

I'm supposed to read up on something, for work - but I just couldn't be bothered. Malas. It must be the fatty food that I've been shoving down my throat for the last 2 days. It's making its way up to my brain, clotting the pathways of my logical mind. You evil yummylicous fatty bum-plumping food. Bad. Very bad I tell ya.

Owh well the bad mind clotting evil wins,the boring stuff hafta wait. I am truly not in the geeky mood, at least not until I'm back at work and the project manager threatened to chop my head off and turn it into cat food for being so helplessly slow with the coding or ......(put any bad traits of a programmer here).So yea, since I'm no where near to those situations mentioned above, there's no way in hell I'm going to read the owh so boring thingy.

Case closed.

I'm going back to KL tomorrow. How sad. I wish the Wesak day gonna last for the next 5 days or make it a week like the EID & CNY, the looonger the better. Right?


On the lighter note,perhaps I'll get to bully C*** soon.I miss him already.


Nitey nite.


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