of.not so wordless Wednesday.&.me.

I'm supposed to come up with a WW entry, but I feel like rambling for a bit. :P

Well, we went to see the Paed for another vaccination for Myra yesterday, based on her current height, weight and whatnot, she seems to be doing great in the growing up department. Tho her weight gain is on the minimum side as she just can't stay still these days. She cried for a bit after the shot and the Paed prescribed us with a small bottle of multivits for Myra - and that little mini-us loves it tho the syrup reminded of us of those yucky cough syrup. Ape jer la yang dia tak suka? Ni mesti ikot perangai daddy nih. :P

Owh, her next paed's visit is for her pneumococcal vac - which gonna be sometime next month.

Someone's birthday is coming next week and I'm ever so ready to celebrate. Woot! A japanese buffet dinner for 2 pleasee..err..3.

We have two or probably three weddings to attend during the weekend and somehow I'm so going to squeeze the Clark's warehouse sale and Baby's expo in. Another shopping spree I see. :P

We're going for a long trip to the east coast sometimes next week for a cousin wedding. I'm a bit nervous as it's going to be a very very long drive - which is even longer than our usual drive back to Kedah - and I'm hoping that it's going to be breezy for the baby. Kot dia dah restless and throw tantrum, 10 minutes drive pon dah ngeri. he he.

Talking about the trip, I hafta come up with a meal planner for the baby. Hmpph..

I owed myself another trip to the spa, but the big fat question is BILAAAA???

We're moving to a new office by the end of the month. The new place is probably easier to get to as there are like tonnes of alternatives routes and whatnot - but the parking space is scarce but with a killing rate, so is the food. Say bye-bye to cheap dedicated parking bay and el-cheapo lunch. Haih. Boss, probably it's time for another raise? :P

I bought a coupon for customized fridge magnets a while ago from Groupon and redeemed it sometimes last week. I received the parcel yesterday from the vendor - ThinkBigStudio. I sorta love it - mainly because Myra's face is plastered on em.I'd give it 10/10 stars if the workmanship is not that shabby. I mean, I know that they are selling it at a cheaper price tag, but the trimming adelah sorta frustrating. I mean, some of em looks as if it were cut by a 5 years old. Sungguh lah tak neat the cutting. Owh well?

That's about it.



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