

Yesterday was a looooong tiring day.

I got myself stuck with an error that refused to be gone( and the error messages showed were not even helpful) whilst I was trying to deploy my new application on the UAT server.

It was sickening.Very sickening I tell ya but after 7 hours of headache and countless bottles of water and toilet trips later, we(yes we, I hafta drag one of my colleagues to help me out) managed to spot the problem. Well, apparently I have the stupid db to blame,there were some issues with the the db version. Haih. I felt like pulling my hair off. Like how come it works fine on my machine but goes haywire on the UAT? Yeah, no thank to you database, I had to reconstruct my codes. Grrrr...

Okie, enough of the geeky story.

Earlier this morning, after I got into the office and realized that I left my cellphone in the car, I walked back to the parking only to discover that someone ran over a squirrel. Tsk. By the look of the fresh pool of blood and innards, it must have been new and when I texted C*** about it, he was like

"Tupai kena langgar pon report eh dear or sebenarnya awak yang pijak?"

and one of the guys in the office was like

"Yea, that's such a big loss."(I could sense his sarcasm.)


Typically guys.


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