

Tuesday blues.

My week off ended today,so yeah I'm feeling pretty blue & green - with envy.

2 of my friends just got engaged. 1 of them used to be the lelaki idaman malaya,the I do nothing but crush gurls' hearts into pieces kinda guy and the other is a sis that I used hang out with during my undergrad years. I'm happy for them,really - tho,the news came to me like a huge tidal wave. Dragging me to a weird realization that someday,somehow I'll be there too,tied up in the exact situation - regardless of how inscrutable, weird, funny, ganas, lorat, horrifying I am.

Surely someone was created with me in mind right? At least C*** seems to fit the mold,so far. :P

Owh,few days back.While I was busy stuffing myself up while having my daily dose of cartoons.Mum came over, sat next to me and we started talking and somehow, the I don't wanna say much about it aka marriage topic, got into the conversation and mum casually added "Anak,tell that bf of yours that you hafta get married before you turn 26".

& being the don't argue with your mum else akan menjadi si Tanggang and I am too busy getting fat while enjoying my cartoons me, I simply replied,"Owh,okie." - (5 minutes later,it's like, what was I thinking? Pbbtt!)

Well Mummy,I already told him that,yesterday. He said "26?Owh boleh boleh" - while nodding his head and flashing his signature smirk.

Sangat menyakinkan bukan?

Yea right,before 26 it is. :P


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