

How far would you go for someone?

Would you be willing to send them text messages to show you care(& interested) whilst knowing quite well that they (most probably) won't reply?

Would you brace yourself trough a terrifying traffic each and every single day just to get back home in time so you won't be late for dinner?

Would you cut off you own mari berhuu-haaa allowances just so you could save and get them something nice for birthdays?

Would you be working around the clock in order to fulfill someone else's dream?

Would you give em one of your eyes if they actually need one?

Would ya?

Well,I came across the thought last night after having one of those late night casual chat with C*** on the phone.

He blurted out something that took me by surprise (& I reckon he didn't even notice coz he was not trying to flatter me or something.)

I'm undeniably, pleasantly surprised.

Like seriously - I hafta refrain myself from saying "You actually did that for me? Owh well ya know? Indirectly for me. It has my name stamped on it.".

Credit when the credit is due dearest, I'm not even sure if I'd be able to do the same for you but when the time comes, I would absolutely give it a try.

But hey, now I know how far you'd go - which is very far indeed. Thank you. :)


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