♥of.wrong question&.me.♥

I noticed that there's a new way to ask whether a girl is married or not these days. Instead of the classic "Dah berpunye ke? Dah kawen?". Those nosy guys decided to come up with another lame way to poke at that particular topic.

Just this morning, as I illegally parked my car at the corner of the T-junction(don't blame me, I already drove around for good 15 minutes for a blardy parking) and decided to buy the parking coupon to make it well ya know, legal. :P

So, there I was, rummaging around for my wallet when the guy at the kiosk asked

Ticket Guy : "That's the car?"
Ticket Guy :"Suami punya ke?"
Ticket Guy :"Tak, keta tu suami punya ke?"
Me:"No. Mine lah"
Ticket Guy :"Owh, ingatkan suami punya, perempuan mana suka pakai kereta 4wd camtu" *sambil sengih2 yang sungguh annoying di mata ku*
Me:"Heh".(girls don't like such car? Since when? 1961?)

So yea, you got the wrong question mister, you should have asked, "Keta bapak beli ke?", then the answer to the question going to be a yes(yea, I'm a cheapskate like that, keta pon harapkan ayah beli.he he. Owh well? Rezeki jangan ditolak.).

I'll be on leave this Friday,it has been a while since the last time I got back home & C***'s parents(along with his brother & SIL) are coming this weekend.

No, nothing big gonna happen(I guess), we just gonna talk, eat and talk some more.

So yea, back to work now.

Have a great week.


F is my name said...

ehem2... x sabar tunggu ending cerita didie and c**** tu ;)

MsAnak said...

Sabaq jer la che ah,tungguuuuu.. :P

Hajjah Noraini @Nanie said...

Hi, salam ziarah, nice blog, have a nice weekend too..take care.

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