

The Bank finally decided that they just couldn't wait for 3 blardy months before dragging me into the development team - so yea, no more dinasours for me, I'm jumping right into java instead. Java? God! Java? Berape lama tak buat java I'm doomed. How delightful.

Well,the truth is - I don't mind tho I'll be soo lifeless and as good as dead,as long as I'll get my fat paycheque. Yes,the paycheque - after all this is what the brain splattering job is all about - besides the personal/career growth, self-satisfaction and whatnot. No? You wish.


Lemme tell you something. If there's one thing that I've learnt about relationship - it's the fact that it has the ability to push you up high to cloud nine while having the utter quality of being plain menyakitkan hati.

Yea, as simple/complicated as that.



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