
Who would have thought that juggling between taking care of a tiny human and house chores is one tough job.

I could hardly do anything these days, baru nak lipat baju she gonna go ek ek. So much so that I hafta shower with the door open so I could talk to her whilst taking my shower. Yea, she's THAT clingy.

To add up the fun, she rarely sleep during the day nowadays. Just when you thought that budak kecik hafta sleep so they could membesar bagaikan johan. Nampaknya tidak. Perhaps she took after us as we're not the tido-siang type or perhaps she's just wired that way.

Tak kisah la nak, asalkan bahagia dan sehat then I wouldn't ask for more.

Biaq la daddy and mummy makin kurus pon takpe. he he. Kurus ke? :P

Anyway, on a lucky day she gonna nap for an hour or two after her morning bath and a round of milk fix. That's when I'll take my shower, wash/fold the laundry, clean up the house, whip up something for C***'s dinner whilst having my meal which usually consist of cereal and cold milk.

Yea, multitasking at its best.

Owh, what happens when she refused to sleep? The mummy would usually buat hati kering when it comes to certain stuff or she'll have to do the house chores in stages. Potong sayur seminit, layan Myra 10 minutes, lipat baju 3 helai, layan Myra 30 minutes. Yea, macam tu lah adenya.

Anyway, we managed to get our hands on the cute rocker for Myra last weekend, together with the baby cot. Yea, the daddy finally managed to reclaim his spot on the bed so all of us don't have to be sandwiched together anymore. he he.

Talking about the rocker. She seems to love it....sometimes - which is like 2 times out of ten. Tsk tsk. She could only bear to sit in it for 30 minutes top. T_T

Nope, she's not amused by the hanging toys.

She's actually afraid of..


He he. I thought that purple hippo supposed to be cute, rupanya scary di mata mu wahai anak.

Ya should see how she wailed when we showed it to her for the 1st time, terus tercebik-cebik ketakotan whilst doing this..

tangan gelabah mengipas lipas. he he.

Tho she didn't really favour the rocker, she seems to be okay sleeping in the baby cot. We intentionally bought the 5 in 1 baby cot so it could be used until she's 5 as it could be converted into playpen, sofa bed and junior bed later. he he. It's a big investment, yes - as it cost as much as our bed. T_T

But having a comfy and safe bed for the little one is more important, yes? Lagipon mummy dia tak tertahan tengok babycot tu comel sangat.

On a lighter note, I'm yet to really teach her how to take the EBM thru feeding bottles. Tried a few times which turned out to be a huge failure as she would just push em away with her little tongue - which worries me a little.

Hopefully she'll adapt to it before I'm back to work in August, else bukan budak kecik yang menangis, mummy dia yang menangis la kot. Tsk tsk.

I'm off, have a great weekend aight?



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