
I love books, I used to be able to finish one in few hours but that's a thing of the past. Now I could hardly finish a chapter as the little precious craves for my attention like every second of every minute of every day - not that I'm complaining, tapi tu lah, I could hardly read anymore these days.

Anyway, I still love em books, hence the trip to Big Bad Wolf (BBW) books sale with the colleagues last Friday - cheap books = happiness. Like yea, I only spent a little less than a hundred for some random books(7 of em to be exact), baby books and Sesame Street flashcards(for Myra).

Decided not to be too ambitious, so I went easy on the book hunting as kalau di ikotkan hati, memang berkati-kati lah yang dibeli. Yer lah kan, if dulu sebulan dijamin habis baca 7 buku, sekarang sebulan satu pon belum tentu lagi. Looking at the rate that I'm going, I'll probably finish em all by the time for the next BBW sale next year. Pathetic, I know. :P

Talking bout books, I'm no longer the one to go for chick flicks (the last time I did, was hmpph..3 years ago?). I mean, it's not like I detest all those endless too good to be true romance and whatnot. I'm still the hopelessly romantic soul but once you're married, you'll learn a whole new meaning of romance, sacrifice and the lot - so reading all the stories of cheesy romance just gonna lead ya to endless nothingness.

So yea, the books that I picked up recently are mostly written based on true stories - of love, life and whatnot. Even tho I shy away from chick flicks, it doesn't mean that I'm not reading bout love kan? It's just love of a different kind.Love is a many splendored thing, yes?

Owh, if there's one thing I adore bout books written based on true stories, it's the fact that you'll get the insight of someone's life whom probably living on the other side of the world - and it has been a dream of mine to see the world - but since I can't afford it right now due to work and life commitments, I'll settle by reading bout it.Owh well? :)

p/s: Going back to Kedah this weekend(yey!), perhaps I'd be able to finish one of the books whilst the parents and the little brother are making a big fuss of Myra. he he.


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