sedap nampak makan ice cream."
Me:"Err..nak?"*looked up whilst trying to find him in the crowd*
C***:"Menonong je pegi beli eh?"
Me: lol

Apparently, he's done with his prayer earlier, headed straight to the washroom and when he saw me walking zombie-like to Lecka-lecka & carelessly waited whilst having the gelato, he decided to keep his distant and watch me from afar.

I thought I was the one doing the people-watching,rupenya tidak. Hoh!

We walked out to the Flea Market, looked around for a bit, went to Daiso(I got myself a cool pop-lid jar) & later thought that it would be nice to have something soupy for dinner & was reminded of the mini steamboat place in Ikano so off we went.

It's a good place for those who couldn't be bothered to share(or simply fussy) coz everybody will have their individual steamboat which is great since we'll get to enjoy the food at our own pace. I had the noodles & beef combo whilst C*** opted for the dumpling. We both chose tomyam for the soup(which taste good but it's a wee bit spicy for moi) & the serving's size is fairly okay for a normal eater tho I had a hard time finishing it, in fact tak habis. :P

We headed home that nite with a full tummy & me feeling happy.

The end.

What? Not yet?

Okay, hmpp..well, Sunday was fairly another session of shopping spree, except for the fact that it's not mine. It's C***'s.

He came to pick me up after Zohor, we had chicken rice for lunch(Kaknaaa, nasi ayam tu tetiba manis, ayam macam dicelup air gulaa...argghhhh). It was a huge miss and C*** just couldn't stop bragging bout this particular chicken rice in Rawang, which he claimed taste better(so he owes me a trip to Rawang for that nasi ayam he he).

Moving on, C*** initially wanted to buy something for his mum for EID, so I suggested Jalan TAR so we could find a silk or two but we reached there when it's still pretty hot outside so we decided to walk around in SOGO for a while and that's when it happened.

C*** was bitten by the gila shopping bugs.

He found himself a khakis short(which is rather expensive I should say, seluar pendek apekah begitu mahaalll?), 2 collar T-shirts(for his dad), a nice black leather handbag(for his mum that I doubtfully chose, I have a unique taste when it cames to handbags so adelah susah untuk pilihkan untuk orang lain ), a nice linen greenish-brown East India Co. shirt and a brown shirt for himself.

Looking at the list is like a dream comes true(yea, what's better than a semi-shopaholic boyfriend? hehe) since it's very unlikely for him to buy anything. The ratio is like 5:1, me getting whole loads of stuff whilst he might ended up with one or simply none.(Sometimes I feel like forcing him into buying stuff so I won't feel as guilty for spending too much.)

If you noticed, I didn't get myself anything that day. I just couldn't find anything interesting so I ended up with nothing - hence my tiredness.

It's tiring to go on a shopping spree without buying anything - coz at the end of the day, when you're back at home with sore aching feet without any shopping haul to be excited about, it's just plain tiring.

Perhaps this is how C*** feels each time we are out shopping. he he.

Owh well? :P

Anyway, have a great week people



mar!ahaf!z said...

didie, aritu awak gi ikea sale ke? kita boring x dpt pergi.. heheh, kalau gi pun mesti beli benda merepek2..

kita suke johnny depp tu la.. dari kita kecik lagi.. sgt cute.. :)

MsAnak said...

Haha. Memang suke beli benda2 merepek pon,suke je nak mengabiskan duit kt Ikea. Sib baek xde rumah sendiri.hihi

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