

We were having lunch yesterday when one of the guys casually came up with a scenario

You are into 2 guys, namely A and B, A likes you but he sorta jual mahal aka playing hard to get and B is the I'll do everything and swim the deepest ocean for you kind.BUT all in all, you love A more.

He then asked me about who will I choose.

I simply gave him the "The key to success, always go for someone who loves you more,B it is but then again it depends on the age, if I have the time for the chase, yea perhaps I'll go for the A guy.".

"So you would just drop the 1st guy and go for someone who loves you more, aren't you lying to yourself?" he added.

Then yea, it got me thinking. Being the practical and realistic me, I would surely jump into the I'm feeling so secure coz he loves me wagon with the B guy - perhaps it's my 23++ years old brain talking,it might as well be vice versa if I'm 18, but the thing is - I'm never keen on the lets try it out and see how far we gonna go thingy. I detest uncertainties, it triggers my sickening paranoia.

But come to think of it, perhaps I'm not that realistic of a person that I think I am. After all, I did go for someone that I like (which I happened to meet in such a peculiar way since we were thousands miles apart back then) - I just got myself lucky cause he somehow (tricked) into liking me and later he was convinced enough to make the 1st move - which according to him took a humongous amount of guts since he's not used to the 1st move ritual crap (read:The gurls in his previous relationships/flings were the one responsible for it, not him.).ha ha.

Yea,it's been 5 years since the 1st hello and 2++ years since our 1st I'm showering you with the corniest words on earth so please don't puke session. There's still a long way to go,lets hope for the best,shall we?

p/s: Yes, I was 19 when we 1st met, perhaps that's why I was not being realistic. :P


F is my name said...

hi didie..
wah..akhirnya sudi jugak share luv st0ry dgn dia ek ;)..

F is my name said...

hi didie..
wah..akhirnya sudi jugak share luv st0ry dgn dia ek ;)..

MsAnak said...

Che ah! Owh,sejak bile anda menjadi stalker :P hihi. Love story ke tu? :P

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